Endings, beginnings, eternity

images-34Today we celebrate the last hours & minutes of 2015. Has it been a good year? A challenging year? Or a bit of both? Whatever it has been is now in your past. It’s gone and can’t be returned to (unless you have a handy Time Lord with you). Cherish the positive memories & place them in safekeeping. Let go of the mistakes, failings, challenging or difficult times. You survived them anyway and will have grown stronger as a result (even if that doesn’t feel to be the case at the moment).

As you step across the bridge from past to future there is only the brief moment of now to enjoy. I’m enjoying doing this blog right now. The words are coming along easily, flowing in a one finger typing way out onto the screen in front of me. The radio is playing Mr Blue Sky. It’s upbeat rhythm and jolly tune are getting my feet tapping under the desk. Other things are coming along. New experiences. I’m excited to be spending New Year with my daughter & our friend in a town that is building forward from a significant challenge. Half my attention is on the meal we are going to share. Our midnight toast will be to better times & joyful experiences to come.

In the Spirit World there is no time as we know it. It’s an eternal now. Each moment is a complete experience in itself. There is no need of time because as Spirit we have let go of measuring out days, weeks, ourselves, anything. In an eternal ‘now’ our experiences are what they are. Each moment contains both the ending and the beginning in a sort of chicken & egg way. We can move from beginning, middle and end in any order – logic doesn’t apply when there is no time. Dreams are our closest way of understanding how it is in the Pink Perfect. There is no muddle, confusion or lack of understanding. We direct our Spirit from moment to moment in a way that makes the best sense.

So as you stand in the second, as one time period ends and another begins, remember that time is relative – it doesn’t have to rule your life if you don’t want it to. Enjoy your New Year moment and eternally step smoothly into your new beginning. I wish you a full flow of abundance in every moment of your life.

Day 45 of my blogging challenge.

Weaving through a Waning Moon

IMG_3201We are moving slowly from a full Moon on 25th December to the next New Moon on 10th January. This is the time of the waning Moon. As we watch, the size & light from the Moon decrease steadily until it’s time for us to witness the rebirth of a new Moon. The association of the Moon with the water of the planet (it exerts a pull on Earth that, along with a smaller gravitational pull from the Sun, generates the tides) creates a rise and fall of water energy. Water has long been associated with emotions so in the same way we can see a rise and fall of emotional energy as the light of the Moon grows and decreases. In the waning of the Moon we can rest, restore our energy and release anything that no longer serves us.

Of course, releasing our stuck feelings, thoughts and possessions might not be an easy activity. The flooding that had occurred in the UK and elsewhere has had the effect of making people release physical belongings in an abrupt way. There has been little choice about what goes and what stays. For many people material things we have taken for granted (fridges, freezers, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, electrical goods, furniture, gifts) are being disposed of because the water has ruined them. To feel under threat of flooding or think that it could happen again places a great strain on anyone. Watching your home being destroyed brings to the surface grief, anger, distress and despair. Disasters are the raw, broad brush agents of change making life turn into different directions than expected.

How can we make a path through the waning of the Moon? What can we weave from our own resources to help us let go of anything that is past it’s best in us or our life? One thing I recognise is that I’m mostly a creature of habit. Change shakes me out of my comfort zone. Yet old patterns block the new opportunities that are all around me. At the time of a waning Moon it is worth pausing for a moment to ask myself if I’m holding onto anything – energy, feelings, thoughts, material items – that is no longer serving my best interest. It might be that there is a fear I need to face. Or a past life karmic influence that is better resolved sooner rather than later. Or a connection with someone who is no longer on my wavelength. Or too many worn, energy full clothes in my wardrobe (a popular habit of mine!). If I can recognise the influence of the Moon I can let these things go with gratitude for their impact on my life. I can change myself internally to respond positively to change. I can increase my resilience to the dark before the New Moon.

I also love to work with crystals. During a waning Moon I make a crystal grid with all of my lovely, positive heart energy stones. Rose quarts, pink opal, danburite, rhodochrosite, pink mangano calcite to name a few. So many lovely stones that radiate unconditional love vibrations out to us. If we place these crystals on, around or near us they gently balance out any low level energy we may be releasing. Gifting us their support from the heart of the Earth they remind us that whatever changes on the surface of our lives there is solid substance underneath. Unlike the material possessions, in the tail end of the Moon’s light, we, individually & collectively, can, do and will survive. Find a crystal today and let yourself be guided through the darker nights to the rebirth of your new self.

Day 44 of my blogging challenge.

