Competition, Collaboration and Success

competitionToday my daughter has been reviewing her progress in her chosen course. She is working mainly with men in her studies as the subject she loves is often seen as a male preference. She has noticed that there can be a lot of competition between them. But she doesn’t approach her work that way.

This morning we had a discussion about women being able to vote. It has been one hundred years since women over thirty in the UK gained the right to vote in elections. Quite a landmark. So I couldn’t help but notice the synchronicity of this review date. Nor that we have entered another phase of Divine Feminine energy asking us to view our relationships as collaborations. Rather than make it all about competition. So as I was once again chatting with her this evening about her career choices we both listened hard to a news item on Channel 4 about feminism. I introduced my daughter to the books and work of Laura Bates, the Body Image Movement and feminist writing. And I hope it will help her balance the competitiveness of her chosen field with the collaboration necessary to help everyone succeed.

I believe that we all have a streak of competition within us. I find it’s a really useful emotion to boost me past giving up. When I’m doing something I like to compete with myself to see if I can do better than I did before. Because sometimes I tell myself I can’t do something well. Yet if I tried enough and stuck at it I would improve. In fact I have proved that with my mediumship. However, I have also needed to collaborate with others, especially my Guides, to find new or different ways to develop my skills. Competing with myself, collaborating with others and sticking at it has helped me to succeed. I feel that the Suffragettes knew far better than me how to do that. After all they got women the vote. And pushed on further to gain ground in improving women’s lives.

I’m glad my daughter understands the power of competing with herself. It’s also a blessing that she prefers to collaborate with others. In the end she will be successful in anything she does. I also feel that success will be shared with all of the people she works with. Because she understands the value of doing things together. And is prepared to put aside the corrosive aspects of competition in order to push forward with change.

Day 803 of my blogging challenge

Blood Red Blue Super Moon: Get Ready For Clearing

blood red moonTonight there is an amazing Super Moon hanging blood red in the sky. But christened a Blue Moon too. We are able to witness an eclipse as well. Not just a regular usual Full Moon then. One that hasn’t been witnessed for 150 years.

I have to say that the weather here has been cloudy all day so my chance of actually seeing this moon is slim. However, I know it is there. And I can feel it’s energy pull. It’s a blue moon because this month there are two full moons. It is also a Super Moon because it is closer to the Earth this time round. And it’s also on the day when there is a lunar eclipse. In other words the Moon will be in Earth’s shadow. This causes the Moon to turn blood red. So what does all that do to the energy of the Moon? And, of course, as a consequence, to my energy.

The Moon creates the tides. It also creates tides in the feminine energy in and around me.  At the Full Moon I always feel charged with energy. I become a night owl. And my creativity zooms upwards. Dealing with the Moon being closer to the Earth also means that I get additional energy bursts. I am more intuitively sensitive than normal. Even though I am good at shielding myself from too much energy my dreams have been filled with other people, conversations and uncomfortable emotions. Relationships and communication with others have taken on a slight edge as we work through the impact of an increased intuitive knowing about each other.

Yet I feel the impact of the Earth’s shadow too. The red moon reminds me that strong emotions can drive fear and aggression as well as creativity.

I know that I have a shadow side. It’s also true that my actions and beliefs can cast a long shadow over others. I can choose to bring my collaborative, creative Moon energy to bear on situations. Or I can act out my shadow fears instead. The choice is up to me. This mix reminds me of the intimate experience of giving birth. Amongst the blood a baby is releasing herself from the shadow of her mother. She is emerging to take her place in the Light. The violence of birth is transformed into the gift of a life. Hopefully a life that will shine brightly with the energy of love. When I feel the pull of the Blood Moon I know that it is time to birth something new about myself.

I also know that to do that I will have to allow for other things to be cleared away. Like an afterbirth flows out and away. Perhaps painfully. Or perhaps not. Because it has served it’s purpose and is no longer sustaining life. So I will be taking the opportunity over the next few days to prepare for what I want to release. Working with my intuition to identify all the energy that has become worn out. Identifying all of my attitudes, beliefs, issues and material possessions that have stopped being life affirming. I will also be boosting the energy of my Third Eye (red and blue make purple) so that I can see clearly what also needs to shift spiritually.

