Ideas Drop Into My Mind When Least Expected!

ideasMore ideas have been dropping into my head today. Rather in random fashion. But inspiring me all the same. I love living intuitively. Though to my analytical, planning brain it can seem rather like a hodge podge of stuff all at once.

It all connects to the fact that I couldn’t remember what day it was. I’ve been going around as if it was Thursday. But it’s only Wednesday. It’s all that timey wimey stuff that happens when I get out of sync with the material world. Nothing makes that happen better than to get a chunk of time to myself. And when I am out of sync the issues that have needed a solution suddenly get solved. Because all sorts of ideas can make themselves visible to my conscious mind. And I often hear the chuckle that accompanies them. Along with the gentle ‘we’ve got this’ that comes from my Guides or the Angels. I know then that they have been waiting for me to clear away the logical, practical stuff so they can let me know where my answers are waiting.

Of course I get ideas all the time. However those are often what my logical mind thinks will be the best bet for me. That can mean they are influenced by my Ego Mind. The bit of me that can be pushing answers based on my fears. When I am in my Intuitive Mind I feel the energy of the ideas too. And I can tell much better what I need to do from a place of love. Because the intuitive ideas all arise out of the unconditional love that flows through my Spirit. My Spirit is connected to the Universal flow of energy and is able to ‘see’ what will bring the best outcomes for me and everyone around me. That makes it really exciting to get an answer, an idea, which will move something I am doing forward.

Getting intuitive ideas is all about becoming unfocused. Letting go of the issue and relegating it to the back of my mind. Sort of forgetting that it’s there in the first place. And understanding that when I need to know an answer it will drift in front of me. Like today. Three things I had let slide away bounced back. Three ideas that will deal with some exciting pieces of work. So, is it time to let the ideas surface for you?

Day 965 of my blogging challenge

Slowly, Peacefully Drifting Back To Earth

slowlyI had a set of plans for today. A To Do List packed full of ‘get on with it’ tasks. However I found myself slowly trying to get my focus back. It wasn’t the list. It was the peaceful drift from higher vibrational energy that sent me off plan. Sometimes I forget about adjustment I have to make when working with Angels.

It was a relief to find I was in good company. Several of the people who attended the workshop were also slowly drifting down out of the energy too. That was really good to hear. Because I got my confirmation that they had made strong and powerful connections with the angelic realm yesterday. I love that other people get the chance to experience the peaceful nature of this kind of connection. And the flow of reassurance that comes from the Angels and ArchAngels. A sort of ‘everything is going to be ok’ inner knowledge. A feeling of strength and the urge to let the everyday cares go. I have to say it’s the kind of energy I would love to have all of the time.

However, I also know that being in such close connection with Angels has to be worked on slowly. My physical body, as well as my Ego Mind, has to get acclimatised. I have to take time out to come back down to this vibration. If only to get on with material world issues. What I can keep with me is that feeling of unconditional love and peace that they always gift to me. Life becomes much less frantic. Emotions are less turbulent. And I can smile in the middle of any drama. What I also do is give myself permission to set aside my To Do List. Instead I do what I feel will give me time to adjust. So I had several meditations sensing out the love and healing from the ArchAngels.

Then I got my planner out and reflected on the first half of the year. As well as adding in time for some new ideas that came through yesterday and today. Finally I took myself off to a local cafe so I could slowly savour a coffee. That was so I could slide quietly back into the ‘real’ world. The ArchAngels are still around. They always are. But they have helped me get safely back to my human vibration. Ready to tackle that To Do List tomorrow!

Day 921 of my blogging challenge

Determination Pays Off: Letting The Archangels Join In

determinationI run a couple of home circles with people who have been working through the mediumship learning curve for a while. I enjoy their determination to discover all they can about their abilities. So it’s always great when they start to sense guiding Energy Beings who bring the bliss of unconditional love with them.

I remember when I was struggling through my learning curve trying to connect with the highest and brightest of Energy Beings. Sitting in meditation or circles. And discovering that those non-physical beings came in all shapes, sizes and origins. It took some determination on my part to keep going. Angels, elementals, dragons, unicorns, star people and the cat race made their connections to me. It was hard because, at this time, I was still more sceptical than not. But sorting out the different energy signals, getting confirmations and new contacts unfolded naturally and easily. It was hard to hold onto doubt in the face of the evidence I was given. And in the face of the wash of blissful energy that regulalry greeted me in our sessions.

