You Can Think Your Way Through Anything!


Quoted in a book by Napoleon Hill this poem by Walter D Wintle has been in my mind today. Sometimes it can be really hard to focus on challenges in a positive way. It’s tempting to doubt and become worried. In our thoughts we often use language that promotes a negative point of view. However, if we can get past the negative, doubtful language we can actually think our way back to being positive.

Often written about as a Positive Mental Attitude this way of rephrasing the language we use in our heads is also helped by using affirmations. If I find I’m focusing on my worries I swap the worry thoughts for encouraging words. One of my favourite mantras is ‘You can do anything you choose to’. I also like to use ‘Today is a brilliant day’. It might take some time for the phrase to oust the worry thoughts but by repeating it I know I am moving into a more positive frame of mind. Acknowledging the doubt behind the worry also lets me find the fear. Fear is at the bottom of all of the excuses we give ourselves not to do something. It is the way we justify staying safe within our comfort zone. However, if we really want to accomplish something in our lives we have to work past the fear, doubt and worry.

One of our greatest gifts is our ability to think. We also have a choice of what we think about. Sometimes we tell ourselves we can’t change our thinking but there is ample evidence that we can – if we really want to! Helping ourselves to use positive words in our thinking builds the feeling of positivity within us. That’s why we respond to praise and recognition. It’s how to build self-confidence in ourselves and each other. So have you praised yourself enough today? Have your thoughts been positive towards yourself and the situations you have been in today? You can do anything you think to yourself you can!

Day 182 of my blogging challenge. 

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