Times When My Mind Keeps Whirling

timesThere are times when my mind keeps whirling. Round and round like an endless, nagging voice that won’t stop. A voice full of doubt, worries and uncertainty. Actually it’s a voice full of fear.

I’ve become very good at recognising when this voice starts to nag at me. Usually at those times when I am trying to break free of old patterns. Wanting to start myself off on a new journey or adventure. Then the voice starts talking me down. It knows I am on the edge of the cliff about to jump off. It also fears that if I do I will go splat. So that voice pulls up all the objections it can find. Especially around three or four o’clock in the morning. I feel like my head has run away with itself. I get muddled about what is right for me. And sometimes I stop trying to break free and go back to doing what I have always done. Because that voice is not only mine.

It’s also the combination of so many other voices of the people who have been and are in my life.

At times like this it’s important to me to stop the voice as quickly as possible. Otherwise I know I will get into a downward spiral. Become depressed. And feel hopeless. My dreams disappearing rapidly into the distance. The hardest thing is to let people know what I am dealing with. Because that voice relies on me being alone and isolated in my own head. Yet if I can pull in support, or even just get stuff off my chest, I can find a way to turn my progress into an upward spiral. A wobbly one perhaps. But still one that is moving me forward through all of the noise created by the voice. There have been times when the people around me didn’t even know that they were helping. When they sat with me and let me pour out the words over a cup of coffee.

Now I recognise the times when I need to vent. And I have people who understand this and listen to me until I have got all that stuck energy out of me. Talking to them gets me positive and feeling like I can jump off the cliff at last. It’s such a precious gift from them that I try to return it. I put on my listening ears whenever I sense that someone is wobbly. And I let them vent. Are there times when you need to vent? Or let someone else do so? Why not share the wobble so you can get rid of it together?

Day 936 of my blogging challenge

Paused: Never Easy To Stop Doing Same Old Same Old

pausedMy Guides are endlessly patient with me. Thank goodness. Every now and again I find they have paused what they have been doing to give my Ego Mind a chance to catch up. A chance for me to observe where I am still falling into old patterns. Or to consider if new patterns have finally begun to take hold.

I’ve been revisiting my All Things Angelic workbook today. I am running the workshop tomorrow so I wanted to check that the information was still relevant. As it’s some time since I first wrote it I have to make sure it is in line with what I now understand about angels. A subject that has changed for me quite a bit since I first began connecting with them. And channelling their energy. At the beginning I thought they were a convenient figment of my imagination. Because everywhere I turned there were so many beliefs about them woven into human history. So I paused for a long time. Trying to check if my imagination was drifting me into a twilight religious world.

After a series of stops and starts I finally decided to go with what was happening. Making sense of it all was something I chose to do afterwards. I kept on working to make the connections stronger. For my angels to draw in closer. Until it was time to be paused again. Although I had left my scepticism on one side it was still trying to trip me up. The Archangels who had begun working with me on all sorts of levels understood that the cynic in me was looking for the catch. The trick that would reveal they were all fake imaginings. I went through a long time of reflecting. I had to decide if I wanted the connections more than I wanted the doubts. A new pattern was on offer. But only I could choose it.

I’m glad to say that being paused was a very positive experience. I learned a lot about my social conditioning, about me and about the Archangels. It allowed me to notice my old patterns and do something about them. I’m cautiously optimistic that I am now well on the way to holding onto the new patterns. Especially since I know my Archangels will use the pause button any time I drift back into old ways.

Day 919 of my blogging challenge