A Light on Endurance

elinor1The lights are on again! My part of the town has finally been reconnected to the electricity grid. It’s another sign of the recovery taking place after the flooding in the area. Today I drove through many places where piles of household objects outside on the pavement were a testament to the devastation that water can cause. It made me think about what has happened in the aftermath of Boxing Day.

In all sorts of ways strangers have stepped forward to offer help & support to get people back on their feet again. For the water that flooded into many peoples lives did knock us off balance. We tend to think of our homes as our castles – invulnerable, strong, safe. Having the elements prove that our safety is, at best, relative and, at worst, an illusion has a psychological impact that is hard to classify. I know that I got through some of the days by ‘soldiering on’ – I wasn’t facing the loss of anything more significant that the contents of my freezer and heat & light for a few days – so going out and getting cleaning up done was a useful distraction. Yet today I wasn’t ready for the impact that no heat, little in the way of hot food and the lack of electric light would eventually have. It’s hard to sleep when you are waiting for the next siren alarm to sound. Or when you are listening to who is moving about in the street and wondering what they are up to.  When you are still groggy from concussion thinking straight is a challenge. Being positive in the wee small hours of a total darkness that you aren’t use to seems like too big an ask!

There has been so much help but not many people asking ‘what do you need’. I for one needed a hug. I needed someone to tell me to hang on because it was all going to be ok. I needed to have my wobble without some well meaning person trying to solve a practical problem that I didn’t have. I needed a hot shower & some plain, palatable hot food. I needed the Light back in my home again. With those small things I would be able to endure for much longer. Without them I was feeling weak, overwhelmed, alone in a crowded town. To stay positive I needed some room for all the low energy feelings to surface and be released.

I got my hug from a lovely man at the town hall. His words were a great encouragement. I got my hot food & a shower at my auntie’s home. I sat and had my wobble in my Centre where it’s always peaceful. I found I was ready to endure whatever I might need to as another storm front is moving in and the outcome is uncertain. Most of all, I found that in uncertain times the appreciation of small things restores hope. Without hope we are ready to sink under the water. Given hope we are ready to fight our way to the surface. Drowning stops being the only option. Hope lights up my life again, I am refreshed and renewed so the journey can continue.

Next time you offer to help try asking ‘what do you need’ instead of saying ‘I can do this or that, you only have to ask’. Asking for help isn’t always an option when you are trying to wrap your mind around what has just happened. If you ask about what is needed then you are offering hope. You are giving someone time to work out what it is they actually need, even what they feel about what has happened and you are kick starting the grieving process. You may find that you are hugging them (one way or another) through a wobble. What you will certainly be doing, alongside the hope, is giving them the strength to carry on enduring for a little bit longer.

Day 43 of my blogging challenge.

The electricity of kindness

IMG_3193We have been without electricity for nearly 2 and a half days. There is a massive clean-up going on all around the town. What we have happening is the electricity of kindness. It has taken people ages to get to our through Hebden Bridge today as volunteers have poured into the Calder Valley towns to help everyone affected by the floods on Boxing Day. This isn’t the statutory help though the local council, the army, the power companies & all the emergency services have been doing as much as they can. This is the kindness offered by all shapes, sizes, sorts of people to people who have lost their homes or livelihoods. It includes the local people who have provided food & drinks (thank you to Rev Howard Pask of St James’ Church for the sandwiches he & his parishioners provided today) as well as the storage of so many donated items (Omega Scaffolding & the Town Hall) and for the staff at all of free food & drink points, not to mention the reception & organisers at the Town Hall.


IMG_3151I have been on the heartbreaking task of helping clear Hebden Bridge Spiritualist church of all it’s possessions today. The hight of the water meant that all of the furniture, most of the pictures & curtains had to be thrown away. Our church organ & the few possessions that had survived the 2012 flooding have also gone. Rather remarkably the only piece of furniture that has been saved is a memorial table donated in memory of Sarah Alice Sutcliffe. Although the table must have been caught up in the water the top is clear, the leaflets & box of tissues dry & the Christmas tree still upright & in place. Not so the rest of the furniture that was much heavier. Perhaps the Spirit World felt we should be left with one piece of memorabilia & an interesting story to tell?  Certainly one story has been the clean up that we needed to do. Mud, water & debris everywhere. Chairs weighing at least double because of the amount of water still in them. A mountain of a task!