For me the end point of this Blood Red Blue Super Moon is a wave of energy that enables me to approach this year of Divine Feminine energy with intention, hope and adventure. I’m being encouraged to move forward in my life. This energy combination is giving me the big push I need.

Day 797 of my blogging challenge

Relating To Self: More Divine Feminine Lessons

relatingFlashes of insight are coming through thick and fast to me at the moment. Last night’s musings, following on from my blogs about the Divine Feminine energy, were relating to all sorts of relationship connections.

It’s as if my Guide Team are taking me step by step through what I know so that I rework my understanding. It’s a really interesting process. Because every time I think I’ve got to the deepest understanding I can my Guides peel off yet another layer of certainty. I have to say I am finding this new way of relating to myself very exciting. And refreshing. Although not without the struggles that come from having to let my preconceptions and judgements go. I’m learning a lot about the focus of this cycle of Divine Feminine energy too. The first blast this year has put relationships under the spotlight.

Clearest of all is my relationship with myself. How I navigate my inner world. How I balance my masculine and feminine energies. And how I assume things about myself. Whilst carefully avoiding anything that I don’t want to have to look at. It’s brining to the surface those pressures and patterns that have kept me rushing to be the one picking up the pieces. The one taking responsibility for everyone else’s emotional states. That one sided view of the Mother that often slips me into Servant or Martyr mode. And the reminder that I have also lived a good chunk of my life in my pragmatic, practical masculine side too. Perhaps at the expense of my feminine energy.

So this time is all about relating to my inner self. Continuing the process of finding the authentic me. The whole and complete me.

To help me I have lots of relationships around me. Relationships that allow me to be me to various amounts. Some relationships bounce my sarcasm back at me. Others remind me that I enjoy a good laugh. Still others show me my dedication, passion and will to succeed.  Then there are those that remind me I still want to manage everyone’s lives. And those where I struggle to let go. Even if the relationship has actually run it’s course. I am sure that I mirror back in all of these relationships. That I represent something to each of the people involved. We are all learning about relating to our self so that we can relate to each other.

That’s the end game. The Divine Feminine energy recognises the creativity of collaboration. I believe that if we all contributed our abilities based on our authentic selves then we would experience a very different outer world. But the challenge is to get to that clear and honest state of communication. I know I have it with my Guides. They can read my energy, with my permission, easily. And they give me permission to read their energy, to know their authentic selves, in return. Of course I may choose not to see them as their authentic selves. When relating to others we assume so much. Mainly because it is easier to guess than to deal with the truth. Because the truth may involve uncomfortable emotions.

I wonder how many times I have stopped myself when relating to others? Turned away from the honesty that is available because I have been fearful of what I might find out?

Mainly because I assume that others are making judgements about me. Yet is that really true? Or are we all hiding in a pointless exercise not to be our true selves? And does that actually makes a barrier to collaboration? A barrier that prevents us from coming together, sharing and caring in a deeper way? I believe it does. This is a time of great change if we want to have a different world for our children and their children. I know that I have to show the outer world my authentic self. Relating to my inner self I have to become comfortable with being open for people to judge me if they wish.

But I have to step back from judging myself. It’s time for me to embrace the feminine, creative, collaborative energy that I have and share it to all of my relationships. It means I have to think about my relationships in a different way. And I have to create more authentic bonds between myself and others. That’s not to say that up until now I have been lying. Or hiding my true feelings and thoughts. It’s that I am more aware of more of the authentic me than I have been before. It’s that I want to share. And I want to engage with people who are finding their authentic me. Together we can shift our relationships to a higher spiritual level.

In the end, it will be a choice all of us have to make. Relating to one another has always been a challenge for human beings. I know we have all tried to search out simpler ways of ‘knowing’ the other people in our lives. The simplest one is through our intuitive, collaborative selves. I hope your journey into your beautiful, authentic self will be a great experience. It’s so you can find the truth of the Divine Feminine at the heart of who you are.

Day 796 of my blogging challenge

Feminism: Or The Rise Of Divine Feminine Energy?

Feminism It’s been an interesting day. Especially with all of the Divine Feminine energy flowing around at the moment. #Me Too. Time’s Up Now. Women’s Marches. Are we witnessing a turn around in the fortunes of feminism? Or is the underlying energy rebalancing finally visible?

