Achievements: A Long Way From There To Here

achievementsPercolating through my tired brain today was the word achievements. The last wafts of Mercury turning from retrograde have created lethargy and exhaustion for me since Sunday. So a conversation yesterday stuck in my head until I could give it some room today.

I guess I also wanted to reflect on one of my biggest achievements. Spending nearly three years writing a daily blog has taken a lot of stamina. Only two more days after this one and the challenge will be completed. At the same time I have launched Letters From The Light Side and set up a subscription Newsletter for my predictions about the energy on it’s way in to us. Not to forget my first book! Plenty to consider. Perhaps there are many more achievements that have slipped by without me actually noticing. Or giving myself credit for. Women are trained to be less vocal about what they achieve and often believe saying anything is boasting. But when I consider the goal I initially set myself there is a lot to talk about.

In my very early days, when I had just started giving messages from the Spirit people, I asked my Guides to help me in a specific goal. I asked that one person could be affected so much by the message I passed on that it would change their life. They would open up to the possibility that there was life after death. That’s what I wanted to read in my Akashic record about this life. The name of one person. Today I thought about the thousands of messages I have given. And the students who I have been fortunate enough to teach. Of all the words I’ve said and written. And the positive feedback I have received. I have my fingers crossed that there will be more than one name in my book when I get to read it. I also thought that it might be time to set a new goal.

For a wider audience who might benefit from my words. These achievements have happened because I have a strong and loving Guide Team. They have put me in front of wonderful non-physical beings who have communicate through me. They have woven a wonderful tapestry of experiences for me to be able to reach my goals. Now there are new beginnings looming. I’m nervously excited but determined to achieve as much as I possibly can. Isn’t that what life is all about?

Day 999 of my blogging challenge

Striving For The Best: Connections To Love

strivingIt was my live broadcast this evening. Although I was striving for the best of connections the wi fi was patchy. Yet the love flowed through from the Archangels all the same.

It’s not the first time I’ve had to work with wi fi that faded out and in again. Nor with energy connections that switch on and off. In fact it makes me smile how similar connecting with non-physical beings can be to chatting online when the signal is erratic. When I first started channelling I got quite frustrated with myself about the way the signal could suddenly drop. Especially as I was striving to make the connection as strong as possible. My Guides were very loving though. They helped me to understand that the signal strength also depended on the energy I was surrounded by. And the way I was feeling and thinking too. So I focused on getting as good as I could in balancing my own energy and holding it steady.

That meant striving to love myself more. So that I could be relaxed when other energies interfered with the connection. Because that happens sometimes. Especially if what is being channelled through is likely to have a big impact. And share more love around. In fact my good friend Alan Cox and I always laugh about this. When I join him on his radio show we often get ‘interference’ in the energy. Interference designed to hide the message and make sure it gets lost. But I don’t give in to that. Because the Energy Beings always find another way to make sure they are heard. They direct their messages to lots of other people who are also striving to make strong connections. So that, in the end, many of us are helping to spread the love.

If you have been striving to connect with your Guides and wondering why the signal is a bit iffy keep going. It’s natural that the connection will fade and then strengthen. What matters is sharing the loving energy of these Beings. And passing on that loving vibration to all of those who you are connected to in the material world.

Day 994 of my blogging challenge

Valueless? How Should I Charge For My Experience?

valuelessI’m back home and working through my emails and messages. It’s an interesting experience responding to requests for readings, healing energy and other work. Yesterday in my Letter From The Light Side I found myself talking about how I value myself. How we all value ourselves. And sometimes feel that we are valueless.

Another word for valueless is worthless. Cubic Zirconia gems are often considered valueless because they are man made. Whilst Diamonds can be priceless because they are Earth made. Synthetic versus naturally occurring if you like. That made me think about my experiences. I arrived on the planet so I am Earth made. A naturally occurring human being. But my life has shaped me in so many ways that I could be classed as ‘man made’. Is my life experience worthless then? Or is it a very valuable part of me? Sometimes it’s really hard to get a balanced view of that. Especially when I have to tell people what I charge for my services. This is not a new discovery for me. Or for the many, many people who work int he holistic and alternative therapies or practices.

Even setting up a business can attract a great deal of comment about ‘God give abilities’ being meant to be used for free. That’s what the Inspirers wanted me to recognise yesterday. My experience isn’t valueless. In fact I need to be very sure to include it in my calculations about my own worth. Instead of dismissing the many years of searching, questioning, trying and testing I need to own those things. I have arrived at this energy level because I have done a lot of things. And studied many more. I have also worked to refine my abilities so that they are active at the best level I can presently achieve. So it’s important not to believe that I am valueless. I have a value.

