Catching a Breath

imageWhere has the day gone? I’ve finally sat down to reflect on my day. And, of course, to write my blog.

Sometimes I wonder how I manage to pack so much in. It’s like my diary fills itself in overnight. When I get up in the morning I do wonder when I’m going to be catching my breath for a moment. I’m very fortunate that my Guides send me plenty to do. They also make sure I pause every now and again. Sometimes for five minutes, sometimes an hour and every so often for a week or more.

I’ve  noticed that when you really love what you are doing it’s hard to stop. There is always something waiting to be done too. Yet I also know that catching your breath, however long you need to do it, is a fab way to recharge, reflect and refocus. If you love what you are doing enough to get lost in it its too easy to ignore the need for food, rest, a break, your family or friends, a social life. Having a pause gives you time for a balanced life.

Today my pause for breath came between readings. Catching myself feeling a little tired I got a cuppa and let my mind drift for a while.

I’ve been working out a shift in direction for my work. I am bringing in more of what I love doing and stopping some of what feels a bit like an effort. Of course there are new things as well. Containing my impatience to get started I have to end some of my other activities. That seems sensible but I always find it a bit hard to let go. Probably because I’m going to be stepping out of my current comfort zone. As my mind drifted ahead, then back, then ahead again I let myself notice where my resistance to changes was coming from.

I don’t like to do the same thing over and over. I tend to need to move my work every two to three years. Yet at the same time, if I’ve put my time and energy into something it’s my baby. I feel wholly responsible. Letting it fly the nest, so to speak, it the challenge.  If there are other people involved I worry about how my choices will impact them. Or that they may have to change what they do too. Sometimes it’s about working out if they are ready to fly too.

Of course, all my introspection may lead to deadlock. I have to be careful to keep moving myself forward.

That’s the really useful part of catching my breath. It’s a chance to keep filling my life with the things I love to do. The spin off of all the moments spent pausing for thought is the creative inspiration for new and positive growth. Like an athlete on a running track waiting for the starting gun, clearing my mind in those moments means I am flexible and ready for anything. Change is actually less stressful because I am expecting and embracing it. I guess I’m going to stay busy with pauses because I don’t want to stop what I’m doing. Here’s to the next pause though. I’m off to Tenerife for a longer catch of my breath soon, lol.

Day 276 of my blogging challenge.

Change? No Thank You. Not Today!

changeSometimes the most random things pop into my head to get me to pay attention to myself. Today it was that old saying ‘A change is as good as a rest’. Having only just got back from a rest I wondered about the word change. Is it as good?

I have to say I’m resistant to change. No matter what I do I always end up debating with myself far too much about what to change, when, how and why. I also get very stress-headed about how any changes with me or what I do will affect other people. There are some wonderful people I know who embrace change. Or rush madly on looking for the next thing to change. I watch them relishing change. Forever tweaking, tinkering and remodelling themselves or their lives. One or two of them have told me to get with the changes. After all everything happens for a reason. And I agree with them. I know it does. That doesn’t mean I have to like change, lol.

Whilst I was away my thoughts kept returning to how I would be able to manage the Centre plus all the other stuff thats’s on it’s way in. Somethings have to change. I don’t have any more hours in the day or several extra pairs of my hands. Of course, in the best tradition of me, I hadn’t actually decided what I was going to change. I was still working out if it was all about the inner me changing or would some of it have to be the outer me and my world too. On top of that I was also trying to look from everyone else’s viewpoint. When I change who I am and what I do it changes things for others. Would it impact on them? Did they need to change too? Would they be ok? Could it end up being positive for all of us?

You can see that I was neatly boxing myself into a complete muddle. And I was getting cross with my Guides. They kept telling me that change was a good thing so get on with it.

