Completed! The Blogging Challenge Is Over

completedCompleted! It still hasn’t sunk in that this is the end of an amazing journey. My last daily blog is under way. And I’m stuck for words. Really stuck!

So much has come out of this daily task. Dreams completed. Thousands of words that I never imagined I could write. Love and support from great people. And my own deeper understanding of what it means to live an intuitive life. Searching out my authentic self and giving her a voice. Understanding that I can be Marmite. Stripping away the masks. Working as part of a loving, supportive team with my Guides. The process of developing intuitive abilities and mediumship there to inform anyone who wants to dive into the posts. So many gains. Especially in showing me that I can do anything I set my mind to. Task completed and space for a new one to be disciplined and organised about.

A chance to fall in love with a whole new way of working for the Energy Beings. So now that it’s completed I have to be able to let my blogs go. There is a sadness in waving them goodbye. And a relief too. I’ve stuck at this much longer that I ever expected. My Spirit is itching for a new direction, new passion, new inspiration. My writing has to go on a new journey. So there is also excitement. I’ve looked back at my first tentative steps into this challenge and recognise that will be how I start the next one. I know I will be able to use the things I’ve learned about myself to keep me going. And I also have the evidence from this work that I can get to where I need to be.

If I have helped, I’m glad. If I have explained, I’m delighted. And if I have encouraged you to open to your own intuitive abilities then I am overjoyed. Because that has been a key part of my writing. Finally, what have you wanted to achieve? Have you completed your challenge? In fact, are you ready for the next intuitive leap in your life? Enjoy your journey. I’m sure I will enjoy mine.

Day 1001 of my blogging challenge

Abstract Energy Painting: Clear The Mind & Do It

abstractI feel very blessed today. I’ve been wrapped in the energy of ArchAngel Etieliel channelling his energy into paintings. He likes to create abstract pieces so that the energy transfer is emotional rather than structured. And I am always excited to see what will emerge from our blending.

As I let him take over my hands we chatted about the process of channelled abstract paintings. I am always interested in how the Energy Beings choose to work with us because there are so many ways they do. My Guide Team encouraged me to start being creative with art nearly ten years ago now. Over that time I have worked with several different techniques. Depending on which Energy Being stepped forward to connect with me. Each adventure into a new way of working, with a new connector, has been a bit nerve wracking. But very rewarding. I love the pictures I have produced. Many of them have gone off to new homes. New homes where they can radiate the energy to every one who needs it.

I believe that more of us can work with Energy Beings to create pieces of abstract work that contains their energy. But are held back by believing that they can’t paint. That was the case for me. Until my Guides helped me to get over my fear. They encouraged me to get the materials they needed. Then they asked me to clear my mind as much as possible. When I was ready I started to play with the paint. Not focussing on what I was producing. Noticing but nor reacting when my hand and arm tingled. The signal that the connection was being made. And energy was flowing into the piece I was working on. In fact clearing my mind left me able to go with the experience rather than challenge what was happening. Letting the abstract image bring itself out of the materials.

It took me a while to perfect a resistance free method. My Ego mind wanted the abstract paintings to look like something. After all that’s the way it sees the world. Yet my Intuitive mind was keen to let the end result be whatever it was meant to be. So I persevered. With the love and support of my Guides. Is it time to listen to your Guide Team and get creative with colour, sound, materials? Positive loving energy can be transferred in so many ways. Remember, you have so much to give if only you try.

Day 1000 of my blogging challenge

Achievements: A Long Way From There To Here

achievementsPercolating through my tired brain today was the word achievements. The last wafts of Mercury turning from retrograde have created lethargy and exhaustion for me since Sunday. So a conversation yesterday stuck in my head until I could give it some room today.

I guess I also wanted to reflect on one of my biggest achievements. Spending nearly three years writing a daily blog has taken a lot of stamina. Only two more days after this one and the challenge will be completed. At the same time I have launched Letters From The Light Side and set up a subscription Newsletter for my predictions about the energy on it’s way in to us. Not to forget my first book! Plenty to consider. Perhaps there are many more achievements that have slipped by without me actually noticing. Or giving myself credit for. Women are trained to be less vocal about what they achieve and often believe saying anything is boasting. But when I consider the goal I initially set myself there is a lot to talk about.

