Twelve: Radiating the Light

Ascension1Are you noticing twelve? Do numbers around you add up to twelve all the time? Once you start noticing numbers it can become an intreaguing habit. I love numerology. I adore how numbers creep in everywhere. It’s amazing that the Universe is built of numbers. Our planetary vibration has been 9 for a long time – the number of completion & triple creativity. Three represents all of creation, our creativity and manifesting new creative choices. However, the vibration is slowly changing to 12 – comprising of the number of creation (3) and the number of the angels (4) who represent Divine Radiance. This is an Ascension process in which we are a strong part as we can create and manifest more Light. It’s time for the intuitive, Divine feminine energy to come into effect. This means we are being challenged to let go of old ways of feeling, thinking and doing.

Not an easy task. Life appears simpler when we think we are in control of our destiny. What we haven’t realised is that our beliefs have turned into mechanisms that control our creativity, our intuitive connection with the Divine source and drive us to stay safely within the comfort zone we have established for ourselves. New models of living together as a global community are being put in front of use. From the smallest group situations (families, employment, education) to larger issues of the equal rights of all humans to food, shelter, compassion and growth (countries, economic zones, law & industries). In all of these we are being asked to shine more of our Light. We are being requested to find creative ways to honour the needs of the whole of humanity. We are also being challenged to balance our needs against those of our planetary home and all the other life that exists here. No small task then.

There are things we can do. I believe that our ability to shine our Light, to become  more radiant, can be increased when we pay attention to our intuitive senses. I also believe that the radiance of the Angels is here to help us receive more of the Divine Light. We can receive their energy to help us remove anything that has dimmed our own spark. But you don’t have to believe in Angels to clean up your act. The energy vibration from twelve is calling on you to make more creative choices. To generate compassionate creative solutions that will help the people around you to also move forward. I’ve written before about finding your ‘tribe’. I’m fortunate to have many creative people connected with me. The Light they shine inspires me. We collaborate on projects to increase the radiance (whether for the Earth, the animal kingdom or for humanity) so that, bit by bit, other will be encouraged to shine their inner Light too. Have a look around you today. Notice the twelves and allow your intuition to connect you to your creative flow. Who knows what will happen when you step onto the Ascension path.

Day 120 of my blogging challenge (a four!)

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