The Power of Positive

smileAlthough I’m generally an optimistic person there is always a temptation when the world turns upside down to start looking at my life from the gloomy side. Overcoming the ups & downs that we all experience can be quite a challenge at times. Yet one of the best things I can do when I’m feeling the need for a ‘pity party’ is to find some positive people to be with or positive activities to do. Of course it’s really easy to decide not to. Sometimes we have to experience the lows if only to make us recognise what we have got in our lives. I could list all of the life events I’ve experienced that knocked me off my feet. I could talk about the pain, fear, anger, anxiety of this or that. However it’s when I become stuck in a dialogue of negative thoughts, feelings & beliefs that my life becomes hard to live.

So how do I stay optimistic even in that time when everything feels very bleak? One of the strongest supports I have in my life is my ability to ask for help. I have opened up my intuitive connection to the flow of energy that is all around us & I’m not afraid to send out a ‘shout out’ to the Universe. Instead of focusing more & more on the problems in my life I ask for the right help to come my way. And that’s when the small miracle happens. Someone or something will suddenly be in front of me that helps. A stranger saying something to make me laugh. A small child dancing to the tune in their own head. The sound of water flowing across the rocks in the river. A rainbow with it’s promise of gold somewhere at the end. And, of course, the friend who happens to appear & say just the right thing – without even knowing how much they are helping me.

I love that we can support each other without knowing. I love that we live in beautiful surroundings even if we don’t take the time to notice. I love the laughter we can share over the silliest thing. I love that what makes us strong is the passion we can feel for life. Every time I remember these things I lift myself out of misery and into hope. Hope is the flame that keeps us going through any adversity. If you are experiencing negativity change your surroundings, notice the lovely things in your life and keep hope alive. Finally, don’t suffer in silence – send out a shout for positive people to support you. Then enjoy when your family, friends & random strangers take the time to bring more positive into your life.

Finally, I’m very blessed to be doing several jobs that I’m passionate about. It’s often very hectic & chaotic. When I’m not letting my life be balanced – too much work & not enough play – I can find myself focusing on the duties, responsibilities and issues of making lots of things happen for other people. Sometimes so much so that I loose my ‘happy’ feeling about my work. That’s when I make myself slow down & spend time with positive people – my family, friends, my Guides, the Down 2 Earth Heart Centre practitioners, PartyLite team members. All of these lovely people, in one way or another, remind me to enjoy & be passionate about my life and I’m so grateful for their support.

Day 56 of my blogging challenge.

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