IMG_3185So how to clean up such a mess? I posted on Facebook yesterday and got such a wonderful response. Kind words, offers of help & people sending positive vibes. Today the electricity of kindness was flowing in the church. The team from Beaver Tree Services who brought their trucks & moved a mountain of wet, muddy stuff for us & our neighbours ended their day cleaning out the water & mud from the church basement. They worked non stop all day! Our committee members, other Facebook friends, our neighbours & even our church flat ex-tenants all wielded their mops, brushes & shovels with a determination to get the church & surrounding roads as clean as was possible. And the never ending supply of strangers who saw our plight and joined in – from Bradford, Dewsbury, Sowerby Bridge, Halifax, the search & rescue team – buckets to hand helping to scoop out the last of the mud & water from around the basement steps. Kindness is everywhere in Hebden Bridge today.


IMG_3150I hope that all the other areas affected by the flooding find that the electricity of kindness is flowing there for them too. I haven’t enough words of thanks for what was accomplished today at the church or for the way in which the whole town is on the receiving end of such unselfish kindness. It inspires me to believe in the future of humanity. It shows me that love is still in the hearts of most people. Although the church is affected by the floods the Spirit World can certainly say that we ‘get it’. The demonstration of so much unconditional love is the foundation of our future. I might still be in the dark at home (electricity expected back on any time soon, lol) but I’m warmed by the electricity of so much kindness. There are many other places where people are struggling with war & natural catastrophies. Let’s try to spread that kindness world-wide!

Day 42 of my blogging challenge.

Rise from the depths …

IMG_3182This photo says it all! My town, along with so many others, has taken a real hit over the weekend. A lot of homes, shops, businesses & property has been destroyed. What has been inspiring is all of the help on offer. Calderdale Council arrived at 5am to clean the roads & deal with scraping up the mud. The police are re-routing the traffic. Setbray, my property managers have called round to check if we are ok. Marco’s Cafe, the Town Hall cafe & John at Country Stores have been offering free tea & coffee or food. There are an army of volunteers hosing down & clearing the mud from shops & houses.

The Calder Valley Flood Support group on Facebook has been a hub of support, advice, updates & co-ordination. Sometime we criticise social media for lots of reasons. But what this group have shown is how the internet can get info out where it’s needed really quickly and galvanise amazing support. A lot of the people I’ve spoken to today in town have seen the posts and come along to help. I know that it’s not only in Hebden Bridge. Many other towns are finding the support & help needed because people have seen info on social media.









What is also the up side of the internet is that we know about the floods, bushfires, landslides and earthquakes all over the world very quickly. We might not be able to go along and help physically but we can donate food, supplies, money, clothes & aid very quickly. We can also send out positive wishes, thoughts & prayers for everyone in an affected area. I have received so much online support. It does count. It has made a huge difference to me whilst I’m dealing with the fall out of the floods. It also means I can offer the same positive support to others who have been more badly affected. So keep on sending your good vibes to every affected area.









The big clean up will take a while but the town is still vibrant & alive. If you are near an area that has flooded you can always help – cleaning is required, basic equipment is required for families who have lost most of their normal living equipment and you can send your positive vibes to everyone too. Most of all, you can visit us when we are back up & running to support the many small businesses who will be building themselves up once again. Thank you in advance for anything you can do to support Cumbria, Lancashire, Yorkshire and all other affected areas.








Day 41 of my blogging challenge.

Wet and then wetter!

IMG_3144What an ‘interesting’ day. The flood siren sounded again at 7.30 am – not the peaceful lie-in I though I’d get. We had already moved everything of value upstairs after last night’s warning. Then it was time to check on my home made flood defences & the water levels. Unfortunately at about 9.30am the river breached it’s banks and the centre of Hebden Bridge flooded. The main road (the lowest point) eventually got about 7-8 feet of water from where I could see. One side of the town was cut off from the other and the side streets gradually filled up further and further.

I’ve been incredibly fortunate – the water came along the road to within 6 feet of my front gate. The cellar flooded but it’s empty anyway so no actual damage. However, so many other people have lost so much. The priority has to be safety so the emergency services & flood wardens focused on people who needed to evacuate. It will be a mess to clean up but property is never worth the loss of a life. And one thing I am certain of, the whole Calder Valley, along with many other areas, will be pulling together to help in the clean up. We will get back to ‘normal’ as soon as possible. That is the one thing that shines out about our communities – whatever Nature throws at us we can all get through it together.

