Feminism: Or The Rise Of Divine Feminine Energy?

Feminism It’s been an interesting day. Especially with all of the Divine Feminine energy flowing around at the moment. #Me Too. Time’s Up Now. Women’s Marches. Are we witnessing a turn around in the fortunes of feminism? Or is the underlying energy rebalancing finally visible?

When I talk to women of different generations there is a muddled picture of what feminism represents. Perhaps the last big sweep of Divine Feminine energy struggled to be articulated by women who were still realising that they could break free of the domestic sphere and move out into the world without fear. Certainly, as with every breakthrough movement, there were extremist views. And not enough momentum behind the debate to keep the spark of collaborative equality alive. After all the world had too much inequality to address all at once.

So for some women the idea of power because they were feminine creators of future generations never really took root. Not surprising really. As there were so many other issues about the life of women to change. As the wave faded during the eighties and nineties it was easy to sink back into the old habits of years gone by. The changes demanded by feminism, the acknowledgement that every single person was of equal value, got tied up in arguments and resistance. Interestingly, for me, during the rise of Spiritualism in the mid 1800’s,, these same debates were raging as women became mediums and stepped out of their traditional domestic sphere too.

Do feminism and mediumship go hand in hand then? That’s an interesting argument.

Of course I might be comparing apples with pears. However, I love that my Guide Team bring these thoughts to me for consideration. Especially as they have always asked me to think about things from an energy perspective. And that throws a different light on the rise of feminism. In fact it puts it fully in alignment with the rise of Divine Feminine energy. After all, in energy terms, we all have feminine and masculine energy. It is how I balance both those energies that is important. I have to recognise that my inner world is a mix of creativity and ‘make it so’ moments. So it’s not surprising that my outward world will be so too.

If I learn to flow naturally from one energy to the other and back again I have the best of both worlds. And so does the world outside of me. Because I can access and use all of my abilities to their best effect. In the same way that anyone else can too. We will be equal in giving of our best. That way the whole community will benefit from these combines collaborative efforts. Feminism is necessary because as communities we have stopped letting everyone give of their best. We devalue the work that is most important to our survival – that of producing and caring for the future generations. In the end this makes us emotionally and spiritually poorer.

I think we have a lot to do. It is important to recognise that equality is part of our spiritual journey. Therefore we have to be ready to embrace the feminine within us. And ensure that women’s concerns are heard and acted upon. Feminism is not the new excuse for men to say ‘poor me’. It is the opportunity for all men to embrace their own Divine Feminine energy too.

Day 795 of my blogging challenge

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