I know I’m always talking about trust. Trust me, trust them, trust it will be ok, trust the Universe. But it’s actually quite hard to master relying on myself, others, the Universe and to know it will be ok.
Yet it’s so important for me in the work I do. I have to trust my Guides and the Energy Beings to give me what I need to communicate to others. They have to work with me so that a positive, evidential message or communication comes out of my mouth. Certainly not an easy thing in the beginning because my Ego Mind worked very hard to build mistrust instead. In fact my Ego Mind seems to take every opportunity to get me mistrustful. It’s as if i’m Always looking for the catch. Of course I understand that life is unpredictable, risky and uneven. I have had my roller coaster rides plenty of times. But my Ego Mind makes a big show of pointing all that out at exactly the moment when I need to trust the most.
For a long time in my mediumship developement I remained mistrustful. Not only because of my Ego Mind but also because of the general level of distrust most people have towards Energy Beings. In the end I decided that I had to trust the experiences I was having. It made me realise that until you have tried to connect for yourself you are unlikely to get over the mistrust. Even if you are a believer. Because somewhere lurking in the back of my head is the Ego ready to bring up that feeling of mistrust again. Like an old, worn record playing again and again. Every time I gain trust in something a new reason to mistrust something else crops up. Some days I wonder if I will ever master complete, utter and unconditional trust. That’s what I am aiming for. Being able to let myself respond easily and openly to the energy flowing all around me.
I know that if I trust this Universal flow of energy everything will be ok. All that I require and desire will find it’s way to me at the moment I actually need it. I guess that little bit of mistrust is still there to give me something to aim for!
Day 732 of my blogging challenge