I had a lovely conversation with a good friend of mine today. We were turning over and reviewing all of the changes that had been happening in out lives. And recognising that, from a distance, what seemed awful had actually turned out well.
Jan and I have worked together for several years. However at the beginning fo last year we both found ourselves turning in other directions. There were choices to review and decisions to be made. Some of our collaborations had to be put on hold. I remember putting some of the paperwork into a cupboard and wondering when it might see the light of day again. But I could also see that there was an upheaval going on underneath all of the ordinary, every day things. Jan felt it too. We had many discussions throughout the year about where we were heading. Both of us not quite sure but staying as hopeful as possible.
I also felt like it was the year of giving up things I wasn’t certain I wanted to let go of. Because each time I removed something from my life another things seemed to need removing. I know that Jan and I were sharing this same sensation. But we kept encouraging each other to go with the flow. I also know that we both wondered what all our efforts had produced. Because it seemed like they hadn’t really got off the ground. Yet some things had definitely changed for both of us. I guess we were really taking on the challenge of living day to day and trusting the Universe. So when it came time for me to let go of churches and my Centre I was ready to do so with ease.
Turning away from those things, amongst others, left me wondering ‘what next’. In a sort of free fall. And I am still floating gently along waiting to understand the point of it all.
Yet I also know that I have done the right things for me. As we sat talking together I noticed how much more positive there is in both of our lives. And how we both felt the stress of having to be ‘in control’ had been lifted. Actually, I listened to my good friend listing so many positives from the changes she had made. And I realised that I had so many positives to list too. Together we were turning things around to understand that we were doing exactly what would be best for us for the next few months. Perhaps years. That’s really important to me. Because I once lived a life so full of stress it was making me ill.
To be stress free, or almost, has been my big dream. I know it is the foundation of wellbeing. It is the way for me to enjoy my life and follow my passions. I also recognise that I didn’t achieve this all by myself. My family and good friend have supported me all the way through the last few years of change. Turning to others for help or inspiration has also been a key part of making positive outcomes. Especially my Guide Team. Each time I have felt like giving up they have been there boosting and encouraging me. That’s why I am so passionate about everyone else finding their Guide Team. It’s an amazing positive to have in my life.
Now I am determined that I’m turning an optimistic face to my future. Whatever the Universe bring to me will end up having a positive outcome. Even if it is also challenging whilst I’m in it. Find the guidance and inspiration. Look forward to a good life. And enjoy your journey.
Day 791 of my blogging challenge