Transition And Transformation: Happy New Year

TransitionIt’s the last day of 2017. Almost at the point of transition. The swap from a ten to an eleven vibration. Or, if you prefer, a transformation from one to three. And in the middle, for a moment, one foot on each side of a great divide.

I love numerology. And I’m excited to be on the point of moving into a new vibrational year.  It’s a moment of magic. The time for me to ask for my desires for the next year and to trust they will manifest. But it’s also the time to say thank you for all of the events and experiences of this last year. I went for a walk on the beach this afternoon. The wind was still strong in the aftermath of Storm Dylan. I could feel it tugging away at my coat. The sky was full of clouds. Yet I also saw a beautiful band of pink in amongst the clouds. I felt the Light of love shining through all that swirling energy. It reminded me that I have been through a transition this year.

I always think of ten as the beginning and the end. An infinity number. Because every end creates a new beginning and every new beginning creates an end. That was certainly true in 2017. It’s also a karmic number connected with releasing old energy so that a rebirth can take place. And one is the new beginnings number. Again something I experienced in 2017. My life became one long transition from who I had been to who I was becoming. The energy of transformation filtered into every aspect of me. So now I am ready, on the brink, waiting to step into the eleven energy. 2018 will bring a powerful creativity related to the power of the three vibration. Finally, eleven is a master number related to intuition, justice or balance and faith.

I’m waving goodbye with gratitude to 2017. In the end, I know that 2018 will give me more opportunities to continue my transition and transformation work. So long as I honour my intuition, have faith in my abilities and stay in balance. It’s up to me to use these opportunities to create the year I desire. Time to open up and say Hello 2018!

Day 768 of my blogging challenge 

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