I started my day with an hour or so of tidying the garden. Something I had been meaning to do for a while. Especially as my friendly gnome was getting a bit fed up of my excuses.
Many years I ago I would have been telling myself I’d lost the plot if I was talking about conversations with gnomes. Even not that long ago I would have smiled a bit at the idea that there were actually fairies, gnomes and eleves. Yet as I learned more about the energy world we live in the idea of fae folk became much more believable. It was at that point that I started meeting them. Now I enjoy working with the Elementals in my Earth Healing work. Which brings me back to my garden gnome. He looks after my little bit of space where I have my plants and pots.
Once I started to connect with him and he realised I was open to listening to what he had to say he has kept my plants well. In spite of my neglect of them. I have always had brown thumbs so house plants have tended to survive in spite of my kind of tender loving care. My gnome keeps himself busy radiating positive energy at the plants. Though to me he often seems grumpy. That’s no surprise really as I’ve been promising I would do garden work for months. Every day as I make my way from the gate to the front door he has been there. Shaking his head and giving me the look. It had got to the point where I wouldn’t look at him. Or listen to his suggestions. I would hurry past with a nod in his direction and a quiet ‘I know’.
Finally today I got stuck in. It helped that my friend Julie had arranged to call by and give me a hand. My gnome was as joyful as a grumpy old man could be expected to be.
As I moved things around I could hear him. Muttering away about humans. How we don’t always feel the connection with the land. He’s right. I was well aware that the plants were unhappy. Yet I ignored them. Other things seemed to be more important. That’s often what we believe as the disconnection from energy means we only focus on ourselves. I know that we could live more positively on and with the Earth. There are Energy Beings all around who would help us do so. I also know that in the swing to placing science on a pedestal we have lost a vital core of knowledge. After all, I was one of the people denying that my friend the gnome exsisted at all.
Very soon I will be working with ArchAngel Shimea once again. Along with the elementals he has reconnected me to the garden we call the Earth. I find his influence in my paintings. He steps forward when I notice the flowers or trees. My gnome and I work in Shimea’s energy when we beam positive vibrations to all the plants and trees on the planet. Sometimes I’m told by other people that big ecological issues need big solutions. My gnome disagrees. He thinks that if I look after my small corner of the Earth and work to make it beautiful I will be changing the energy. He says that my indifference to my patch of Earth is what harms the whole Earth. As so many of us are indifferent the Earth is struggling.
The Elementals would like us to return to appreciating our planet. To recognising that it can fulfill all of our needs if we treat it like a garden.
My lovely friend the gnome suggests we all plant seeds and help them grow. I know what he means. I am more likely to take care of something I have created, tended and can enjoy the fruits of. My garden can be lovely. I don’t need to worry about my neighbour’s efforts. His patch belongs to him. Perhaps my neighbour will see what I have done and be inspired to do more. Maybe I will see what he has done and be inspired too. Then perhaps both of our gnomes will be happy knowing that we are, at last, tending to our planet.
Day 328 of my blogging challenge.