In my very early days, when I had just started giving messages from the Spirit people, I asked my Guides to help me in a specific goal. I asked that one person could be affected so much by the message I passed on that it would change their life. They would open up to the possibility that there was life after death. That’s what I wanted to read in my Akashic record about this life. The name of one person. Today I thought about the thousands of messages I have given. And the students who I have been fortunate enough to teach. Of all the words I’ve said and written. And the positive feedback I have received. I have my fingers crossed that there will be more than one name in my book when I get to read it. I also thought that it might be time to set a new goal.

For a wider audience who might benefit from my words. These achievements have happened because I have a strong and loving Guide Team. They have put me in front of wonderful non-physical beings who have communicate through me. They have woven a wonderful tapestry of experiences for me to be able to reach my goals. Now there are new beginnings looming. I’m nervously excited but determined to achieve as much as I possibly can. Isn’t that what life is all about?

Day 999 of my blogging challenge

Questioning As Part Of The Spiritual Journey

questioningQuestioning has been a big part of my spiritual journey. Something that I have written about before in a couple of my blogs. Yet as I come to the end of my challenge I realise that asking questions has also been a key part of my whole life.

I had a lovely comment from Angela on yesterday’s blog. She said “How well you seem to understand yourself. It’s refreshing and honest. Reflecting on how we work must be the key to opening ourselves to new adventures and advances. I enjoy very much reading your blogs and insights.” As I wrote my answer it made me think about the all questioning I have done.

Here is what I said: Thank you Angela. I feel a key part of our spiritual development is the realisation that we have to become self-aware and self-reflective. The questions I have posed to myself in my blogs are all in an effort to understand what makes us successfully balance the Spirit Within with the human experiences we all have. It’s not an easy balance by any means. Our perceptions are distorted. This world is energetically demanding. And yet we can find hope and altruism all around us if we look. Especially if we take that new journey and connect with the non-physical beings who want to help and sustain us. I would encourage anyone who wants to develop their intuitive abilities to write, journal, diary. It’s very cathartic and enlightening.

I know that writing has been a big part of my life too. Daily journals and diaries, notebooks collected over years, scraps of paper with notes, quotes and jottings. Questioning myself, the world and the unknown. What I can see now is the gradual emergence of the Spirit Within. The unconditionally loving part that nudges me along the path to knowing myself more completely. A compassionate voice encouraging me to step through my fears and move forward being the best I can be. It’s there. Hidden in all of the words, thoughts and feelings. Each question another step in listening to and learning about myself.

Questioning is the way to evolution and enlightenment. My Guides say they always prefer goats rather than sheep. I haven’t followed blindly. I’ve been hard work a lot of the time. Yet I also know that I serve through what I do from the best possible of motive. I serve because it’s what I choose to do. Have you started asking questions yet? If so, also remember to write. The answers you get might surprise you.

Day 998 of my blogging challenge

Vacant – When Nothing Is Coming Through

vacantEvery now and again I find I’m vacant. My intuitive mind is blank. That doesn’t matter much when I’m relaxing and away from work. But not necessarily helpful when I’m trying to do a reading. Or a live broadcast.

It doesn’t happen very often. But I know it’s a matter of trust. When my intuitive mind goes vacant, when I’m empty of anything to say, I have to pay attention to the energy that is in and around me. Connecting to the Energy Beings relies on having positive energy feeds. If the energy is too ‘heavy’ or I am loaded down with issues there is likely to be a blank in my mind when I want to communicate. That’s why I have learned to explain what is happening. And to stop trying to connect until I am in a better energy. It may also be that my energy is too wobbly. That I am struggling to hold the flow well enough. Again I have to recognise why. And step back if necessary.

A vacant mind can be useful too. There is space for my Guides to drop new ideas in front of me. Sometimes that is what it’s about. My Guides want me to work on whatever is next. So they clear my mind of any connections. And work with me directly about me. Again it’s about trust. When my mind goes blank I recognise that the conversation might actually be going out in the very back of my brain. Out of my sight and hearing. So that what will eventually emerge will not be filtered out by my Ego mind way too soon. Actually I love the way the inspirations emerge fully formed. All possible arguments sorted and resolved. With no questions left to ask. So that I can get on with doing what is the best fir for my Spirit blueprint.

