Working with the Earth ArchAngels

IMG_2255 One of the things I’m doing at the moment had it’s beginnings in 2012 and I never expected where it would lead me. Back then I was busy collaborating with Jan Booth of Ostrich Angels on a range of soaps & sprays call Pearls of Wisdom. We both believe that what matters most is our energy vibration – not necessarily our physical presence in the world. So we had developed the scents for these products with the view that when you needed to set an intention about the way your energy went out into the world you would use the soap & spray to help you. Spirit Guides had helped us name them – Hope, Love, No Matter What etc.

As we completed the initial development work we were again approached by Energy Beings who channelled in through me the most interesting scent combinations. I didn’t have a clear sense of who these particular being were (I have been in conversation with Elementals, Dragons, Angels, Aliens & Planetary bodies for many years) but as we were both busy with other projects we sort of left the information on one side to be picked up when we had some more time. We are both good at responding to intuitive prompts so we knew that there would be reason behind the timing & the connection with these beings.

It was later in 2013 that things began to pick up pace with the Earth ArchAngels – as they finally called themselves. Every time Jan & I sat down for a catch up & to move our other projects forward we found ourselves being bombarded by new ideas, requests to go in a particular direction, instructions on how to make things and confirmations that this was work we had been asked to do. We ran with it! Being woken at 4 or 5 am to scribble down ideas. Having to read a wide range of books for info. Pulling together some friends to work with us on channelling the music of each being. Producing the soaps, sprays, candles in the ‘haunted’ Nont Sarah’s Inn. And finally, on the Summer Solstice of 2014 watching the sun dip in the sky as Etieliel’s music was played for the first time.

Neither of us was really aware of what we had let ourselves in for that evening! For the last eleven months we have both been walking the Earth ArchAngel Healing Wheel. Each month the energy presence of an ArchAngel has moved into our lives & we have worked closely with their loving, tough & healing energy. Other projects have taken a back seat – lots of work placed on hold – so that we understood & experienced their positive effect on our lives. Some months haven’t been easy – there are some ArchAngels who I work better with than others – but each attunement has taken me a step closer to being a ‘whole’ energy being. They have helped me to integrate parts of myself that I have held away from my attention. I understand, appreciate & love my flaws much more than I every let myself before. Their impact on my life has been to show me the choices I have & encourage me to make the changes that have to happen for me to be happier. They have peeled my fingers off anything I hung onto that was actually limiting my choices & supported me through the pain of letting go. Their energy has felt so powerful & insistent yet so gently given with all their love.

I’m now waiting for the completion of this year of surprises & change. The coming Solstice will be another new beginning in my connection with the Earth ArchAngels. I wonder what will happen next?

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