I must be such a trial for them. I am a lot better at changing that I used to be. I’ve rushed into changes before only to rush back out. Sometimes I’ve wanted things to change so fast that I’ve scared myself and others. Or lost the plot altogether and dug my heels firmly into the ground. Last Friday was a decision day. One thing I know about myself is that I will eventually exhaust all my thinking capacity. There is a point when I will just do it. Exactly what my Guides always suggest I do in the first place. The I will trust that it all turns out for the best for everyone. I know that I am learning not to overthink everything.

Sometimes action is better than inaction. Especially when taking action quickly will bring me into harmony with the life plan I set myself before I got here. Perhaps I need to revisit my understanding of that old phrase. Change is the way I refresh myself and my life. It is how I grow and evolve. To resist change is to deny myself the opportunity to become someone new. To resist my changes is also to deny someone else an opportunity to become someone new too. I hope that the changes you are currently facing will help you to become the new you in as positive a way as possible. If you are struggling, like me, to embrace the change, take it bit by bit.

Remember, who knows what wonderful things are coming your way when you step into the new you.

Day 267 of my blogging challenge.

Little Niggles

imageSome days it’s the little niggles that capture my attention. Small irritations that catch on the smooth flow of my day. Strands of energy that stir up uncomfortable feelings or take my focus away from enjoying the positives in the day. It’s like these minor niggles have a way of turning my heart upside down to drag my mood into a lower state. It’s been a challenge to come back from a very clear energy space, no phones, no wifi and almost no people, on the far edge of the hectic world, to a busy life again. Yesterday was a long day and so was today. I love my work yet the change in energy flow has been very distinct.

Today one or two minor things happened that were definitely niggles. I immediately wished I could be back on the beach in Scotland. Then I felt irritated that people were being niggly. And finally I felt niggly myself. When the power cut at 3.51 am started a shop alarm nearby which woke me up I realised that I hadn’t had a full night of sleep back home. Away from the world I slept through undisturbed. I felt cross that I live in a world where the owners of the alarms are sleeping far away from the noise they create. At 6am the intercom system for the flats across from me started blaring a recorded message at full volume because the owner of the flat hadn’t answered the push of the button. Another niggle to get me wondering why the management company of the building had set the system so the whole of the street could hear the recording. Oh, yes, they don’t live nearby either. I know that in a few days I will have adjusted to the noise levels again but it did make me wonder why we have to become deaf to so much disruption when a bit of consideration would go a long way.

Another couple of things cropped up in the day to keep my niggly head firmly in place, lol. I decided it was time to step off the world for a bit so I went to sit quietly in the Centre. Letting myself recognise just how much irritation I was feeling over very unimportant things I wondered why I was so bothered. Of course several nights of disrupted sleep don’t help. Nor that I had been off on a week of doing exactly what I chose for myself. Stepping out of responsibilities for a while is great. What it had also allowed me to do was reflect on those responsibilities. Which ones were really mine? Why? What was the purpose of any of my responsibilities? We can make taking responsibility so much of a habit that we take on our own, theirs and anybody’s. A sobering thought really.

I also thought about what my intuition was trying to tell me. Niggles can be a way for our subconscious to bring stuff up for us to consider. So am I living in the wrong place? Do I need to invest in earplugs? Are there some things I need to stop doing? What do I need to pay attention to in other people? I feel that niggles can be a positive prompt, if we notice and examine them, for us to look around us with a fresh pair of eyes. Life is never set in concrete. We have to be flexible and ready for changes. Perhaps my niggles were the way my intuition chose to remind me to be flexible. Or to be ready for changes. Or to get a clear focus on the priorities in my life so I can put my efforts and energies into the actions that I will find most rewarding. And at the appropriate time perhaps my niggles will be the call to action that I need so I can send out new wishes and desires. I hope your niggles can help you too.

Day 199 of my blogging challenge.

Outside the comfort zone

imageLast night I had to move outside my comfort zone. Only yesterday morning I was talking to a wonderful group of visionary women about the nudges I keep getting from my Guides. They want me to make videos to help people find out more about connecting to the Spirit World. They also want me to get involved in radio & podcasting. To make the point sink in I ended up with a dodgy broadband connect so I couldn’t access this blog page as I usually do. In the end I had four attempts at recording a video, so more practice than I expected!