When I talk to women of different generations there is a muddled picture of what feminism represents. Perhaps the last big sweep of Divine Feminine energy struggled to be articulated by women who were still realising that they could break free of the domestic sphere and move out into the world without fear. Certainly, as with every breakthrough movement, there were extremist views. And not enough momentum behind the debate to keep the spark of collaborative equality alive. After all the world had too much inequality to address all at once.

So for some women the idea of power because they were feminine creators of future generations never really took root. Not surprising really. As there were so many other issues about the life of women to change. As the wave faded during the eighties and nineties it was easy to sink back into the old habits of years gone by. The changes demanded by feminism, the acknowledgement that every single person was of equal value, got tied up in arguments and resistance. Interestingly, for me, during the rise of Spiritualism in the mid 1800’s,, these same debates were raging as women became mediums and stepped out of their traditional domestic sphere too.

Do feminism and mediumship go hand in hand then? That’s an interesting argument.

Of course I might be comparing apples with pears. However, I love that my Guide Team bring these thoughts to me for consideration. Especially as they have always asked me to think about things from an energy perspective. And that throws a different light on the rise of feminism. In fact it puts it fully in alignment with the rise of Divine Feminine energy. After all, in energy terms, we all have feminine and masculine energy. It is how I balance both those energies that is important. I have to recognise that my inner world is a mix of creativity and ‘make it so’ moments. So it’s not surprising that my outward world will be so too.

If I learn to flow naturally from one energy to the other and back again I have the best of both worlds. And so does the world outside of me. Because I can access and use all of my abilities to their best effect. In the same way that anyone else can too. We will be equal in giving of our best. That way the whole community will benefit from these combines collaborative efforts. Feminism is necessary because as communities we have stopped letting everyone give of their best. We devalue the work that is most important to our survival – that of producing and caring for the future generations. In the end this makes us emotionally and spiritually poorer.

I think we have a lot to do. It is important to recognise that equality is part of our spiritual journey. Therefore we have to be ready to embrace the feminine within us. And ensure that women’s concerns are heard and acted upon. Feminism is not the new excuse for men to say ‘poor me’. It is the opportunity for all men to embrace their own Divine Feminine energy too.

Day 795 of my blogging challenge

Opening My heart To Let Love Flow

openingLove. I’m back to that word that seems to have a thousand meanings. Opening my eyes to how tricky it is to pin down a definition for this most powerful of human emotions. And the reason why I’ve done so many wrong-headed things in my life.

In my work I often talk about unconditional love. Yet I know I have been on a life long journey to understand where I am conditional with love. Even where I have mistaken other feelings for this very elusive emotion. Or when I have loved someone or thing more than myself. Yet I keep trying to ‘find’ love of one sort or another. And all the while my Ego Mind tries to mislead or distract me away from the very feeling I want to experience. Because that is the issue. Do I love myself enough? Am I opening my heart to myself and my own beauty? And in what way do I interpret the word love when I apply it to myself?

I realise that love for myself, opening my heart and being in the flow of love all require one key ingredient. It is that I have to trust myself. I have to allow myself the recognition that I am someone who is lovable. Yet with an Ego Mind that is always ready to pull me back, put me down or undermine my intentions trust can be so very difficult. It is within myself that I learn to interpret the meaning of love. But that means opening up to the part of me that I don’t love. The bit that I have learned, been conditioned to, taken on board from life’s experiences. Because not everyone I meet has seemed to fill my world with love. Bringing me reasons to distrust the very nature of love altogether.

Understanding the nature of disappointment, conditionality and restrictions in the flow of love is a way of opening up to more love.

As is my understanding that all of us are dealing with different interpretations of the word love. Interpretations that have arisen from what we have encountered from our selves and others. My journey into understanding love had been one of stripping back these layers within me. And re-engaging with my heart. Making it once more central to all I do. Reminding myself to stay open to the opportunities that love brings. Standing my ground in the flow inwards and outwards of this life enhancing energy. Letting love find me in very many different ways. And trusting my heart to circulate all of the love that flows to and from me.

This is a very important year. The Divine Feminine energy will be flowing powerfully through all of our lives. The Divine Mother will have our back, so to speak. It will be an exercise in tough love. Be ready to learn to trust and therefore love yourself unconditionally. And also be ready to learn to trust and love others unconditionally too. The energy of love is so much required to help us draw back from the self destructive urges of the Ego Mind. To release ourselves from the control exerted by fear and hate. Opening your heart, to yourself and to others, is the way forward. It is the way to manifest harmony and peace.

