Unquestioning Service: The Angelic Example

unquestioningUnquestioning service? I’ve always had a ‘little’ issue with that. One that makes me smile when I think about it. Because I have often found it so hard to stay silent and get on with what I’ve been asked to do. I know I’ve already mentioned that I like to ask questions. But did I also explain that I also want to understand the point of it all?

I’m certain many people have found me hard work when I have crossed their paths. For me it’s always important to find out where what I am doing will fit. Especially about if it is going to make any difference. Because I don’t want to waste my time. I seem to have been born fed up with being here again and having to do all this life stuff. So when I was asked to do anything I would go into my ‘why’ dialogue. Even if I was debating it with myself. No wonder I procrastinated so much. Today I was chatting about the jobs I have done in my life. And I had a lightbulb moment. A flash of inspiration about unquestioning service that the Angels had been trying to show me.

They live in a realm where service is never questioned. They have no free will so follow the Divine Law and Plan to the letter. I used to feel sorry for them when I first understood this. After all wouldn’t free will offer so many more choices? The ArchAngels soon set me straight. They gave up their free will of their own choice. In fact the last choice they made was to serve unconditionally. Their unquestioning service is an act of loving trust. They understand that an overarching consciousness works within the Law and Plan to offer unconditional love, forgiveness, gratitude and service back to them. They recognise this unquestioning service as a state of grace. In other words, the will to have no will. And that is what I have been doing all weekend.

Synchronicity pulled me out of my original plans into something else entirely. I never asked why. I went and did what I was supposed to do. And there have been so many confirmations that it was unquestioning service that I managed to provide. I feel really fortunate to have been able to surrender my free will in this way. To be of service for a greater good. Although I do have to admit I’m not sure how consistently I could hold to this kind of service. My lesson for the next phase of my life perhaps?

Day 927 of my blogging challenge

Wading In The Water: Rebalancing My Energy

WadingRather unexpectedly I have ended up away from home again. Though it has given me a great opportunity to spend some time checking out the area I’m visiting. And to get myself wading in the warm water on a sunny evening.

I love the water. Especially since it represents emotions. And my flow of energy. As I have changed my personal energy vibration by opening up to my intuition the flow of water has helped me to clear out stuck feelings. Wading into the waves this evening I thought about my journey over the past thirteen years. That is when I really began to embrace the idea that all things were energy and therefore connected. Through the growing bond with my Guides and their insistence that I could develop strong contact with them I cautiously stepped in the wave s of my own emotions. And realised how much heavy energy I was carrying. From so long ago. That began my process of clearing and cleaning.

As I waded deeper tonight, delighted to let the warm water wash away any used up energy, I realised that I have come such a long way. I am very blessed. And extremely grateful for all of the help and support I have had along my path. Working and being of service to the Spirit and Energy Beings has brought me so much. In return for balancing the energy around me I have also been balancing my own personal energy. Giving and taking at the same time. What has come back to me from the flow of energy is the love and kindness of so many others.  Now I know I wade through an ocean of loving positivity shared by those who are walking along side of me. Wading along together we are all achieving a clearing and cleansing.

Our combined efforts are going out far and wide in our world. Flowing through waves of low vibrational energy to help others join in wading through the warmth of unconditional love. I am so excited to be a part of this sea of change. A sea that is rebalancing each one of us who wants to live a happier life by sharing together. Is it time for you to take a walk in the water?

Day 926 of my blogging challenge 

What The Earth Needs Now ….. Sending Gratitude & Love

EarthI like to tune in to the energy around me every morning. Taking five minutes or so to sort out what I’m likely to encounter in my day. This morning I heard the Earth calling out to me. Instead of people, Guides or Energy beings. She had a message for all of us.

Of course the Earth calls out to us all the time. I hear her voice when I’m surrounded by trees. Or down on the beach. And every time I pause to appreciate a magnificent sunset. Since opening up to my own intuition I also feel her presence. Her pain. Her anger and despair. And her wonderful forgiveness. Yet I know we continue to take all that she can give without much though for the impact we are having. The Earth gives us what we need very willingly. But we always want more. And then more. Today she was asking me to reconsider what I require. She was suggesting that I stand back for a few moments and work out how much material stuff I want to pursue. Because each request takes something from her. And I don’t always give something back.