Today I went off to do something I enjoy doing. I was at Blackpool Spiritualists Church doing the service. It’s very much in my comfort zone now. So comfortable that I could take my shoes off because it was part of a message. Immediately before I started I suddenly thought about how scared I used to be of standing up to give messages. In fact I told people at my first development group that I would never get up on a platform to give messages. So Spirit have helped me move a long way out of that particular comfort zone. Now they want me to move out of other comfort zones. And I’m going to have to make myself uncomfortable to do so.

That is where the resistance usually kicks in. Making a change to any pattern involves stepping into a whole load of doubt, reluctance and fear. If I can’t ‘see’ how things are going to turn out, how I’m going to be when the changes have been made it’s almost easier to try to stick with things staying the way they are. Yet staying the same rules out discovering the new. So it turns out that I am good at connecting with the Spirit World, getting the evidence they want to give and passing on messages. If I had carried on resisting their requests for me to try giving messages in public an opportunity for me to discover a skill and a new passion would have been missed. I suspect it would have come around again but less people would have been connected to their loved ones because I was scared or doubtful. I now wonder how many times they tried to get me out of that particular comfort zone and my reluctance won.

I have several other comfort zones to expand and grow through yet. I have a distinct advantage this time though. I am aware that I resist out of doubt & fear. I also have Guides helping me when I take my first, second and third wobbly steps over the existing line. There is great support available to me from some wonderful people in my life who encourage me to go for it. And I also know that the dithering will always end up with me taking that first step. You see, I also know that I love to grow. It may be painful, challenging or hard work but I enjoy finding a new bit of me – a skill or talent, a mindset or attitude – something that will widen my horizons. Growth is also fun, inspiring, energising and exciting. It’s why we are here. In fact I called my business Growth Into Awareness because I wanted to remind myself that a comfort zone becomes something of a prison if I refuse to let myself change & develop.

Starting right now I’m working on moving outside another comfort zone – more of this in future blogs. Let’s see how far I can move myself this time. If you are finding the pressure of change is inside of you it’s time to recognise your comfort zone has got too small. You have undiscovered & unacknowledge talents and skills. Push yourself a little. Step out one, then two, then more steps. Explore. Rediscover the excitement of the new space in your life. Step lightly through the changes you are making to become more ‘you’. Doubt, fear and uncertainty will be part of your journey. Make then useful by stepping further into those feelings. Turn them into a positive force for change rather than a big brick wall to contain you. You are a unique human being with much more to offer than you recognise yet. Enjoy your journey of discovery!

Day 156 of my blogging challenge.

Personal Energy Patterns

imageI love numerology and have been fascinated by numbers all my life. Sometimes because I struggle with maths, sometimes because a number keeps repeating in my life and often when a sequence of numbers jumps out at me. My study of numerology is also linked to my enjoyment of astrology. It was whilst working out birth charts for people that I started to explore personal energy patterns based around star signs and numbers. Both astrology and numerology are useful ways to find out about someone’s personality, spiritual mission and life challenges. They also hint at the number patterns that form the basis of our life’s energy. Put simply, we follow regular patterns of events and if we look carefully enough at our lives we can find the cycle of numbers that are at the heart of our energy patterns.

The importance of numbers also came to the surface when I started to receive channelled information from the Earth’s ArchAngels. They wanted me to recognise that the planet also has energy cycles that last a set period of time. It’s not really a surprise why civilisations rise and fall. People, communities, countries are influenced by these energy cycles. There is a time when fresh energy rushes in and a great creative outpouring begins. There is a time when the energy becomes faded, flat or stuck and a decline in ideas, citizenship and co-operation comes about. We regularly end up destroying the creative work of  previous generations over and over again so that we can rebuild from a fresh point of view. The ArchAngels are very keen to let us know that out of what looks like decline something positive is always built. We have to be ready to look for the pattern, trust that we have survived great upheavals before and find the strength to create new choices.

