Language Is Powerful: How Do I Speak To Myself?

languageAs a child I remember people saying “watch your language!’ They meant that it was inappropriate to swear if children could hear. Cuss words were considered  to be  sign of poor education. Or only for men. How different it is nowadays.

The impact of the words that are used sets up an energy ripple. Sometimes we are unaware of that energy charge when choosing what to say. So how I use language to describe myself can have a big impact on my internal energy. As well as on the energy I share with other people. As a matter of fact I feel swear words are only neutral words. They become offensive or derogatory in the way that they are used. And they can be used in a funny or appropriate way too. It depends on the speaker, the situation and the hearers. That’s a lesson I have had quite a few times from my Guides.

I know that the words people use can become a source of low vibrational energy. Language, saying things ‘right’, is a tricky thing. Because I have to factor in all sorts of variables. But what about what I say to myself inside my head? My Guides remind me to be compassionate about myself. They know that the energy of giving myself a hard time, or a talking too, will create a wobble somewhere down the line. The words might already be charged from my earlier experiences. If I call myself stupid is that word putting me down in some way? And keeping me from recognising that I am able to think for myself? That’s why I try very hard to pay attention to how I am talking to myself. Or describing myself.

It’s been true for me so many times that when I watch my language about myself I emerge in a more positive frame of mind. Because I can challenge myself about the words I have chosen. Substitute more positive words for ones that make me feel negative. And carry that practise out of my head to speak to others with more compassion and kindness too. Finally,  is it time to watch your language? To substitute praise for scorn. And cuss words for positive ones?

Day 922 of my blogging challenge