I’m not speaking some empty philosophy here. All day people have been calling at the house to check if I needed anything & to make sure we were safe. People have wandered along to look at the floods & stopped to express their concern for me & others. I’ve had offers of all sorts from cups of tea, to meals to spare rooms & help with cleaning up. People have said how sorry they are that I might be caught by the flood. And my family & social media friends have also been amazing. I have felt their loving energy all day. The warmth of support has kept me cheerful all day. No one wants to see their home & possessions damaged (& there is only so much you can move upstairs) especially as it’s the place you are supposed to feel most secure. The kindness of today has balanced out the concern I’ve felt.

At times it was as if I should try, like King Canute, to turn the water away. At other times I was irritated by the cars still trying to go down roads that were so flooded other cars had been abandoned. They didn’t seem to think their waves would be a problem. Mostly I watched & waited as Mother Earth continued her cleansing process. All of the people who stood alongside me today being thankful that their homes were still safe will remember this flood too. We talked about 2000, 2012 & now have added 2015 to our memory banks. Perhaps we will finally be inspired to sort out how to live in partnership with Mother Earth once more. I hope so. I hope we keep the community spirit over the next weeks, months, years and remind ourselves that what matters most is the care and support we can offer each other. Let’s change how we do things starting right now.

There is more rain on it’s way. There are bush fires in Australia that could benefit from our rain. Somewhere there is a solution. We have to be brave enough to find it for the whole world!

Day 40 of my blogging challenge.

Christmas wishes of peace

peaceXmasI’m sitting quietly at home. The TV is on but I’m not really paying attention. All the rest of my family are off doing their own thing so it’s very quiet and peaceful. After a morning of excitement in sharing gifts, an afternoon of sharing a meal, tonight is about peacefulness. A part of me is delighted that I get to stay in bed later than usual tomorrow morning. A part of me is joyful about making the family meal so we could all celebrate being together. But the biggest feeling is peace. The day has gone well. I’ve been able to reach out through social media to all those who I couldn’t fit into my house. We have shared the chocolates, the chit chat and the fun.

I am also aware that this one day of peace is really precious. I am fortunate to find myself at the end of my day full of gratitude for all I have in my life. Even though the rain continues to fall & the river is rising, I’ve been given an extraordinary day. I know of many who have not had the same good fortune as me today. Along with my Guides and the Energy Beings I have been sending out wishes today. I have wished for peace for all the world. I have wished for comfort for all the world. I have wished for healing for all the world. And I have wished that all people, whatever their beliefs and values have enough material certainty so that they can experience the magic of life too.

It’s a big ask. Yet it’s only by sending out the positive energy wishes can we ever hope to influence the choices that we all make. You see, we can be so extraordinarily sharing when we try. The army in the UK is standing by to help those people who may have to deal with floods once again. Fire, ambulance, police and hospital teams are still waiting to help us if life suddenly becomes challenging. Family, friends and neigbours are our solid community support too. Peace will manifest when we all stand up and take a full part in our global community. When we refuse to allow judgement and the perception of differences to divide us.

I hope your day has been full of sharing, joy and peace. These feelings start within each one of us and we can share them outside of ourselves whenever we choose. Let the example to others of choosing peace be yourself. Stand up for peace. Be peace. Send out peace. Peace will be in, around and with you.

Day 39 of my blogging challenge.

Reflections in a Christmas Moon

mouseThere will be a full moon on Christmas Day – the first for 38 years. As I drove home from visiting family I thought about how much my life has changed in 38 years. Back then I was unlikely to have paid any attention to what the moon was doing on Christmas Day. I was a young adult almost too cool for the magic of the holiday season. As had happened in other years I spent my day at my parents house with my shiny new fiance in tow. There had been a lot of negotiating to make it possible to be with my parents for dinner and not his. I vaguely remember promising to go to his parents the next year. Of course, a precedent had been set so my Mum’s was where we went for Christmas dinner every year.

Even when first husband was a distant memory the tradition of gathering at my Mum’s house continued. Seeing the family expand to grandchildren, partners, parents of partners, aunties was fascinating. The memories I have of those Christmas day gatherings are very special. Somehow we all had roofs over our heads, we were working, we could look forward to gifts, a hearty meal and plenty of it. I’m not sure I counted those blessings enough. Today I drove past the house my Mum & Dad built. They worked so hard to provide for us. There were always presents no matter how much scrimping and saving had to go on for the rest of the year. We were fortunate enough to have new clothes, shoes and coats every year.

