Making Dedicated Time For Each Other

This is my third day away from work. A step back from the Spirit World to dedicate time to myself and my loved ones.

I know how easy it to be focused completely on what I do for the Spirit World. Especially as I’ve found my passion for this work. I love what I do so it’s not easy at times to step back. Being dedicated to work is something I know I share with many other people who have found their life’s work. However it comes with a pitfall. A great big trap. I can be so much in the service of others who are strangers that I forget the people I live with. Today I took the opportunity to spend time with my daughter. Away from the topics we often talk about. Because she is fascinated by the Spirit World too. Also away from all of the normal college and education stuff that fills our lives right now.

So we spent our time together planning our summer break and making a list of all the places that would be exciting to visit. I don’t know if we will get to them all. That’s the thing about being dedicated to a cause, a life style or a way of being. The focus can be so narrow that other things fall by the wayside. Yet being dedicated also creates a strong energy that flows through my life. It’s a foundation stone of how I live. I feel that I have to be dedicated to more than one focus point so that I achieve some life-work balance. As in everything about life choices the best way forward is to balance my requirements with those of others. Something my Guides certainly understand and respect. If I haven’t taken time off it’s funny how they will always arrange it for me.

After all, my life is enriched by my connection to my family. So ensuring that I dedicate time to be with them, or by myself, and away from work is the way to give me the best of both worlds. A home life of contentment. And work I am delighted to do.

Day 553 of my blogging challenge