I understand you may struggle, like I do, with the meaning of unconditional love. Or struggle with how to live your life in the flow of unconditional love. However, keep trying. Remind yourself every day that you are loved. That whatever others think, say or do you are a person full of love. Trust in this truth and share it with the world in whatever way you can.

Day 794 of my blogging challenge

Rising to the Surface

I’ve had a sort of grumpy week. A rising temperature, tricky shifts in energy, fever and a cough. Plus the push to speak out instead of stay quiet. With some stark contrasts between what I will accept and what I won’t.

Of course, having to step away from my work, getting rest and having my brain free to process stuff has been really useful. I don’t normally get political but observing from a distance it seems as if there is a tide of fear rising to the surface across in America. I can’t decide if the new President is a clever manipulator or an easily led fool. But what I see in his behaviour is a definite shift to a negative view of the American Dream. As for his spoken word, I find myself saddened that his angry voice is the one that a lot of people seem to want to follow. The fear is also visible across many countries right now. Like a dis-ease that is eating at the heart of what it means to be human.

Surfing the Internet I’ve come across some very strident voices today. People wanting to give their views by rubbishing the views of others. It’s as if everyone has forgotten to listen before replying. I’ve noticed very fixed attitudes creeping in and resulting in insulting and damaging comments. I don’t want to make a point of right or wrong but I do think we need a massive talking stick. A way of giving everyone a turn to say what they want whilst everyone else listens. Because I feel it’s the energy of not being listened to that is driving the fear. Which means that people are open to being exploited. And as I mused about this I could feel my inner Goddess rising.

I know we are in a time where the Divine Feminine energy is resurfacing. Until there is a much more positive balance between our masculine and feminine energies we will stay dis-eased. I also know that each of us has to balance both energies within ourselves. For and by ourselves.

As I read some of the comments on a Facebook feed about the President of the USA I found that I wanted to comment too. My voice started rising within me. Because some of the ‘facts’ being bandied about didn’t make sense. Or connect with factual information that is available. There is a great debate going on about fake news and who can be trusted. But when we don’t listen to one another carefully and with respect whether it’s fact or fiction becomes secondary. What takes it’s place is an entrenched I am right and you are wrong view. If that view is held passionately enough then verbal aggression quickly seems to follow. Not quite the world I would like to belong to.

And that is an issue for me. I have a temptation to say oh well, it’s all over there so what does it matter to me. Except that it does matter. The fear energy is rising up everywhere. Of course I can hope that I avoid it all. I can live in my spiritual bubble floating somewhere up in the air. Or react by wanting to leave the planet and let humanity get on with destroying itself once again. And I come full circle to the Goddess energy once more. I have a family. We have children and grandchildren. I can’t opt out. Because what will that leave for them. Thinking seven generations forward I have to deal with this rising tide. Opting out is not an option.

So what do I do to combat the rising tide of hatred? Even though I am feeling low in personal energy I have to speak somehow. I have to express the positive flow of love. Not fluffy love. The tough love only a true Crone Goddess represents.

You certainly don’t have to agree with what I say. You can always stop listening. Walk away. Or you can listen to me so I can listen to you in return. We can agree to speak with respect and open heartedness. It may be that we realise a lack of common ground. That’s ok. Or we might actually find that our concerns are shared. In all of the issues the world now faces progress will only happen when we talk our solutions out. When we try to come from a shared love of being human. And a recognition that our children’s children’s children have as much invested in what we do as we have.

Thinking about all of this I decided to make two comments on that Facebook feed. I’m glad I spoke my thoughts. I know that I wanted to speak without fear. To address things as I see them. To make the point that different viewpoints are what makes us face the fear and deal with it. I’ve put the snippets below. I hope you will find your voice too. Speak for yourself. Because when everyone finally does so we will understand, out in the open and fully, what people are frightened of. Then we can deal with it and move on.

My little bits of speaking out for today. Aside from this blog of course!

The comment: I’m glad Trump is having a go at the media. People like Rupert Murdoch have been influencing UK politics for decades to suit his own agenda. Well done Trump…Its time someone with some courage took them on!