I knew I wanted more of that unconditionally loving energy. I decided that if I had wandered off the path of sanity then I was happily insane. As I accepted the connections to all sorts of inspiring Energy Beings I found myself working with a group of Archangels too. They tested me in the same way as I tested them. Determination kept us working the connection to get it as strong as possible. Because I knew they had a service for me to perform on their behalf. Part of that service, my purpose, was to help other people connect to these Archangels. I knew the people I was trying to connect up would be tested. In the same way that I was. I also knew that they would face a steep learning curve. Just like me.

I also recognised that anyone who did make the connection would feel the bliss. It was worth it. In my home circles people are reporting the feeling. Without knowing or being told about the Archangels they share the evidence they are receiving. Evidence I can validate. Their determination to work for the best connection has been rewarded. I’m very proud of them. And I know that their service is about to begin. The Archangels are stepping into their lives!

Day 894 of my blogging challenge

Angelic Energy Watching Over Me

angelicIt’s been an angelic day. Not that I knew that when I got up this morning. I’m used to my Guide Team being around and stepping forward when I need to know something. But I’ve also learned to look for their signs when they come in unexpected ways. Paying attention always makes a great deal of sense in the long run.

So I’m pushing against my posting deadline and typing as fast as I can because the angelic vibe has pushed my attention into other things. Which is mostly what happens in my day anyway. I expect to be doing what is needed just when it is necessary because my Team know someone needs something. From readings, emails and catch up chats with friends. To letters, research and social media posts. However, today the Angels and Archangels have been at the front. They always remind me to practice unconditional love, forgiveness, gratitude and service. To not take things personally as I could be a karma agent. And remind me that love and laughter are the best antidote to hate, fear and oppression.

I hope I spread some laughter today. And I hope I lightened someone’s day. I know that everyone who I met today did that for me. They were being sent on that angelic vibe, speaking messages to me that they couldn’t have known. Helping me to put on a coat of angelic protection. Sharing the wisdom of the Angels. And reminding me how fortunate I am to share my day in this way. Never mind the newsletter that was waiting. Or the planning for May and June events. Instead I have reflected on my direction. Thought through my plans from a different point of view. And revised the way I am approaching my work. Because I know I’m being prompted to change things for the better. That’s not a bad thing at all.

Angelic energy is very distinct. Look out for the random white feathers. Keep an eye out for number sequences. This is day 848 so double Archangels (number eight) and single Angels (number 4). Be open to the approach of strangers who have a certain glow about them. Or a certain smile that lights up their eyes. Especially if the tell you something. And listen to what your family, friends and colleagues say. They could be speaking with the voice of an Angel. I hope you find that your Angels are watching over you too.

Day 848 of my blogging challenge

Kind Thoughts: Whatever The Energy Between Us

Kind thoughtsSometimes I wake up with word running around my head. Usually in the middle of the night. Often from the conversations I’ve been having with my Guides. One recent discussion was about kind thoughts. Because I have been working on forgiveness.

One of the hardest lessons I’ve had to take on board is to be kind to myself. I learned very early in life that I was expected to be kind to others. But I’m not sure that I ever balanced that out with the other half of the equation. That I also needed to give myself the same kindness. When I did start to recognise it was a balance I’m sure I got it wrong lots of times. Because I also needed to understand the nature of forgiveness. Being kind to people I liked was easy. As was me being kind to those who liked me. But what about all of the people I struggled to like? Or didn’t want to like? What about the people I though had done me wrong? How could I offer kindness to them?

When I started to talk to my Spirit Guides they were keen for me to understand how forgiveness, like love, had to be unconditional. If I wanted to be kind to myself and others I also had to be free to forgive myself for anything and everything. That way I would also be ready to forgive other people too. It brought up interesting ideas about guilt and blame. Two great inhibitors on any form of forgiveness. Working through these ideas and feelings was hard. Very hard. Until I started to send out kind thoughts to people. All sorts of people. Including myself. Recognising that we are all flawed. That sometimes we don’t do the best things for one another. Or to one another. Bit by bit I worked to send positive thoughts to people who were in my life. No matter what had passed between us. Or how I felt about that person.

The sending of kind thoughts allowed me to release myself from judgements. I could forgive myself for being less than perfect. And I could also forgive others for the same. Every time I get a negative reaction to someone, or myself, I remind myself to deal with it kindly. And to move on. There are more important things to learn about life. Especially about kindness and forgiveness.