As I sat and discussed this with her I understood the ego trap most of us fall into. I want what everyone else seems to have. Yet that wanting feeds greed and over consumption. Until, without knowing it, I am taking too much. And so is everyone else. She asked me to think about what I could give back. Of course I can recycle, buy and consume less or look for alternative ways to power my life. However the Earth had a much simpler answer. She asked me to look around me at all of her beauty and appreciate it better. To send gratitude and love energy to every living thing. And to the planet I am standing on of course. The Earth would like all of us to notice the simple beauty that surrounds us. It is a very effective way of getting us to think about whether we want to destroy it or not.

The Earth wants us to know that she will always provide for us. This really is a Garden of Eden. To avoid betting thrown out I know that I am going to praise her for putting up with us so patiently. And I am going to remember that this planet is the only home and shelter I have got. She deserves better from me.

Day 925 of my blogging challenge

Debate, Then Debate And Then Debate Some More

debateI’ve had a couple of good debates today. I love to debate and my Guides know that it’s the best way to get me working things out. The debates can be inside my head. Me with me. Or me with them. And me with people I might not feel able to debate with. And, of course, me with the people around me.

I’m sure my mum would say I was born asking why. She reminded me often about my endless questions. My ‘need to know’. I always remember feeling that if I could only understand then I could fit in better. First with my family. Then later in life with friends, colleagues and pretty much anyone who crossed my path. It always felt as if I was just a little bit outside of the human race. Looking in and desperately trying to make sense of life. That’s where my love of debate began. Asking myself both sides of a question. Looking for the third side. Or the fourth. Always with that Why firmly in mind.

Of course not everyone enjoys debate. I’ve found that many of the people I’ve met prefer black and white. Rather than the grey that tends to emerge when debating moral and spiritual questions. And some people want to be told rather than question for themselves. Which is why they sometimes find it frustrating working with their Guides. Guides like questions. They know I will eventually work it out if I can debate it out. Because they also know that most of us dismiss their worlds without even opening up to the possibility that Guides and Energy Beings may exist. So they chose well when they decided to attract my attention. In the end what my questioning brought out was clarity for me. I could work with them because I had worked with myself.

Now I encourage debate. I want people to ask me questions. And for us to continue debating until we reach some form of understanding of one another. Not necessarily that we will agree. But to reach a point where we feel we can collaborate together to change what we agree requires changing. Anyone ready for a good debate?

Day 924 of my blogging challenge

Mansplaining In A Divine Feminine Year

mansplainingThere has been a thread of conversation going on all day. Either out loud or with my Guides. This week I have been encountering ‘mansplaining’ from several directions. Interestingly not exclusively from men. In this year of Divine Feminine, when the focus is on relationships with myself and others, I wanted to find a spiritually creative way to deal with this.

Mansplaining has entered our language. It means “(of a man) explain (something) to someone, typically a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronising.” When I was younger there was no word to describe what was happening when a man explained something to me that, it was reasonable to expect, I understood better. Like childbirth. Or being a woman working in a ‘man’s world’. Yet I am relieved to have a word that so exactly describes what it feels like. And how my inner dialogue wants to scream in annoyance whilst at the same time excuse him because he is a man. After all, girls have been socially conditioned to take the word of a man in preference to their own intuitions.

Here I’m thinking of several of my male teachers, managers and doctors. As well as a whole load of other men who passed through my life cheerfully mansplaining things to me. After all I couldn’t possibly understand cricket. Or rugby (which I played for a while). I’m relieved that my internal dialogue now wants to shout loudly at any man who tries to explain things I am best placed to know. It’s a kind of progress. Because I can stop telling myself the other half of the population automatically know better. That my opinion has little value compared to the opinions of men. I suppose I could be accused of being sexist in reverse here. But there is a lot more to it than that.

With my Guides I have come to understand about energy. That we are all both feminine and masculine energy. So where does mansplaining fit when it’s actually a woman who is doing it? To another woman.