So too with our personal energy patterns. I happen to have significant changes every nine years. I’m also, numerologically, a nine vibration. I have come along into this life with lots of things to complete. It’s hardly surprising that around age 18 I discovered past lives as an idea because at age 9 I felt that the religion I was born into didn’t seem to offer me many choices. My search for meaning between 9 and 18 was very much for why I was here again in the first place and what was I supposed to do. When I have had readings that tell me about my future choices they also slot more or less neatly into my nine year cycle. As I understand the flow of energy I am very aware that after a fresh blast of life changing energy at the beginning of a year 9 cycle I will be starting lots of new creative ventures. These will keep me occupied for about four years or so. At the mid point of my energy pattern I will start to complete or solidify the work I have been doing or the changes I have made. In the last four or so years I will be a bit restless, then much more restless and looking for a new challenge whilst keeping the current situations going. I will also be finding that there are things I’m getting ready to let go of. In fact, the last twelve months of any 9 year cycle can be rather hard work as I’m letting go (or having stuff dragged away by the Universe if I don’t let go) but have no idea what I’m making room for. Then the blast of fresh energy starts again.

Now that I understand about my personal Nine energy pattern I can work with it and take better care of myself. Fear is reduced because I can remind myself that this is my normal pattern, that I have been through big changes before and that, in the end, everything will work out for me. If only it would stay that simple! I have also observed that I have a 3 cycle running alongside the 9. Not in harmony with the Nine. My Three cycle started when I was in year 5 of my Nine cycle. Nines are about completion and threes are about creativity. In my working life I tend to need to change what I’m doing every three years. It’s not that I get bored or run out of steam. I have come in with so many ideas that it can be difficult to contain them all. I also want to keep momentum with generating ideas. So after about three years I want to hand on what I have already done so I can go on to the next bit of creativity. Sometimes the Nine and Three cycles work perfectly together as I’m ready to let go of work when I’m in the letting go part of the Nine cycle but every so often the personal energy cycles are out of step so I’m ready to move on in my life when I’ve just started a creative project. Moving on in my life often means moving house (I’ve done that a lot this time around) or moving in a new circle of people. Yet I might need to keep a circle of people who fit with the creative idea I’ve started.

Balancing the cycles of personal energy alongside the planetary patterns also fits in. If we are in a planetary period of letting go then new ideas will get stalled or delayed. The best times to create are when our personal energy cycles and the planetary cycle is benefiting from a fresh burst of positive energy. So how do we do that? I often have a blind spot with maths. It’s a challenge to work all the energy patterns out and apply them. That’s why looking at numerology and astrology can help clear some of the confusion of numbers away. It’s also easier to start with working out your major personal energy cycle before trying to find the minor patterns. Of course, if you are like me and are interested in history you can also look for the planetary patterns that are affecting your life. But there is another way that worked for me at first. Long before I noticed any patterns I was paying attention to my intuition. I can’t say that I would have accepted I was processing the info from the energy around me or even from my own aura. Yet I always seemed to know when there were changes going on before those changes actually surfaced in front of me. Now I know that my personal energy pattern was operating there underneath all the time. If I followed the intuitions I noticed the changes that came to happen went well. If I resisted my intuition, let my mind believe it was in control & knew better, then the changes were much harder to make.

So why find out about your personal energy patterns? Change can be one of our most challenging experiences. If, however, you have some advance knowledge or flexibility about the fact that change is about to happen you can navigate a smooth path through the ups and downs of a period of change. You also find that you have the evidence from your past patterns to confirm that you made it through all sorts of changes and will be able to do so again. Take a look back down your present timeline and notice how often your personal energy pattern repeats. Keep that info ready for the next time you are dealing with changes in your life and help yourself to sail through the choppy waters of change.

Day 149 of my blogging challenge.