Every now and again I find I’m vacant. My intuitive mind is blank. That doesn’t matter much when I’m relaxing and away from work. But not necessarily helpful when I’m trying to do a reading. Or a live broadcast.
It doesn’t happen very often. But I know it’s a matter of trust. When my intuitive mind goes vacant, when I’m empty of anything to say, I have to pay attention to the energy that is in and around me. Connecting to the Energy Beings relies on having positive energy feeds. If the energy is too ‘heavy’ or I am loaded down with issues there is likely to be a blank in my mind when I want to communicate. That’s why I have learned to explain what is happening. And to stop trying to connect until I am in a better energy. It may also be that my energy is too wobbly. That I am struggling to hold the flow well enough. Again I have to recognise why. And step back if necessary.
A vacant mind can be useful too. There is space for my Guides to drop new ideas in front of me. Sometimes that is what it’s about. My Guides want me to work on whatever is next. So they clear my mind of any connections. And work with me directly about me. Again it’s about trust. When my mind goes blank I recognise that the conversation might actually be going out in the very back of my brain. Out of my sight and hearing. So that what will eventually emerge will not be filtered out by my Ego mind way too soon. Actually I love the way the inspirations emerge fully formed. All possible arguments sorted and resolved. With no questions left to ask. So that I can get on with doing what is the best fir for my Spirit blueprint.
For the past few days I have been letting go of my blogging challenge. It’s nearly over. Yet there is still a vacant spot about what comes next. A blank. I’m trusting that the next new thing will emerge when it’s needed. I’m sure the Guides have got it covered!
Day 997 of my blogging challenge
How well you seem to understand yourself. It’s refreshing and honest. Reflecting on how we work must be the key to opening ourselves to new adventures and advances. I enjoy very much reading your blogs and insights 🙂
Thank you Angela. I feel a key part of our spiritual development is the realisation that we have to become self-aware and self-reflective. The questions I have posed to myself in my blogs are all in an effort to understand what makes us successfully balance the Spirit Within with the human experiences we all have.It’s not an easy balance by any means. Our perceptions are distorted. This world is energetically demanding. And yet we can find hope and altruism all around us if we look. Especially if we take that new journey and connect with the non-physical beings who want to help and sustain us. I would encourage anyone who wants to develop their intuitive abilities to write, journal, diary. It’s very cathartic and enlightening <3