I remembered when I was finally allowed to join in the truth behind the best kept secret ever. About age 9 I was allowed to help my Mum wrap the presents that Santa can’t always get round to. He’s very busy so he has a lot of honorary elves – like my Mum – who give him a hand. I was sworn to secrecy too and each Christmas Eve afterwards I joined her as a trainee elf. Santa always kept my presents back so I could get a surprise in the morning too & the secret would remain safe. Tonight, on another Christmas Eve, I’m about to be an honorary elf again. I love my tradition of wrapping my daughter’s presents late at night waiting for a magical day to begin.

The magic isn’t in any religious tradition really. The magic is that parents all over the world, at this time of year, celebrate that wonderful gift – children. There is something so awesome about your child waking you up overflowing with excitement, bouncing with energy, fully caught up in the mystery of it all. It’s a belief in magic that can easily & quickly be stripped away by the reality of life. There are families who don’t have a roof over their heads, or are unable to afford a decent meal or who have become so disjointed that the sense of togetherness has all but disappeared. It is so easy to loose the connection with one another. There are real challenges in a world where we are prepared to let children starve or be killed.

I was counting my blessing over and over on the way home. I left a brand new family enjoying all the anticipation of their son’s first Christmas. I thought about the pride of the grandma who told us how excited her four year old grand-daughter was to know that Santa was on his way. I have my family around me tonight as we follow our family traditions. I also have my family of friends who have been popping in and out all month to bring alive the connections we share. I have precious memories of Christmas Past to warm my heart. I have ‘A Visit From St Nicholas’ running through my head. I must have said it a thousand times already for my daughter but still we share a giggle over the recitation of the poem.

The only people I don’t have on the Earth are my Mum & Dad. They returned to the pink perfect within a short time of each other. Yet I have them in the Spirit World. I know that they can be everywhere, every when so I’m sure that tomorrow they will look in on every one of our families to share the love, joy and celebration of each of us. They gifted us life and as Spirit they care deeply that we live as well as we can. No matter what your family circumstances you will be surrounded by love tomorrow as you always are. Take a moment of time to sense their presence and feel that love.

Now I have presents to wrap! And in case you have forgotten the Night Before Christmas –

By Clement Clarke Moore

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds;
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads;
And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow,
Gave a lustre of midday to objects below,
When what to my wondering eyes did appear,
But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny rein-deer,
With a little old driver so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment he must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name:
“Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! on, Cupid! on, Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!”
As leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky;
So up to the housetop the coursers they flew
With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too—
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a pedler just opening his pack.
His eyes—how they twinkled! his dimples, how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard on his chin was as white as the snow;
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke, it encircled his head like a wreath;
He had a broad face and a little round belly
That shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly.
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight—
“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

Day 38 of my blogging challenge.

Friendship is eternal

thank youIt has been lovely this week to share time with friends old and new. Whether it’s over Facebook, Skype, face to face or over the phone checking in with friends is a magical bonus to this festive season. It doesn’t matter if someone has been a short term friend, known me all through my life or pops in and out every now and then. Each person has made a contribution to the history of my life. I sometimes spend time reminding myself of all the wonderful people who I call friends. I wonder how they are, what they are now doing in their lives and if I will get to see them again.

For the friends I see a lot, the answers are easy to give. For those who are now out on their journey further away from me I hope that they are finding joy in their their lives. For my social media friends I hope that I can see their posts when it’s time for me to offer support, encouragement & laughter. A text can be a quick way to send a smile or hug too. Sometimes it’s about giving myself time to make that phone call or to Skype when the written word can’t do justice to the feelings I want to convey to my friends. Or they really need to find a listening ear, a warm how can I help or an it’s going to be ok. I guess friendship isn’t measured by the amount of time you spend with someone or what you do for each other. For me friendship is about those moment to moment connections that happen when you feel like you’ve met someone who ‘gets’ you. A shared ‘something’ that makes a sort of sense of the world for that instant.

One of the interesting thing about my work is who steps forward to give messages from the Spirit World. People often expect their nearest & dearest. Sometimes they are surprised that a friend has come to speak to them. They wonder why that person & not a family member. Yet friendship can carry us through the challenges of life, sometimes more successfully than anything else, because it is a wonderful form of love. Friendship is giving and sharing too. Our friends are the people who are prepared to tell it like it really is. So our friends on the Spirit side still want to be here for us. They want to remind us of what we shared together. Most especially they want to show that time, space and eternity can’t get in the way of a loving friendship.