For the past few days I have been letting go of my blogging challenge. It’s nearly over. Yet there is still a vacant spot about what comes next. A blank. I’m trusting that the next new thing will emerge when it’s needed. I’m sure the Guides have got it covered!

Day 997 of my blogging challenge

Rewriting My Story: Content To Be Me

rewriting preparationI’ve been reading a good book for the last twenty four hours. One that gripped and drew me in. Because a central theme was about rewriting the life experiences of the main character. And it struck a chord with me.

Rewriting my blogs is a theme my Guides keep bringing me. Not necessarily to make big changes. But to allow me to expand on points I might have made long ago. And now have a different insight into. Because my story has changed. It’s gone from a search for meaning into meaning doesn’t matter. On the way I have shed a lot of expectations that I had about myself. Which has allowed me to set free the authentic me. Although that ‘me’ is still in the process of emerging. So rewriting myself is a process that may continue for a whole lot longer. Especially since some of the experiences I have had in the last fifteen years have really challenged my understanding of what it ‘real’.

I feel that we forget about that. The fact that experiences alter our perspective. Our view on life. When I look back to my past experiences I realise that my view of their meaning was limited by my values at that time. All of the social conditioning that I soaked up over my lifetime. In revisiting and rewriting what has happened to me I can see messages, inspirations and options I never saw at the time. This makes me feel incredibly positive. So much so that I can set aside the need to feel as if I have to fear everything. Taking a different view of events has let me see where the love actually surrounded me. Especially at those times when I felt the most unloved.

If you get a chance to sit and write about yourself try rewriting one of you past experiences. Write it from the point of view of a detached observer. Offer yourself the wisdom the events contained. Show yourself where the love was always there,. Underneath the surface keeping you afloat. Not necessarily from others. But always from your own Spirit Within. Discover who you have always been.

Day 996 of my blogging challenge

Wild Water: At Peace With The Wild Energy

wild walkThe weather has been blustery today. Down at the beach the water was wild. Waves tumbled over each other to crash against the rocks. The sea mirrored the energy flowing around me. Mercury wildness at it’s most tricky.

I love to walk in wild weather. Letting the wind and the rain blast away anything that I have collected but really don’t need. So I felt drawn to the water, to the waves, this afternoon. To help me dump all the emotions that this pass of Mercury retrograde had dredged up. Dealing with unexpected memories, old feelings and tangled knots of my past. Things I know I can’t change now. Choices that are long gone. Reminding myself that I am a different person now. Hopefully having learned from my mistakes. And willing to live my life in a different way.

One of the challenges this time has been to find compassion for myself. To recognise that we all act based on partial information. The bigger picture only becomes clear at a later date. On the beach the tide flows in and out in an endless cycle. Some days the waves are calm. Then there are the days when the waves are full of restless power. Washing and tumbling along the beach. Stirring up the shells and seaweed. Making changes to the landscape. Yet the beach and the waves remain much the same as they have always been. I know that turbulent feelings rise in me in waves. Though underneath I am the same Spirit. The being who knows and radiates unconditional love.

However wild my emotions, whatever actions I take, there is an eternal cycle behind all of this. I know that wild energy will help me to resolve the ups and downs of that cycle. That though brings me a great deal of peace. Whoever and whatever I am in the future the wildness will always remind me that change is inevitable.

Day 995 of my blogging challenge

Striving For The Best: Connections To Love

strivingIt was my live broadcast this evening. Although I was striving for the best of connections the wi fi was patchy. Yet the love flowed through from the Archangels all the same.

It’s not the first time I’ve had to work with wi fi that faded out and in again. Nor with energy connections that switch on and off. In fact it makes me smile how similar connecting with non-physical beings can be to chatting online when the signal is erratic. When I first started channelling I got quite frustrated with myself about the way the signal could suddenly drop. Especially as I was striving to make the connection as strong as possible. My Guides were very loving though. They helped me to understand that the signal strength also depended on the energy I was surrounded by. And the way I was feeling and thinking too. So I focused on getting as good as I could in balancing my own energy and holding it steady.