And I know that I add value to the lives of the people I help and support. Therefore I have to make a charge for my work. In order to honour what I can offer to others. This is true for everyone on the planet. We need a wider debate about the distortions money makes to our ideas of self value. In the meantime, until there is a better balance, I will continue to charge what my study and experience is worth. Is it time you did the same?

Day 918 of my blogging challenge

Body’s Connections To Full Moon Energy

Body'sSometimes it takes me a little time to put things together. Especially my body’s connection to the energy. I tend to forget that, as a clairsentient, I can ‘feel’ all sorts of things that physically don’t belong to me. Often when I notice symptoms I have to check is it me – or is it someone else.

Realising I was strongly clairsentient was like being told I had to learn the language of another planet. Spoken by an inhabitant of a third planet. It was a challenge. First of all I had to identify what I was feeling. Then observe my body’s response when the Spirit and Energy Beings were around me. I might feel their emotions. Or their physical characteristics. And had to cross check that those things were separate from my own body’s reactions. Not easy to sort out. However, because I’m tenacious I stuck with it. Until I was satisfied that I could tell the difference.

Then my Guides started to link me into Mother Earth, the Moon and one or two of the other planets in our solar system. I began to ‘feel’ their physical energy. Including their pain as well as their elation. Finding out I could do this was a surprise. But it’s actually a logical extension of being clairsentient and able to ‘read’ energy. Any energy. Now and again I’m called on to ‘feel’ the pain of the Earth and to transfer it away. Exactly like I would when I am working with healing energy for a client. I finally realised last night that I was involved in Earth healing as the Full Moon energy made it’s presence felt.

My body’s response to this Full Moon was painful. Especially in my root chakra. There was a wobble going on that I had to focus my healing energy on.

However all the Reiki I did for myself to release the pain seemed to make things worse. Until I checked with my Guides. It was a relief in one way to find out the root chakra wobble wasn’t mine. It was the planet reacting to the Moon energy. The ‘pull’ and ‘push’ of getting ready for new beginnings. As the Full Moon arrive this afternoon I walked on the beach letting the water sooth my energy. The pain was gone. Any wobble had disappeared. I felt ready to take a big leap forward. I was also sure that others would have been dealing with the Earth’s energy.

So I popped onto my Facebook to do a live broadcast. There are many strongly clairsentient people who will have been wondering what was happening to them. It felt good to be able to explain my body’s response to the energy. And hopefully others could take some reassurance from understanding their intuitive ability too. Then I thought about my last Letters From The Light Side broadcast. In it I explained there would be some strong energy from Monday night and through Tuesday. If only I had remembered sooner. My body’s reaction would have made sense much sooner.

I love the way I am still learning to put it all together. And that my Guides let me work it out for myself. Until I’m stuck and ask. Or cheer me on when I’ve got the bigger picture. I’m also honoured to be involved in clearing Mother Earth’s energy field. The more of us that can do this the better she will become. Next time you find yourself with random symptoms, aches and pains take a moment. Are you experiencing your own clairsentient ability?

Day 915 of my blogging challenge

Heal With Energy Carried By ArchAngel Wings

healToday is the day I do my live broadcast on my Facebook page Letters From The Light Side. I’ve been doing these weekly broadcasts for more that twelve months now. Although I was initially reluctant to start. Even though my Guides told me that the videos would help people heal themselves.

Tonight my favourite healing ArchAngel came into the channelling. Parashiel works to spread his Balm to all of the healers on the planet. And that’s an awful lot of us at the moment. Our task is to heal Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants. To share the power of love and compassion so that we deal with the fear that surrounds us. I know that the healing has to start with me first. I have to deal with all of the stuff that has warped me. Turned me away from my Spiritual self. Kept me from being kind to myself and others. As if I have forgotten my authentic self.

Some of this energy is being released through my dreams. But there are still some parts of me hidden from view. In the end I know I might have to work a little bit harder to find them. And to heal them may be a bit of a challenge. They will be hidden for all sorts of reasons. However I know I have help. I have the energy of Parashiel’s Balm. A constant flow of loving and empowering energy. It feels like a warm hug from the inside. Exactly what I need to deal with the stuff that is out of sight and out of mind. Because I am determined to move my life forward. There is a whole new me waiting to have adventures when I heal myself.