It’s a festive time, a time to celebrate the change from dark to light, in whatever way that has meaning for each of us. Take a few moments to remember all the friendships you have had in your life, especially those still walking along with you, – you might be surprised at how many people are on your list of friends. Try not to judge the nature of the friendship you had or currently have – remember that for an instant or more someone understood enough about you and your life to share moments with you. Then add in all of the friends who live in the pink perfect now. Don’t forget your Guides either. Do you see that you have never really been alone? Do you understand that you have love around you all of the time? Fill yourself up with that loving friendship and let it spill out once more to all of your friends. I believe that what you give out you get back. I’m sending all of my friends in all dimensions my loving thanks today.

Day 37 of my blogging challenge.

How would you like it?

jpsquoteThe theme today has been about treating people as you would like to be treated yourself. Some people know this as customer service, or courtesy or stepping into the other person’s shoes. I know that it’s a very hectic time. I understand that people get stressed because they have a lot to do before they can pause and take a day or two off. It’s been like this all month as people rush through December trying to match the standards we have accepted as part of our social conditioning. However, the festive season is like any other season so service to the best of my ability still is the order of my day.

I know I’m not perfect. I know that some people will be disappointed at what I can (or can’t) do for them. I realise that I can’t please all of the people all of the time. But I can pause for a moment and ask myself am I doing the best I can to appreciate their situation. It is always possible that be thinking about their needs I can at least meet them half way. I can show my understanding of their situation. In fact, I can work to exceed their expectations. I may end up not quite meeting those expectations but I can show that I cared enough to try.

I’m still suffering the effects of concussion that turned out to be not so mild as I thought. It’s as a result of an assault on me last Saturday. I share this only to explain that this evening I was visited by a police constable who was hoping to gather a bit more evidence than had been available so far. We often talk about our police forces as the ‘baddies’ of the system. Sometimes they are. They are all too human. Mistakes happen. However, this officer was understanding, listened and was honest. There is very little they can do to find out who the responsible person is but the officer took the time to talk to me about what had happened. I really appreciated his visit because it actually did exceed my expectations.

Earlier in the day I had several examples of people who disappointed my expectations. I could make the excuse that they probably have a lot more going on for them in their lives than I know about. I’m sure that is true – just as they didn’t know about my situation. I could also say that failing to recognise the importance of how I was feeling was probably an oversight in people who wouldn’t normally behave like they did. I’m well aware that I’m guilty of doing the same from time to time. We all are. So how do we move from creating the impression in someone that we really don’t care if they have spent their time & money on what we promised to deliver but didn’t? And does it really matter? If we are meant to be our authentic selves, shadow side and all, can’t we do exactly as we please?

When my daughter was very young she called the place of the afterlife the ‘pink perfect’. I asked lots and lots of questions of my Guides about this place. I really wanted to understand why we had Earth when we could have the pink perfect instead. They talked to me about spiritual choices. It isn’t enough to say we love everyone and everything unconditionally. We actually have to carry that out by our actions. We have to recognise our pettiness, our desire for our own agenda ahead of anyone else’s. We need to see the consequences of our choices come all the way back to us. It isn’t enough to ask Santa to bring us lots of lovely stuff because we have been really good if we have our fingers crossed behind our back to cancel out the lie. So when we offer a service or a product, out time or energy we have to aim to deliver the best we can. If we get stuck or something gets in the way of delivering our best we have to say so.

The police can’t get any more info about the man who assaulted two people. They have done the best they can. They paid me the courtesy of coming to see me to tell me this in person. I may not be happy about this but I understand how it is. In the other examples today the people involved were stuck in their own concerns, ignored mine and delivered what they felt they had to. It really didn’t resolve anything for me. I’m certain that if the tables were turned and they stood in my shoes nor would it for them. I am sending those people my unconditional love. I appreciate that by their standards they thought they were in the right and doing their best. My hope is that somewhere along the line they feel that unconditional love supporting them to make better choices.

So how would you feel if someone dismissed your feeling & thoughts? I don’t really need to ask that question. I’m sure we all know already what it feels like. We seem to live in an uncaring world right now where service to others is seen as a weakness. So how to make the pink perfect a reality down here? That sometimes feels like such a big ask. My Guides tell me we are aiming to achieve that one day. They remind me to keep in the front of my mind that question – how would I feel? They ask me to measure everything I do against that question. And they encourage me to be honest and realistic about what I feel or think. Sometimes, when my emotions are running high, I can’t think about how others might feel or think. Yet each time I make my choices based on the how would I feel question I am taking a step nearer to the BIG goal of an Earth pink perfect. So I’m giving myself unconditional love too tonight to support me in making spiritual choices.

Please take the time to give yourself unconditional love too. Who knows when you will next need to act based on the how would I feel question.

Day 36 of my blogging challenge.