Hallowed Space To Work At Connecting

hallowed spaceI’ve had a day filled with angelic energy. At Gallery 339 where I sometimes do readings and workshops. Stepping into a hallowed, or sacred space, to help the participants meet the Guardian Angel and the Earth’s Guardian ArchAngels. It reminded me that creating the right energy space is a vital part of my intuitive life.

Hallowed or sacred space has been at the heart of all my energy work all along. But sometimes I need a reminder of how precious it is. That’s because a hallowed space is one where the energy that flows is full of positive, uplifting and loving energy. A place where I can go and connect with the Spirits of the place. Or the Spirits and Energy Beings who want to communicate with me. When I ran my Centre it was a significant undertaking to make sure that the energy was clean for everyone who came along. It’s the same with my home. I want to be surrounded by a flow of sacred energy to boost me when I have been exposed to all of the low vibrational energy that flows around our world.

Creating a hallowed place starts with an intention. A desire that my space is of a good, higher vibration. To make it so and to keep it that way I am aware of the clutter. Moving things on when they have served their purpose or are too full of old, stuck energy. I also have a space where my crystals and energy objects can be kept clean and tidy. To my eyes anyway. Because that is the blessing of a sacred space. It is how you envision it. Not how anyone else might have it. I like to include welcoming items. Certainly a kettle and mugs alongside the biscuit tin. Cushions. Throws or blankets. I use a burner or candles to make sure that my space has a pleasant smell. And I like colours that are easy on the eye too.

Most of all, creating a hallowed space is all about my ability to be relaxed yet attentive to how my space ‘feels’. Moving furniture or objects until I feel they are placed in the best energy position. And recognising that I have to treat my space the way I would like to be treated. Finally, I love my sacred spaces and places. And am prepared to recreate them wherever I happen to be working. Have you made yourself a hallowed space yet?

Day 920 of my blogging challenge

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