My response: Yet the one news station Trump does praise, Fox, is owned by Rupert Murdoch. Is he hoping to make Murdoch the only mouthpiece for Trumpism? Perhaps we should be told!

The comment: Name a racist or sexist remark. Don’t say “grab them by the pussy” because that’s not even sexist. Just because your told over and over that someone is an “ist” (racist, sexist etc) doesn’t mean they are. He’s come up with lots of ideas to fix problems, building a wall, temporary immigration bans etc.

My response: If you don’t have a pussy you can’t say whether the remark is sexist or not. It’s outside your area of experience and expertise ?


Day 452 of my blogging challenge.

Inspired 2 Write – An Update

Several things came together in my head today. When I was visiting my friend I gave her an update about my Inspired 2 Write challenge. The group I set up has been writing every day since the first of January and we are nearly at the end.

I’ve been enjoying reading what people have been posting. I can see the progress they are making in finding their writing voice. Talking to my friend I was explaining how I was inspired by a challenge to search for my own writing voice. And how, now that I have found it, I want to write a lot more. I love being able to share things my way. Even if I’m only sharing them with myself. We drifted into a conversation about the Women’s Marches last weekend. I’d read an update that 673 marches took place. It felt to me that here were many thousands of women finding their voices too. Not necessarily in writing but in taking some form of action.

I watched the update of number of attendees pop up on my social media on Saturday mesmerised by the tide of peaceful protest. By the power of collective action. There were some inventive signs. Lots of comments and clever ways of expressing their concerns. Our language is a wonderful gift. Expressing ourselves can be such a positive force for change. So our conversation took me all the way back to the writing challenge. I know that I will be running more writing challenges. I feel strongly that the internet can be a force for positive change. But only if people are prepared to raise their voices so to speak.

Every time I update my social media feeds I can choose to post something positive or negative. That seems simple. It’s up to me how I express myself.

I also know that whatever energy we give out we get back. So my writing is generally positive. I want to encourage not dismiss. It’s important for me that I show my daughter how to communicate in an empowering and supportive way. And especially that I am comfortable with the fact that people may totally disagree with what I write. But that I can respond positively to their world view too. Which is why it was disappointing to see some conversations about the marches descending into personal attacks. Everyone has the right to voice their views. Even the most offensive to me. And I have the right to voice my views in return whether anyone agrees or not.

Only by listening to the views of others will we make radical changes to the way we relate to one another. I would expect the same respect for marches in support of Donald Trump. Because in the end, one way or another, we all have to learn to get along. And sometimes it takes someone to be the voice of unpalatable opinions. If only to get us to realise that to get along we need to change our deeply held beliefs about the world. I feel the way to do that is to have lots of voices speaking, a great big debate and plenty of understanding that reaching a consensus point may take time.

Big changes do take time. Getting us to update our world view of women is a starting point.

I would like many more women to be heard. So my challenge, in part, has been to get other women confident in their writing voice. Because women do see things differently than men. I feel it’s one of the best things we have about being human. This ability to have both a creative and a make it so input into our lives. Yet the voice from women has been subdued for a long time. I know it’s time for us to update our view of what women contribute to the world. It needs women themselves to share their voices. Our daughters, granddaughters and great-grand daughters need an example to follow. So my challenges continue. For myself and for anyone who would like to share this journey with me.

Day 436 of my blogging challenge.

Filtering the Truth

imageI will be really glad when today is over. I have tried to stay away from the UK Referendum news for many weeks. It’s been a difficult task filtering out all the news items, social media comments and overheard conversations about this topic. In what seems like an endless process there has been so much said that confusion reigns. Why do we try so hard to influence one another? There is an assumption that people need to know the ‘truth’ so they can make an informed choice. But what is the truth? How much filtering has been going on?

I’m not going to rehash the debate here. My desire to vote is about retaining a right that was hard won. Women struggled for me to have a vote and I believe if I don’t use it I loose it. I also know that walking away from anything takes a lot of time and effort especially where the law is involved. So I’m not expecting big changes tomorrow morning whichever way the vote goes. Sadly that also includes the fact that filtering the truth happens all the time.