That’s a really interesting phenomenon that I am getting use to spotting. And a strong reason why some women excuse mansplaining or everyday sexism. When I worked in a corporate world heavily influenced by men I tried to be ‘one of the boys’. Because I wanted a career. I wanted to do a good job. The wages were good. All sots of reasons that pushed me further and further into my masculine side. Until I identified more easily with masculine language, attitudes and behaviour. Most women in my organisation did the same. But still men explained things to us. Even when we were more senior, more qualified and more familiar with the subject.

At the time I didn’t realise I was also playing the mansplaining game. But I was. Now that I am aware of my dual energy flow I can understand that a woman who has drifted out of balance and into more of her masculine energy can also be the ‘man’ explaining. Without even being aware of any condescending or patronising language. In fact many women who are more in their masculine energy take on the language of patriarchy towards the women in their lives. And it can be a hard habit to break even when trying to get back into balance. Learning to listen to my inner dialogue is vital. As is recognising where my inner conversations are distorted in what I share with the world. Even understanding that I might be gaslighting myself.

So what does this mean in the Divine Feminine relationship energy? How to work with, through and around mansplaining?

First of all, I feel it is about becoming consciously aware of our speech patterns. Of the words we use as short cuts for much bigger assumptions and beliefs. And the judgements implied behind what those words convey. I believe this starts with an inner journey. Me watching what I tell myself about me. Once I have noticed the put downs I can start to recognise the outer conversations where I try to reclaim my power. Because that is what mansplaining does. It is a persistent attempt to remove personal, expert and social power. I may try to put on a brave, powerful or warrioress face. My words may sound apologetic, deferential or even ignore the explaining altogether.

Secondly, I have to find the peace and balance within to challenge both the inner and outer mansplaining. No matter where or who it is coming from. This also requires me to be my authentic self as much as possible. To get out of the blame game and accept I am personally responsible for letting it go on. If I am being treated badly then it is me who allows it to happen. This removes the influencing energy of the man or woman who has been undermining mine. I can work to create new inner and outer dialogues, bit by bit, to stand in my personal power. And I can start to move myself out of situations, connections and relationships where this kind of patronising behaviour is present.

Finally, I can get in touch with my own feminine energy. I can use respectful collaboration instead.

I believe that everyone is equal. We all have the same flow of Divine loving energy running through us. That it is a dual energy shouldn’t complicate our lives. Moving between feminine and masculine energy can be easy and useful. It would allow us to bring all of our energy to bear on our lives. Both the uniquely creative and the ‘make it so’. In a lovely collaboration of each person offering what they can for the good of the whole community. To bring this about there has to be a big shift. I know some people will feel they are loosing power or rights. And some will celebrate gaining more power and rights. Yet the feminine energy of this year is pointing out that it is time to do so.

I know we have a lot of challenges to face as a global community. Our children’s children’s children deserve the greatest of efforts from us to ensure they are born healthy, grow up loved, in a good environment and well fed. And are able to take their place as citizens of the future all working to gather on a harmonious planet. Mansplaining denies us the opportunity to move towards that goal. It is the outer dialogue of an inner sense of entitlement. An entitlement that I believe also carried with it little to no sense of responsibility. A kind of ‘there, there dear, let the man fix it’. I know men can’t fix it. Look at where we are now. It will take the whole population of the planet to collaborate in building a future full of entitlements and responsibilities that come equally balanced with one another.

For a while men will have to get used to being told when they are mansplaining. I know it will be confusing when they see women doing it too. And perhaps getting away with it. Yet I believe it is a necessary part of our growing up process. We have to remember that underneath everything flows the Divine energy which is unconditional love. The lesson we are all here learning right now.

Day 923 of my blogging challenge

Language Is Powerful: How Do I Speak To Myself?

languageAs a child I remember people saying “watch your language!’ They meant that it was inappropriate to swear if children could hear. Cuss words were considered  to be  sign of poor education. Or only for men. How different it is nowadays.