Day 829 of my blogging challenge

A Like Minded Community: Why Does It Matter?

like minded global communityOne of the things I often ask my Guides about is their insistence that the Spirit World is a like minded community. Surely there will be differences? It would be too perfect if there weren’t. How would the Spirit people progress otherwise? Is their world really so lacking in challenge?

Of course they enjoy debating this with me. I understand that we come here in order to experience the consequences of free will choice first hand. It’a the place where my Spirit gets to be a bit rebellious. It’s also the reality in which my Spirit experiences the limitations that free will choice can put on unconditional love. I know that we live in a world where love struggles to be the guiding force. Human emotions continually slide into the lower vibrational feelings. And then get denied, ignored or blocked out completely. I know how hard it is to look in my mirror and own my shadow side. The impact of that choice is a global community that is in bits. We are far from a like minded species.

When I’ve asked about this and the connection to the Spirit World we came from my Guides have always answered ‘Love’. They remind me that the community on the other side share a like minded understanding of unconditional love. Their sense of community is from recognising that only love matters. And also that each and every Spirit matters too. I was discussing this today with a really inspiring friend. I often forget that I matter. It’s part of my upbringing, my gender, my place in the structure of this world that I am conditioned to think that others matter more than me. I’ve been told all my life that my duty is to love others before I love myself. And if I do love myself then that love must be conditional.

It must be conditional because I don’t matter as much as the others on the planet. It’s funny how many like minded people I know who share that same wrong headed belief.

Because time and again my Guides have reminded me that I do matter. They have helped me to understand that by limiting my love for myself I am actually limiting the love I can give to others. No matter how much I do if I let that martyr lurk inside me then I will reduce my capacity to love the rest of the human race. To build a better community, at any level, I now understand that I have to recognise that I matter. Then I can open my heart to the idea that other people matter. Not just the like minded ones who limit themselves in the same way I do. But every single person on the planet.

That has been hard for me to grasp. How can I accept those who hurt and harm others in deliberate and clear ways? They are not like minded as far as I am concerned. What about the people who tell themselves they have to make hard decisions but their choices show that clearly, to them, some people don’t matter? Again, I would hope they are not like minded either. Yet if I am promoting unconditional love there is a point where I have to understand that they matter too. They are playing out the limited love they allow themselves. And the limited love they offer to others. Because a global community that acts from a flow of love is hard to achieve whilst we all sit in judgement on one another.

Ah, say my Guides, that is where like minded thinking begins. When I and others are ready to accept that everyone matters. And we stop limiting our love with judgements.

I know it is a big ask. I have spent many years learning that I matter. Challenging the inner dialogue that tells me I am not a good person. Or intelligent. Even that I’m not worthy. And a thousand other judgements that I have accepted or, worse still, applied to myself. It’s quite a struggle. yet it’s one I need to complete so that I can recognise more fully just how much other people matter too. So that I can grow my like minded community to include even more participants. I am sure that this is the way to change the global community. When we all realise the ‘I Matter – You Matter’ flow of energy there a a great chance that our young people will be able to love themselves unconditionally from the start of their lives.

That’s the biggest challenge of all. To help the next few generations turn the global community into a like minded one. Not by use of coercion or force. Or by preaching one single religious view. But through a deep understanding that every view matters and needs to be fully expressed. Then there are no hidden agendas, no secrets and no judgements. And I know we will be able to deal with even the most difficult views in a loving and compassionate way. After all, I know it works that way in the Spirit World so why not aim for the same here. Of course, I know my Guides would love us to need a new challenge. Because if, by our own free will, we acted as a community that cared for each member of that community then we wouldn’t be stretched enough.

Our Spirit Within needs to grow and evolve. I would love to have the opportunity of doing that within a community that came from the heart and recognised that everyone mattered. Think how creative humanity is. What wonders could we have if we became like minded and loving?

Day 824 of my blogging challenge

Debating What To Do For The Best

debatingI love debating all sorts of things. It’s something I’ve done all of my life. Probably part of the reason why I procrastinate too. Because I want to hear all sides of the debate. And seek out a clear understanding of the issues. Since my Guides stepped in I also want to hear their take on it too.

I suppose one of the biggest surprises that I got when I started to communicate with my Guides was that they can’t tell me what to do. I have to use my own free will. To the best of my ability. In order that I arrive at a course of action that comes from my heart and ethics. I have to say I debated that with them for a long time. Surely, I thought, they were there to help me get things right? But I soon came to understand that debating the best course of action for me was so that I would make the choice. And be responsible for the consequences of that choice. Even if I had to learn a lesson by making a choice with consequences that affected other people in a way I didn’t like.

