It’s daily blog time again. Fast approaching two years of blogging. Tonight I’m tired, happy, relieved and grateful. I’ve had a full and very special day.
I’m tired because I’ve packed a lot in to my day. For a start it’s my birthday. I’m grateful for all of the cards, presents and messages that have found their way to me. So many lovely people have taken the time to send me birthday wishes. Many more than I was expecting so it’s been a lovely surprise. To have all of that warmth sent to me has given me a positive glow all day. Then there has been the happy excitement around launching my first book. I visited Gallery 339 this afternoon to do some readings and also managed to include a Facebook live video. Hearing my own words out loud was a bit strange. I’m not sure it’s sunk in yet that this book is all mine. But I’m relieved that it’s out in the world flying free. Because now the next one can be written.
I’m grateful that there is another book already lined up. And happy to be putting my pen to paper again soon. Yet I’m also keen to make a little space to enjoy this birthday wave of energy. So I’m easing back from doing too much else for a day or so. Although I’m tired tonight I know that In a day or two I will be back to all those other things I do. I’ll be fully charged and ready to move the energy around again. I feel like I’ve accomplished a big task for myself. One that, at times, I never thought I would. So I’m grateful for my tenacity. And for the people who helped, encouraged and boosted me through some of the more challenging moments.
My birthday has been a day to recognise all the lovely people I have in my Intuitive World. I’ve been counting my blessings, feeling very rich indeed. Tired but very lucky to have had this special day. Thank you for being a part of it with me.
Day 680 of my blogging challenge