Finally, there is another important reason for me to heal myself. I know we are all connected in the flow of energy. If I am well and happy that positive energy contributes to a positive flow of energy towards others. I am surrounded by wonderful people, animals and a planet that gives me everything I require or desire. Therefore I want all of them to enjoy the healing energy carried to me by an ArchAngel’s wings.

Day 910 of my blogging challenge

Alan Cox, Paramania Radio And Me – Good Friends

On the Alan Cox showI’ve had a hectic few hours this evening. After a couple of mentoring sessions it was time to do my Letters From The Light Side live video. Then it was time to get ready to talk to my good friend Alan Cox on his Paramania radio show.

Sometimes my working day is actually a working evening. But what a lovely way to work and to finish out my day. Channelling in the information from the Energy Beings is always uplifting. And it’s always delightful to chat with people who have become good friends. Alan and I, and his wife Ann, met a long time ago at a charity event. Then we met again at a crystal wholesalers. We all took that as a sign that Spirit had a purpose for us. And a good friendship got off to a great start with that Other World blessing. I have been a guest on his popular show, Understanding Spirit, a few times now and it always makes me smile. Or laugh a lot. We chat away as if there is no one else listening so that the time flies by.

Alan enjoys asking about spirit, spirituality and the paranormal. He has great guests. Even if I don’t agree with all of what they say. And I enjoy the open debate that Alan gently promotes. I believe we need more discussions and debate. It’s important to understand what we are all talking about when we say ghosts, spirits, grounded spirits and entities. We need to know about living in an energy world rather than a material world. And I believe we have to debate what the Afterlife is actually like. Not what we have been told. Or scared with. Because there is no avoiding going there. It’s the place where loved ones wait to be reunited with us. I really take Alan’s point about needing to understand spirit.

My final piece of work tonight is this blog. I explained to Alan that it is my way of putting my day into perspective. I also explained in my Letters broadcast that it’s my way of seeing the positive in my day. The Energy Beings who surround us and work for and with us wish us to get the best out of our lives. That’s why they put us in connection and friendship with good people. I am grateful I have had a wonderful day of being with my friends everywhere.

Day 882 of my blogging challenge

You can listen to this evening’s show here

Newsletter Time: Inspiration Flying Out

newsletterAround this time every month I pull together a newsletter. Some months I have two to do as I enjoy sending out information and inspiration to my email people. Quite a bit of the content comes from channelling what the Energy beings say. And I love to see each newsletter flying out to be read.

My first newsletter is called Newsetter From The Light Side. It links in with the live broadcast I do on facebook every Thursday. The videos have been going for more than a year. To add to them my Guides asked me to start a monthly subscription email with content that doesn’t appear on line. Rather tentatively I started to do that in June 2017. I was uncertain how it would be received. But determined to trust my Guides who wanted me to get it going. I have to say that I have really come to enjoy doing the channelling. What comes in is always helpful to me. And, from the feedback, it has also been helpful to others.

That  inspired me to start another newsletter for my work as the Down 2 Earth Intuitive Medium & Psychic. It has some channelled information, news about what I am doing next and special offers on my books and artwork. It has been going out occasionally but today I decided that it would become a monthly newsletter too. I am looking forward to getting feedback on this one too because my Guides have asked me to offer people more support. Especially about all things intuitive. There is a big shift happening right now as people switch on their intuition. But access to good quality information is sometimes a bit lacking. My newsletter is all about pointing people in the right direction. That’s an exciting change for me.

I hope that these newsletters, like my blogs, will be of interest to many people. And I already know there will be a third newsletter in the near future for the people who use my mentoring services. It seems the way forward for me is more writing and channelling. That’s really exciting. I hope you will join me on this new journey.

Day 878 of my blogging challenge

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Introducing A New Guide: Beginning A Relationship

introducingI’ve know for a little while that my Guide Team was shuffling about. It’s happened before and I’m sure it will happen again. Yet it always makes me a little on edge. Because Introducing a new Guide takes time. Because we have to make a relationship that will work so that I can carry on doing my spiritual work.

I think my team started introducing this particular guide about four month ago. To be honest it could have been much longer as I’m sometimes a bit reluctant to acknowledge that things are changing. I can trust the team members I already know. Someone new might not be as easy to work with. Or know all my likes and dislikes. A new guide might also think that s/he can tell me what to do. Or want me to do work that I’m not confident about doing well. Really, it’s like any other new relationship. Lots of doubts, false starts and a period of really getting to know one another. It takes time. And I can be really impatient to get on with what I’m supposed to be doing.

