Honouring My Energy

It’s been another day of honouring my energy. Whether having a catch up, sorting out bills or working on new events I have been noticing the ways in which my energy flows.

I’ve written a lot before about energy. Because when I look at the world using my intuitive senses I see things very differently. My brain processes the energy flows and pops the information alongside what I’m seeing and hearing with my physical senses. And there can be quite a mis-match. It’s my job to make sense of these details. Yesterday it was all chaos. Too much information. Today it’s become a lot clearer. That’s because I’m honouring the intuitive knowledge I’ve processed.

Living this intuitive life means I have to weigh everything by it’s energy. Am I putting myself in the flow of positive energy? Or stepping back into old or stuck energy? Also, am I balancing both my feminine and masculine energies? When I consider a new opportunity or refocus on things I’m already doing what energy am I giving and receiving? I know I’m asking myself lots of questions but how will I know what to do if I ignore my intuitive information. I might fall into the trap of following my Ego Mind. And that is dangerous. Because my Ego Mind has no intention of honouring my feelings. It wants to keep me safe by limiting me.

I know it can be difficult to accept the information from our psychic senses. I had a battle to get myself honouring the way I was receiving these details. And to even consider that they might be facts to pay attention to.

Even if I accept the facts are there do I use them or ignore them. How do I trust what I am sensing? I know that it has been a slow and steady process for me. Noticing the energy I am living in. Trying to do things differently so I change that energy. Getting it better. Finding out it’s worse. Lots of trial an error. Until I’ve reached a point where I completely accept the intuitive material and let it help me steer my life. Today has been about revisiting quite a few things I do. Checking if I am honouring my intention to give and receive positive energy flows. Making sure that I balance my natural preference to be in my masculine energy with enough of a feminine boost.

For I’m at the beginning of a whole new phase in my life. I can take my work in any direction I please. More of this and less of that. Starting new projects or sticking with the tried and tested. It’s like starting all over again. Yet exciting to be deciding things differently. I’m moving into choosing what I want from my life once more. It’s important for me to include much more feminine creativity in what I do. To be able to express passion in my work and play. And to generate a feeling of wellbeing within myself. I know that if I do that it will spill over onto the people I connect with. I can send them that positive energy boost to use in any way they like. That is a great goal to have. So I’m going for it full speed ahead.

Day 484 of my blogging challenge.

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