We seem to have opted for an adversarial way of choosing what is for the greater good. I remember watching Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan and listening to Spock’s dying words. “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few”. Perhaps the scriptwriters put that in as an aspiration. Certainly Gene Rodenburry who created the series included ethical debates in the program. His characters behaved in altruistic ways though challenged by their human emotions. So what about the needs of the many? I’m not sure that we ever think about the many at all. When I do listen to the news it seems we act rather more from ‘the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many’.

Instead of calm, ordered and wide ranging debate we are presented with polarised positions. Everything is black or white. No pun intended. The way that division by race, ethnicity and culture has been woven into the Referendum debate is shocking. So too is the floating of entirely speculative statistics and economic information. The words used have been chosen to raise fear, increase insecurity and generate panic. Filtering everything through the lense of these polarised positions means the same information is presented very differently. And far less clearly that ought to be the case.

The Referendum is only the latest example of the needs of the few being considered as our yardstick for making decisions. We seem to be stuck in a repeating pattern. A pattern wher it’s ok to filter out those bits of the argument that weaken our claims. Or shout them down. Or hide them altogether. Is this a way for grown ups to conduct themselves when making decisions that affect other peoples lives? I’ve asked my Guides how we change this. How do we change ourselves so that the decisions we consider first are the humanitarian ones? How do we focus on building hope not fear? How can we act so that we recognise every single person on this planet has value? Has a right to life, shelter, food, warmth, community?

My Guides have brought me back to the starting point. We have to learn to value each child on this planet. We have to see that what we do they inherit. We have to be brave enough not to accept the filtering of information, of decision making, of facts. We have to find our individual voices so that we can start to speak as communities. We have to reject fear as a way to live. If we want peace and harmony we have to create it. We have to learn to love one another unconditionally. Most important of all we have to learn to love ourselves unconditionally first. Then we will be ready to act for the needs of the many.

Day 220 of my blogging challenge. 

Celebrating the Divine Feminine

imageToday’s blog has slid over into the First of May, the celebration of Beltane by Celtic tradition, marking the beginning of summer and the desire for abundance through fertility. May Day also honoured the feminine and masculine energies by uniting couples in hand fasting relationships for a period of time. The sharing of the pleasure of making babies belongs to both but the pain of giving birth rests only with women. Celebrating the change of seasons, the creative force of the Divine Feminine and the recognition that abundance flows if you honour this energy were a key part of the rituals of Beltaine. As I moved through my day it certainly reflected these themes.

Two mums, both at different stages in their adjustment to becoming mums, came into the Centre. They were trying to find their feet amongst all of the well meaning but contradictory advice they were being given. The urge to follow their intuition was really strong but the books, their partners and often friends had differing suggestions. I felt sad that these two women had been left so uncertain of their intuitive knowing that they doubted themselves. They were experiencing motherhood as a disempowering state instead of the joy of being creative, fertile women. Where was celebration of all the ways they were nurturing happy children? Where was the encouragement that their babies would grow up ok so long as they were loved and nourished by that love? Instead, confidence has been replaced by anxiety.

In the same afternoon I had a lovely discussion about the Course in Miracles. Although the course refers to God I believe it can equally be understood by referring to Goddess. The course talks about awakening to the realisation that the Divine spark is inside all of us. We are not actually a separate individual but enfolded in the totality of that which we have identified as Divine. For me it seems perfectly logical that the Divine source will therefore encompass both feminine and masculine energy. Since we can experience both kinds of energy it’s important to be celebrating both of these inner flows. Yet much of our spirituality is still based in acknowledging the masculine energy of the Divine only. The wonderfully creative spark of Divine Feminine energy is mostly excluded from our discussions and practices around how to be a spiritual being.

That leads me on to the third thing that caught my attention. I have been aware since I was nine that everyone talked about God as a masculine being pronouncing paternally on all aspects of women’s lives. As I explored other religions and avenues of spirituality it seemd that even those with multiple Gods and Goddesses gave the lead to the masculine deities. I’ve recently picked up a thread of knowledge I began to explore in my teenage years. So I was reading a book by Lynn Picknett, one of many authors to write about Mary Magdalene, where she explores the creation story many people use as the basis for their attitudes in life. It is interesting that in the story of the garden of Eden God gave Eve the pain of birth because she had temped Adam. He also placed the idea of ‘sin’ with women as our responsibility for being able to tempt Adam. Interestingly enough these attitudes captured in an old book have become the bedrock for the way women are treated. Celebrating Goddess energy has therefore become something to be suppressed, denied or ignored. Much like the fate of women for centuries.