That meant striving to love myself more. So that I could be relaxed when other energies interfered with the connection. Because that happens sometimes. Especially if what is being channelled through is likely to have a big impact. And share more love around. In fact my good friend Alan Cox and I always laugh about this. When I join him on his radio show we often get ‘interference’ in the energy. Interference designed to hide the message and make sure it gets lost. But I don’t give in to that. Because the Energy Beings always find another way to make sure they are heard. They direct their messages to lots of other people who are also striving to make strong connections. So that, in the end, many of us are helping to spread the love.

If you have been striving to connect with your Guides and wondering why the signal is a bit iffy keep going. It’s natural that the connection will fade and then strengthen. What matters is sharing the loving energy of these Beings. And passing on that loving vibration to all of those who you are connected to in the material world.

Day 994 of my blogging challenge

Ladybird In My Phone: Luck Is On It’s Way

ladybirdWhen I opened my mobile phone this evening I found a tiny ladybird sitting in the fold. I have no idea where she flew in from but I’m looking forward to the flow of abundance she represents.

I was in my car when I opened the phone. And found myself laughing in delight at this tiny insect. Animals always have a message for me because they come from my Guides to remind me of all sorts of spiritual things. The ladybird was in an impossible place. There is no way for her to have got to where she was. Today I had been thinking much the same thing. How did I get to be where I am now? I have a life I love with the people I love all around me. My work fills me with joy. And the ups and downs of life wash over me without disturbing my inner peace. I feel that I have already been so lucky. But I have no idea how I got to this point.

I am delighted to accept anything else that is meant to come my way. Especially getting my bigger dreams fulfilled. I know that if I let what is right come to me I will end up like today, in a place it might have seemed impossible to get to. That’s why I’m dreaming bigger than ever. As well as letting go of old dreams that never would have fitted me. My Guides encourage me to look at my life as a an upward spiral. And to know that some dreams don’t happen because I am no longer the person who would fit that dream. That’s as important as dreaming. Understanding that what I require or desire will change over time too. In that way I can accept and be grateful for any glimmer of luck that falls on me. And ask for it to be boosted.

The lovely ladybird was reminding me to keep asking for more abundance. There is an endless supply of anything if only I can remove my limiting views. I watched the ladybird fly out of the car with the same delight. Because I have already asked for more. And she has flown away to make sure it’s delivered to me. What animals have been in your life today? And what do your Guides want you to pay attention to?

Day 993 of my blogging challenge

Cobweb Connections: Dusty Past Cleared Away

cobwebI’ve been sitting in the breeze today. A good way to recognise and clear away the cobweb connections that have grown dusty through lack of use. Reflecting on what has served me and what no longer needs to be in my life.

That cobweb feeling, when your face or perhaps an arm feels like it’s tingling because it’s been touched, is one of the first signs I really recognised as contact from my Guides. Often I would think I had loose hairs on my face because the sensation was so strong. When I started to pay attention to it I began to recognise a pattern. The first steps in communication rather than a random feeling. It’s been a really long time since they had to work with me that way. Now my claresentience picks up all sorts of complicated sensations. And cobwebs have taken a back seat. Thinking about the early days I also remembered all of the different webs of connection I had. I was so keen to find out as much as I could that I was here, there and everywhere.

It wasn’t until I stopped looking that I actually found who I got the best connections with. The early cobweb connections were replaced by the next set. And then the next set. I realised that holding on to one group made me gather dust. To progress in my development I had to be ready for the next set of new connections. That was a hard lesson because I felt like I had only just settled when I was off moving again. Yet my Guides stuck with me. Encouraging me to clean out the clutter each time I moved forward.  Taking a good look at me to see what Inwas still clinging to. Dusting myself off every time I had to let a mask go. Doing my best to find my authentic self. Because that way I could make the best energy connections of all.

As the wind tumbled over and around me I decided to let go of any dusty bits that were still left. I asked the wind to take each cobweb away. Letting it float free from me. Preparing me to begin another journey.

Day 992 of my blogging challenge