What mattered, they explained, was that the debating should happen. That I should think very carefully about every thought, word and action. To check that it was the best I could do, in the circumstances as I understood them. If there were unexpected consequences, which there usually are, I would consider more carefully next time. And if there were consequences I could see but ignored, once again, I could make a better decision next time. I’ve stuck with this now for many years. In fact I know my Guides were trying to help my debating long before we had regular communication. They helped me to try to work out my ethics. My rules for living.

Debating is only useful if it encompasses feelings, thoughts and beliefs. There is no point me hiding myself from me. When I am trying to work out what to do for the best I also have to understand my motivations and the bias I am applying.

It’s very easy in a time of ‘me, me’ and Ego Mind to loose sight of other people. I know the temptations of making decisions coming only from my needs and not from what all of us need. If I drift off into that state I only have to look around at what people are mirroring back to me. Because they will be considering only themselves in any debate. My Guides say all Guides work with all of us to try to shift the ‘me, me’ as much as possible. They try to introduce empathy, authenticity and self-awareness. But, of course, not everyone is at the point of recognising themselves yet. I understand this. I know I didn’t want to look at my shadow side. Or acknowledge it’s power and influence on me.

Yet I am glad I did. I started a debate with myself once I looked inside. Because I wanted to act from a heart centred, unconditional love perspective. That’s hard. I know we are trained to limit our love for ourselves. And therefore for others. So I had a long, sometimes exhausting time debating with myself. But it was worth it. I know I work from the best bits of me. My choices may not suit others but I am in alignment with my principles. I do believe in authenticity, empathy and self-awareness. The actions I take are based on ‘First do no harm’ with the understanding that my definition of ‘harm’ may not fit someone else’s understanding.

It is their choice to join in debating a shared understanding between us. But if they don’t ask I don’t explain either.

I am very aware that I can’t please all of the people all of the time. I freely admit that I don’t try to please anyone. Except myself. Debating with my Guides I realised that trying to do the best thing as measured by other people was a thankless task. Everyone has a different view of what the best is. I don’t have to look far to see that acted out at local, national or global levels. There is so much debate about what is best. Yet no debate about the beliefs backing up the arguments. Or the self-awareness to admit a vested interest in one outcome or another. So people stay on the defensive. Or, worse still, launch into an attack as if that will gain more agreement.

This lack of authenticity in the debates we are having currently means we will still act from Ego. In other words, our actions will be driven by fear not kindness. Or a recognition of shared humanity. No wonder my Guides keep on at me to write and speak about unconditional love. That is the only way to navigate through all the debating. The only way for me and you to be sure that our actions do not create consequences we don’t want to have come back. That’s the secret the Guides know. When we send out fear responses all we get back is fear. I have had that return of energy. Now I work within myself to send out unconditional love.

My choices are grounded in tough love. Grown up love. Love that knows how we treat others will come back on us. I understand that people find it easier to say ‘with love’ than to actually follow through on doing with love. I let it be. The lesson being learned isn’t mine. It’s theirs. And I also remember that there are many, many strands to a debate. Many truths. Many opinions. I follow my heart on the spiritual path as that feels honest and  loving. I hope you can too.

Day 822 of my blogging challenge

Opening My heart To Let Love Flow

openingLove. I’m back to that word that seems to have a thousand meanings. Opening my eyes to how tricky it is to pin down a definition for this most powerful of human emotions. And the reason why I’ve done so many wrong-headed things in my life.

In my work I often talk about unconditional love. Yet I know I have been on a life long journey to understand where I am conditional with love. Even where I have mistaken other feelings for this very elusive emotion. Or when I have loved someone or thing more than myself. Yet I keep trying to ‘find’ love of one sort or another. And all the while my Ego Mind tries to mislead or distract me away from the very feeling I want to experience. Because that is the issue. Do I love myself enough? Am I opening my heart to myself and my own beauty? And in what way do I interpret the word love when I apply it to myself?

I realise that love for myself, opening my heart and being in the flow of love all require one key ingredient. It is that I have to trust myself. I have to allow myself the recognition that I am someone who is lovable. Yet with an Ego Mind that is always ready to pull me back, put me down or undermine my intentions trust can be so very difficult. It is within myself that I learn to interpret the meaning of love. But that means opening up to the part of me that I don’t love. The bit that I have learned, been conditioned to, taken on board from life’s experiences. Because not everyone I meet has seemed to fill my world with love. Bringing me reasons to distrust the very nature of love altogether.

