I’ve been with the Unicorns today creating some Earth Magic. Getting a glimpse of the future for people who came for card readings at Gallery 339. Of course it’s not a hard and fast future. I know we can all change our path if we really wish to do so.
But peeking in I can see the most likely outcome of the energy that is all around. One of the ways I have a sneak preview is to look at Tarot or Oracle cards. They are a great psychic tool for opening up my intuition so I can notice the energy around the person I am reading for. Of course, it’s not the only way to read energy. However it’s one I find really enjoyable. Especially when I notice that some cards like to come out in more than one reading. I also love the energy of unicorns. They remind me of strength and magic. And to always dream of mythical things because I might find out that they really do exist in one dimension. Or another. That’s what the cards kept saying today. Keep dreaming. Hoping. Wishing.
The Unicorns were also offering support. Reminding all of us that it’s ok to be carried at times. When I am weary, confused or dragging my feet. Just as the Earth Magic cards reminded me of all that is on offer to me if only I look. Life is magical. Especially if I let it unfold around me. And if I honour my connections to the planet too. And if I consider the future energy and trust that everything I require and desire is on it’s way to me. That’s a lot of if’s and I sometimes forget to follow the steps. Yet the prompts will appear in the cards if I ask. I enjoy picking a random card now and again. The magic of the prediction works each time. I am uplifted and encouraged.
Unicorns and Earth Magic. A powerful combination of energy at my disposal when I am sending out my dreams. I will wait as patiently as possible for those dreams to come true. Grateful for the presence of supportive energy in my life.
Day 932 of my blogging challenge