The impact of the words that are used sets up an energy ripple. Sometimes we are unaware of that energy charge when choosing what to say. So how I use language to describe myself can have a big impact on my internal energy. As well as on the energy I share with other people. As a matter of fact I feel swear words are only neutral words. They become offensive or derogatory in the way that they are used. And they can be used in a funny or appropriate way too. It depends on the speaker, the situation and the hearers. That’s a lesson I have had quite a few times from my Guides.

I know that the words people use can become a source of low vibrational energy. Language, saying things ‘right’, is a tricky thing. Because I have to factor in all sorts of variables. But what about what I say to myself inside my head? My Guides remind me to be compassionate about myself. They know that the energy of giving myself a hard time, or a talking too, will create a wobble somewhere down the line. The words might already be charged from my earlier experiences. If I call myself stupid is that word putting me down in some way? And keeping me from recognising that I am able to think for myself? That’s why I try very hard to pay attention to how I am talking to myself. Or describing myself.

It’s been true for me so many times that when I watch my language about myself I emerge in a more positive frame of mind. Because I can challenge myself about the words I have chosen. Substitute more positive words for ones that make me feel negative. And carry that practise out of my head to speak to others with more compassion and kindness too. Finally,  is it time to watch your language? To substitute praise for scorn. And cuss words for positive ones?

Day 922 of my blogging challenge

Slowly, Peacefully Drifting Back To Earth

slowlyI had a set of plans for today. A To Do List packed full of ‘get on with it’ tasks. However I found myself slowly trying to get my focus back. It wasn’t the list. It was the peaceful drift from higher vibrational energy that sent me off plan. Sometimes I forget about adjustment I have to make when working with Angels.

It was a relief to find I was in good company. Several of the people who attended the workshop were also slowly drifting down out of the energy too. That was really good to hear. Because I got my confirmation that they had made strong and powerful connections with the angelic realm yesterday. I love that other people get the chance to experience the peaceful nature of this kind of connection. And the flow of reassurance that comes from the Angels and ArchAngels. A sort of ‘everything is going to be ok’ inner knowledge. A feeling of strength and the urge to let the everyday cares go. I have to say it’s the kind of energy I would love to have all of the time.

However, I also know that being in such close connection with Angels has to be worked on slowly. My physical body, as well as my Ego Mind, has to get acclimatised. I have to take time out to come back down to this vibration. If only to get on with material world issues. What I can keep with me is that feeling of unconditional love and peace that they always gift to me. Life becomes much less frantic. Emotions are less turbulent. And I can smile in the middle of any drama. What I also do is give myself permission to set aside my To Do List. Instead I do what I feel will give me time to adjust. So I had several meditations sensing out the love and healing from the ArchAngels.

Then I got my planner out and reflected on the first half of the year. As well as adding in time for some new ideas that came through yesterday and today. Finally I took myself off to a local cafe so I could slowly savour a coffee. That was so I could slide quietly back into the ‘real’ world. The ArchAngels are still around. They always are. But they have helped me get safely back to my human vibration. Ready to tackle that To Do List tomorrow!

Day 921 of my blogging challenge

Hallowed Space To Work At Connecting

hallowed spaceI’ve had a day filled with angelic energy. At Gallery 339 where I sometimes do readings and workshops. Stepping into a hallowed, or sacred space, to help the participants meet the Guardian Angel and the Earth’s Guardian ArchAngels. It reminded me that creating the right energy space is a vital part of my intuitive life.

Hallowed or sacred space has been at the heart of all my energy work all along. But sometimes I need a reminder of how precious it is. That’s because a hallowed space is one where the energy that flows is full of positive, uplifting and loving energy. A place where I can go and connect with the Spirits of the place. Or the Spirits and Energy Beings who want to communicate with me. When I ran my Centre it was a significant undertaking to make sure that the energy was clean for everyone who came along. It’s the same with my home. I want to be surrounded by a flow of sacred energy to boost me when I have been exposed to all of the low vibrational energy that flows around our world.

Creating a hallowed place starts with an intention. A desire that my space is of a good, higher vibration. To make it so and to keep it that way I am aware of the clutter. Moving things on when they have served their purpose or are too full of old, stuck energy. I also have a space where my crystals and energy objects can be kept clean and tidy. To my eyes anyway. Because that is the blessing of a sacred space. It is how you envision it. Not how anyone else might have it. I like to include welcoming items. Certainly a kettle and mugs alongside the biscuit tin. Cushions. Throws or blankets. I use a burner or candles to make sure that my space has a pleasant smell. And I like colours that are easy on the eye too.