Understanding the nature of disappointment, conditionality and restrictions in the flow of love is a way of opening up to more love.

As is my understanding that all of us are dealing with different interpretations of the word love. Interpretations that have arisen from what we have encountered from our selves and others. My journey into understanding love had been one of stripping back these layers within me. And re-engaging with my heart. Making it once more central to all I do. Reminding myself to stay open to the opportunities that love brings. Standing my ground in the flow inwards and outwards of this life enhancing energy. Letting love find me in very many different ways. And trusting my heart to circulate all of the love that flows to and from me.

This is a very important year. The Divine Feminine energy will be flowing powerfully through all of our lives. The Divine Mother will have our back, so to speak. It will be an exercise in tough love. Be ready to learn to trust and therefore love yourself unconditionally. And also be ready to learn to trust and love others unconditionally too. The energy of love is so much required to help us draw back from the self destructive urges of the Ego Mind. To release ourselves from the control exerted by fear and hate. Opening your heart, to yourself and to others, is the way forward. It is the way to manifest harmony and peace.

I understand you may struggle, like I do, with the meaning of unconditional love. Or struggle with how to live your life in the flow of unconditional love. However, keep trying. Remind yourself every day that you are loved. That whatever others think, say or do you are a person full of love. Trust in this truth and share it with the world in whatever way you can.

Day 794 of my blogging challenge

Warmth Of The Sun: Feeling The Positive Flood In

WarmthThursday is my live broadcast day on Facebook. The sun was still giving some warmth as I crunched along the frozen path to the beach. A perfect place to open up and feel the presence of Energy Beings.

I found a quiet place to sit because the sun had encouraged more people onto the beach today. The rocks underneath me felt solid. They helped me to feel grounded. A key thing when I want to open up to energy connections. Mother Earth gives me a positive energy boost that helps me reach the vibrational level of those who want to communicate. I felt the angels draw in close and add their energy to the mix. The sun warmed me and I relaxed into the flow of their communication. It’s a kind of magic that the words I speak in that connection come from the Energy Beings.

Every time I do it I am in awe of the unconditional love I am given. I love the warmth and generosity of their gift. I try my best to pass on that feeling, that energy. Because it is meant to be shared. Love is universal. It connects all of us in a spiritual web. We can come together as our Spirit selves shining that love through our human existence. That’s why I love to share the energy, the wisdom and the ways that everyone can access this warmth. Sitting in the sun, watching it gently set into the sea, I thought about the ways each of us can give and receive love. It’s amazing to wrap mysel or someone else up in the energy too. Again it reminds me that what we give out we get back.

I let the warmth of the sun blend with the warmth of the presence. All things considered it was a Light filled afternoon. In more ways than one. Furthermore, I felt a wave of love race back towards me as the sun dipped lower. Of course I soaked up as much energy as I could. That love will keep me warm for a long time. Not to mention powering me into the next year. Take a moment. Power yourself with love. After all, there is a new year to enjoy!

Day 765 of my blogging challenge 

Sand In My Shoes: Winter Solstice Celebration

SandI woke up to a misty day. It never really cleared. As the last of the light faded out I was on the beach getting sand in my shoes. Doing a live video broadcast and honouring the Winter Solstice.

On the shortest day it’s been hard to see the light in the sky. The mist hung around, shrouding the mountain top, and keeping the day grey. And it’s been the shortest day anyway. The least number of hours of daylight. A dip into the darkest it ever gets. But that’s very special. Because now my days will slowly fill with more daylight. The pendulum will swing the other way. A new cycle of increasing light has begun. I felt at peace standing by the calm water listening to the waves. The sand wet beneath my feet. Shells crunching as I walked. Birds calling to each other as the little remaining light faded away.

Standing with me was ArchAngel Dareshiel, one of the Earth’s Guardian Angels, who helps all of us to transform our feelings to higher vibrations. I have painted his energy. It came out as waves from the sea. Waves of emotion. Waves of unconditional love. He reminded me that this cycle, this year, was now ended. It is time for me to make a new beginning. Letting myself increase the light within me. So that I can share more light with others. It’s also an opportunity for all of us to become more spiritually aware of the ways that our emotional energy can be used as a way to share more positivity in the world. Unconditional love is a hope, an aspiration, for all of us right now. We aren’t there yet.

Dareshiel encouraged me, as I stood on the sand, to let the old feelings ebb away. To connect myself to the wonder of Mother Earth and to recognise how blessed I am. I am looking forward to the return of the Light of Love. Are you?

Day 758 of my blogging challenge