Wardrobe disaster – Aura baggage

I’m often asked how someone can improve their connection to the Spirit World. When I say ‘Wardrobe disaster’ they often look blank. It makes no sense. What has a wardrobe disaster got to do with the Spirits of our loved ones? I had the same blank look when I asked my Guides to help me get more accuracy in my messages and evidence. There was a lot of gentle laughter and a delicate pulling together of several threads of knowledge I already had stored away in my mind. So let me explain what they told me.

Part of our human identity tends to be the clothes we wear, the ‘look’ we adopt and the fashion we follow. Clothes act as a visual short-cut to who we are. We present our style to the world as the outward reflection of our inner self. We also use clothing styles as a stereo typing short cut – goth, designer, hippie, rocker, sporty to name but a few. Our clothes also allow us to blend in with whoever we decide is our tribe. They bring a sense of belonging and security. Or of wishing to be something when we don’t think we really are. They can give clues to our ambitions, our state of mind, our values and our judgements. Because we all look at what the person is wearing and decide whether they ‘belong’ or not.

If, like me, you have been searching the whole of your life for an identity, tribe or particular values your wardrobe might still contain lots of clothing that you have symbolically outgrown. I even have one of my baby dresses carefully put away with my first baby shoes. There have been many outfits that didn’t fit, were restricting, were only a fad or wore out quickly. I’ve worn the strangest combinations, colours that did nothing for me and items either scratchy & uncomfortable or so ill-fitting that I got exasperated. So plenty of disasters. Yet I hang on to some of these items because they are still really new, might come in one day or represent memories.

My wardrobe contains a lot of baggage. It’s suggested that anything you haven’t worn for six months should be donated to charity or thrown away. Why do I find that so difficult? I admit to resisting a great big wardrobe clear out. The clothes do represent aspects of me – the bits I decided not to be. There might be time to try those ‘outfits’ still. My Guides love my determination to keep my wardrobe full to bursting. But they also explain that hanging on to old energy – represented by the clothes – makes it hard for new energy to come in. How will I be able to get space for my new fashion look if I don’t clear out the old stuff? Especially since what I’m hanging on to could be classed as the ‘disasters’ – parts of me I really don’t want to be again (suits with large padded shoulders springs to mind) or that I’ve worn much too often (I’m thinking of my liking for faded jeans for all occasions, weddings & funerals included).

They use the discussion about a wardrobe to help me understand that my aura is full of energy (& not only the energy obtained in this life). Every single moment of my life is captured in the way the energy flows or sticks in my etheric body. So there are lots of patches of free flowing energy alongside patches that have become static. Where the energy flows freely the Spirit people, who are also energy, can connect with me and transfer information to me. My intuition and conscious mind can translate that info into a conversation, messages or evidence from the Spirit. The fixed energy is like a barrier. It gets in the way of the info coming through. It stops me translating the Spirit energy into something useful. Like a wardrobe packed too tight with old clothes there is no room to squash the new ones in. The stuck patches are where I have held onto an experience, perhaps been hurt by it, or angry with it or fearful of what I’ve encountered. Those fixed blocks represent sadness, disappointment, rejection, hate, lack, loneliness and so much more. They are the clothes that don’t fit, are uncomfortable or the wrong style & colour.

If I want to communicate more clearly I really have to deal with the stuck energy. So, with their gentle encouragement, I started to take the ‘clothes’ out of my wardrobe. Some had to be put back as I wasn’t ready to let them go. Many were released to be used elsewhere. I found I had spaces. Room to change and grow. New outfits to try and buy. Bit by bit my baggage has disappeared. It’s not all gone. There are still outfits I’m holding on to and some of them also relate to my past lives. I’m comfortable that when the right moment comes I will let those clothes go too. I’m also open to trying on new clothes because I know I have all the space I need to accommodate them. I have turned a wardrobe disaster into wardrobe freedom.

Turning an aura disaster into aura freedom is also possible if you start by acknowledging that you have been hanging on to past experiences much too tightly. Exploring why you are resisting the letting go process is a key part of understanding the deeper meaning that the experiences have had. Often you will find that the experiences represent judgements you have made (or taken on board) about yourself. The stuck energy can become like a mask you wear to keep yourself safe from similar experiences. Removing the mask is a brave act. You are freeing up space to allow yourself to grow. It may seem that there is no benefit from freeing up space. That it’s all rather challenging. Yet what you gain is the increased connection with Energy Beings. The loving presence of your Guides and Inspirers.

The practical ‘how to empty your aura’ is out there everywhere. I use my own Aura & Past Life meditations as well as a Violet Flame meditation. I enjoy, crystals, journaling, painting and self-refelction. I listen to what others discuss, suggest or have tried. I schedule regular wardrobe clearing times. I listen to my inner guidance when it tells me space is getting tight again. Most of all, I’m aware that I will go on collecting wardrobe disasters. I allow myself to try on new experiences, new fashions and new clothes balanced with the understanding that I don’t have to put them in my wardrobe at all. But if I do, that’s ok too. One day I will recycle their energy, when they have served their purpose and I am ready to grow some more. How much space is their in your ‘wardrobe’ for the new? Is it time to do some recycling?

Day 79 of my blogging challenge.

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