That’s the issue. Introducing a new guide means that my work will also be changing. So I hold on to what I already know I can do. And try to run away from what I’m being asked to do in the future. Tonight my new guide, Rafe, stepped in to help me with my live video broadcast. It seems he is going to work with me on my YouTube venture. But I hardly know him. Even though we have been testing one another out for the last four months. We are busy introducing some changes to my Guide Contract, negotiating working arrangements and trying to get a sense of who each of us is. It’s hard work! Starting a relationship is always a tricky venture when the person is physically in the world. And I find it’s even more so when hey are non-physical.

So I’m looking forward to some bonding, some clashes and some getting to know one another days. Working together means introducing new ways of communicating. As well as new things to do. So I’m delighted that he has finally given me a name I can use. It’s a trust thing. I’m excited that he is working with me. And I’m optimistic about our adventures together. Let the relationship begin!

Day 854 of my blogging challenge

Grumpiness? Move It On With Laughter

grumpinessIt’s felt like a grumpiness has been around all week. Sometimes the energy felt sluggish. And the people around me seemed irritated. Or I felt irritated. Of course Mercury has now gone retrograde until the middle of April. That always makes communications a little less clear. It also tends to bring things to the surface for me to pay attention to. Being grumpy is one of them!

So why grumpiness? What has been irritating me.? Getting me a bit snappy? I was driving along in my car this afternoon listening to music and laughing with my daughter. In that moment I realised I felt happy. Really happy. It got me thinking about the way I had been feeling out of sorts. And how much I had been connecting with grumpiness in other people too. It’s as if the whole world got out of bed on the wrong side. All week. Yet I had managed to find my way to a moment of happiness. The laughter was infectious. The music was inspirational. I had nothing to do but enjoy that moment.

As I reflect I feel that we get ourselves into grumpiness when what we want seems too big an ask. I know that I used to have a long list of things I thought would make me happy. Yet as I ticked each thing off on my list I never quite seemed to be really happy. There were always more things on my list to work hard for. Because I was taking life far to seriously. Almost like I had forgotten that to be happy was not wrapped up in things. Rather that it is a feeling that can come from any experience or connection. During the early stages of my development as a medium I had to try really hard to remove any grumpy feelings. The low vibration they created kept me from sharing the joy of connecting to the Higher Energy beings.

So to get a blast from the past, so to speak, and be back in grumpiness is a reminder that i need to lighten up. It’s time for more laughter. That’s why I enjoy my Letters From The Light Side videos. My Guides bring me so much laughter I ride a wave of happiness for days. I want to spread that laughter vibration. It really is the best medicine for all of us. So when you have read this blog, why not share some laughter with someone around you? Start a wave of giggles. Or a storm of chortles. Even a hurricane of mirth. Happiness really is the greatest gift I possess.

Day 847 of my blogging challenge

Reviewing Twelve Months Of Letters: Time To Celebrate

Reviewing Automatic writing It’s been a kind of reviewing day. Not least because I have complete a full year doing my live broadcasts on Facebook. I started Letters From The Light Side with some apprahension. And a feeling that it wouldn’t last more than three weeks. I guess I was lacking in enough faith and belief.

So here I am twelve months later with fifty two videos and a great number of views. More that I ever anticipated in those wobbly days when I was setting out. I’ve been through the loop of wanting to appeal to everybody. Also of wanting everyone to like my channelling. I’ve been stressy with my Guides in case I wasn’t doing it right. Even short with myself for the way I look, speak and dress. Yet I’ve also laughed an awful lot. I’ve felt the presence of so many Energy Beings. Reading the positive feedback and the lovely comments I’ve felt humbled. And reviewing it all I’ve been satisfied that I’ve tried. That I’ve done my best. And  that the videos have reached anyone who needed them.

That’s my work for Spirit in a nutshell. Today I was getting rid of old papers. I came across all sorts of memories connected with my journey into mediumship. Reviewing some of the places I’d been, the people I met there and the work I’ve been able to do I knew I had tried my best. Even when it didn’t quite work out as I thought it would. Or when it worked out better than expected. My Guides have never asked me to do anything perfectly. They have always asked me to do my best. Because they have always said my best is good enough. I know they have smiled when my perfectionism has rushed to the surface. And kept on encouraging me.

Reviewing the last twelve months I know that my perfectionist part has shrunk. A lot of my apprehension was about getting the broadcasts wrong in some way. I am very privileged to be able to speak on the behalf of Energy Beings so I really want to get it right. But they have shown me that faith and belief are not the only things that matter. I also have to try. And keep trying. Then I will always be good enough.

Day 819 of my blogging challenge