One of the things that I ask my Guides about a lot is how we can change this denial of the Divine feminine.  What will my daughter’s daughter’s daughter make of it all. Will she still be told what to wear, who she can be with and where it is safe for her to go? Will she approach the birth of her daughter feeling anxious, disempowered and believing that childbirth has to be a painful experience. Will she be free to learn as much as she wishes, work where she wants and be paid as if her work is of equal value to the men she works with. Will she be praised for raising the next generation of citizens and rewarded accordingly? Will she be free to love whom she wants for as long as she wants? They always throw these questions back at me. They ask me what am I doing to make changes so that this child of the future will inherit a brighter world. They have a rule – there is no interference in the way we operate our free will choices. So it’s up to me and the women of the world to start celebrating the Divine femenine.

That is where my day ended up. I went to a gala performance at the Hebden Bridge Burlesque Festival. I sat in an audience of probably 60% women as we enjoyed the positive energy of women who were perfroming with pride and passion. They had applied their creative energy to displaying positive body images, love of the skin they were in, and joy at being able to share the true beauty of being a woman. Celebrating the sensual nature of being female, something stripped away by religious condemnation of women as sinners, the freedom to be who they chose to be and the power of empowerment these performers are helping to change the perception of women as women.

Interestingly there is still a great deal of misunderstanding about burlesque and a lot of it comes from women. Sadly celebrating having a body that gives and gets pleasurable sensations is still under heading of ‘bad’. The assumptions underlying this view centre around the idea that men are weak minded, have no control over their physical urges and therefore it’s the woman who has to be hidden so as not to tempt the man. Burlesque is definitely not hidden. Burlesque is a glorious celebration all all things feminine. It connects women to their sensual nature by encouraging the love of your own body. There is a freedom within burlesque that has been hidden. It is a statement of women being women and ‘playing’ the paternal system. Celebrating the Divine Feminine means looking for the Goddess within and bringing her into the outer world. Here’s to all those Goddesses who were in Todmorden tonight sharing the positive feminine creative energy.

Day 166 of my blogging challenge. 

ArchAngel Love

It’s been a funny old day! The sunshine this morning was the promise that Spring is here. Yet the niggles of old, stuck energy kept popping up as if to say ‘do you love yourself enough?’ In the end the loving embrace of an ArchAngel brought me through the shadows into my true radiance. Love is in and around us all the time if only we choose to look for it. So before I explain more I want to share that love with you.

Earth's ArchAngel Tiphoniel

Earth’s ArchAngel Tiphoniel

Tonight I visited a local mediation group in Saltaire to share with them the energy of two of the Earth’s ArchAngels, Comeliel and Tiphoniel. Comeliel, the Keeper of Records, works with me now in my Past Life work. She has been helping me to bring forward the present life soul purpose of each person I read for. The sequence of lives we have brought into this one helps steer us to the best path for evolving our Spirit vibration. She weaves the information together with loving insight. Tonight she helped people to become aware that growth happens even in a life that might appear barren or a disaster. That our resistance to feelings, thoughts and experiences helps us to notice the wisdoms hidden behind that resistance. If we are reluctant that is ok because change will happen sometime in this life, or the next time we are human or the one after that. Our ascension will and already has happened.

Then it was the turn of the ArchAngel who connects us all with the Divine Mother. Tiphoniel brings unconditional love to combat our fear of appearing selfish. She works through tough love too. When we are frightened to try something or change ourselves she is the gentle but firm force who keeps bringing the issues back in front of us. I worked in a trance state during this silent mediation as she wanted everyone present to receive the love for themselves first. On the spiritual path we sometimes run away with the idea that we have to give unconditional love to everyone else. We put ourselves at the bottom of a long list and become unused to receiving the love in return. Tiphoniel brought the love to us so that we could receive without giving it away to others in the way we assume we ought.

As I drove home the Moon, another symbol of the Divine Feminine and the planet with a strong connection to Tiphoniel, was lighting my way in a clear sky. The clouds of the day have been cleared through Divine Love and I feel ready to shine my Light once more. Love really is the answer to life, the Universe and everything ?

Day 130 of my blogging challenge.