Hallowed Space To Work At Connecting

hallowed spaceI’ve had a day filled with angelic energy. At Gallery 339 where I sometimes do readings and workshops. Stepping into a hallowed, or sacred space, to help the participants meet the Guardian Angel and the Earth’s Guardian ArchAngels. It reminded me that creating the right energy space is a vital part of my intuitive life.

Hallowed or sacred space has been at the heart of all my energy work all along. But sometimes I need a reminder of how precious it is. That’s because a hallowed space is one where the energy that flows is full of positive, uplifting and loving energy. A place where I can go and connect with the Spirits of the place. Or the Spirits and Energy Beings who want to communicate with me. When I ran my Centre it was a significant undertaking to make sure that the energy was clean for everyone who came along. It’s the same with my home. I want to be surrounded by a flow of sacred energy to boost me when I have been exposed to all of the low vibrational energy that flows around our world.

Creating a hallowed place starts with an intention. A desire that my space is of a good, higher vibration. To make it so and to keep it that way I am aware of the clutter. Moving things on when they have served their purpose or are too full of old, stuck energy. I also have a space where my crystals and energy objects can be kept clean and tidy. To my eyes anyway. Because that is the blessing of a sacred space. It is how you envision it. Not how anyone else might have it. I like to include welcoming items. Certainly a kettle and mugs alongside the biscuit tin. Cushions. Throws or blankets. I use a burner or candles to make sure that my space has a pleasant smell. And I like colours that are easy on the eye too.

Most of all, creating a hallowed space is all about my ability to be relaxed yet attentive to how my space ‘feels’. Moving furniture or objects until I feel they are placed in the best energy position. And recognising that I have to treat my space the way I would like to be treated. Finally, I love my sacred spaces and places. And am prepared to recreate them wherever I happen to be working. Have you made yourself a hallowed space yet?

Day 920 of my blogging challenge

June Workshops: The Energy Of Angels And Past Lives

angelic juneJune is a great time to discover something new about your intuitive abilities. I have two of my favourite workshops: to help you connect with Angels and also to discover your Past Lives. Both these subjects have come up a lot during my intuitive development. 

In a way that is why I love sharing this knowledge. I believe everyone can access more of the intuitive energy information that surrounds us. Including making contact with the Guides and Inspirers who are willing to help us. I know that if we clear past life energy our connections improve. And I also know, because I have channelled their presence, that the Angels stand ready to give us all of the love and healing we need. Both of these June workshops can be life changing. I would be delighted if you could take a look at what’s on offer and attend if it’s part of your development.

Sunday 3rd June 11am-4.30pm – All Things Angelic

Have you ever wanted to connect with Angels and Archangels? Do you want to know more about these fascinating Energy Beings? Would you like more of their unconditional love in your life?

Join Intuitive Medium and Angelic Channeller Annie Conboy for a day focused on all things angelic. Take the opportunity to connect with the Angels around you, get a message from your angels and find out how you can keep the conversation going.

The workshop costs £70 and includes a workbook & all materials. Refreshments are provided. You will need to bring a packed lunch or you can use the local shops which offer a good range of food.

Sunday 24th June 11am-4pm – Discovering Past Lives: Present Day Patterns

This is a one day workshop to help you identify the Past Life patterns still working in this life. Clear old ties, promises and trauma that are keeping you stuck. Skill yourself up to access & understand more about your past lives so that you can keep working with the wisdom they provide in this life.With forty years experience of working with past lives, Intuitive Medium Annie Conboy is ready to help you find out about your own Akashic Record. She can also help you gain the experience necessary to keep exploring your own stories. All materials will be provided including a work book and CD.

Refreshments are included in the workshop cost which is £70. You will need to make your own arrangements for lunch.

I work with small groups so that everyone gets enough space and time to explore and question. To book or for more info please email, phone or text me. A £25 non-refundable deposit is required to secure your place.

Day 914 of my blogging challenge

Green Light For Workshops: Guides Set The Pace

green lightI’m sitting writing this blog in waves of incredible energy. It might feel like a hot flush but I know it’s the Guide Team energising my events. After a few months of stepping back from workshops they have once again given me the green light to teach.

By now I’m used to the way they chop and change my work around. I remember kicking up a fuss with them when they first asked me to teach people what I knew. And I suppose I kept asking for confirmation that it had to be me. Until they actually got me off and running. However, I like to work in small groups, with people who are ready to learn what I can offer, so my workshops were not a key part of my business model. It’s a good job too. Because even though I could plan is as many as I wanted they only happened when my Guides gave me the green light. Sometimes there aren’t enough people around who are ready for the energy that is passed on from the the Energy Beings.

So it was nothing unusual at the start of this year to close down the workshops. In fact my planner was full of all sorts of other things. yet I knew that workshops would feature again once the green light got switched back on. And this week it has. I had a couple or three dates earmarked in my diary. For what I wasn’t sure. Then, at the start of this week, I did a trance mediumship demonstration. While I was with my Guides they told me I could confirm what workshops would run on the dates. I’m so glad. I love teaching, sharing my experiences and listening to other people make sense of theirs. The Guides are always present to make sure everyone gets the support and information they need. And I get to talk about the subjects I’m passionate about.

So June is going to be a busy month! I have the green light to offer three workshops – Exploring Intuitive Energy Connections, All Things Angelic and Discovering Past Lives. Three key areas of knowledge and experience that will help anyone wanting to change their intuitive life for the better. Thank goodness for those Guides and their ‘bigger picture’ planning. Everything happens at the perfect time.


Day 889 of my blogging challenge