Most of all, creating a hallowed space is all about my ability to be relaxed yet attentive to how my space ‘feels’. Moving furniture or objects until I feel they are placed in the best energy position. And recognising that I have to treat my space the way I would like to be treated. Finally, I love my sacred spaces and places. And am prepared to recreate them wherever I happen to be working. Have you made yourself a hallowed space yet?

Day 920 of my blogging challenge

Paused: Never Easy To Stop Doing Same Old Same Old

pausedMy Guides are endlessly patient with me. Thank goodness. Every now and again I find they have paused what they have been doing to give my Ego Mind a chance to catch up. A chance for me to observe where I am still falling into old patterns. Or to consider if new patterns have finally begun to take hold.

I’ve been revisiting my All Things Angelic workbook today. I am running the workshop tomorrow so I wanted to check that the information was still relevant. As it’s some time since I first wrote it I have to make sure it is in line with what I now understand about angels. A subject that has changed for me quite a bit since I first began connecting with them. And channelling their energy. At the beginning I thought they were a convenient figment of my imagination. Because everywhere I turned there were so many beliefs about them woven into human history. So I paused for a long time. Trying to check if my imagination was drifting me into a twilight religious world.

After a series of stops and starts I finally decided to go with what was happening. Making sense of it all was something I chose to do afterwards. I kept on working to make the connections stronger. For my angels to draw in closer. Until it was time to be paused again. Although I had left my scepticism on one side it was still trying to trip me up. The Archangels who had begun working with me on all sorts of levels understood that the cynic in me was looking for the catch. The trick that would reveal they were all fake imaginings. I went through a long time of reflecting. I had to decide if I wanted the connections more than I wanted the doubts. A new pattern was on offer. But only I could choose it.

I’m glad to say that being paused was a very positive experience. I learned a lot about my social conditioning, about me and about the Archangels. It allowed me to notice my old patterns and do something about them. I’m cautiously optimistic that I am now well on the way to holding onto the new patterns. Especially since I know my Archangels will use the pause button any time I drift back into old ways.

Day 919 of my blogging challenge

Valueless? How Should I Charge For My Experience?

valuelessI’m back home and working through my emails and messages. It’s an interesting experience responding to requests for readings, healing energy and other work. Yesterday in my Letter From The Light Side I found myself talking about how I value myself. How we all value ourselves. And sometimes feel that we are valueless.

Another word for valueless is worthless. Cubic Zirconia gems are often considered valueless because they are man made. Whilst Diamonds can be priceless because they are Earth made. Synthetic versus naturally occurring if you like. That made me think about my experiences. I arrived on the planet so I am Earth made. A naturally occurring human being. But my life has shaped me in so many ways that I could be classed as ‘man made’. Is my life experience worthless then? Or is it a very valuable part of me? Sometimes it’s really hard to get a balanced view of that. Especially when I have to tell people what I charge for my services. This is not a new discovery for me. Or for the many, many people who work int he holistic and alternative therapies or practices.

Even setting up a business can attract a great deal of comment about ‘God give abilities’ being meant to be used for free. That’s what the Inspirers wanted me to recognise yesterday. My experience isn’t valueless. In fact I need to be very sure to include it in my calculations about my own worth. Instead of dismissing the many years of searching, questioning, trying and testing I need to own those things. I have arrived at this energy level because I have done a lot of things. And studied many more. I have also worked to refine my abilities so that they are active at the best level I can presently achieve. So it’s important not to believe that I am valueless. I have a value.

And I know that I add value to the lives of the people I help and support. Therefore I have to make a charge for my work. In order to honour what I can offer to others. This is true for everyone on the planet. We need a wider debate about the distortions money makes to our ideas of self value. In the meantime, until there is a better balance, I will continue to charge what my study and experience is worth. Is it time you did the same?

Day 918 of my blogging challenge