Teeth, Laughter, Wisdom: A Year Of Change

TeethI feel like I’ve got through this year by the skin of my teeth. And I’m glad I’ve been able to laught about it all. Because learning wisdom can be hard work.

I was reminded about my year this afternoon when I lost one of my front teeth. It fell out. Easily and unexpectedly, it was no longer in place. I admit that it had been a bit wobbly. However, I wasn’t planning to part company with it just yet. That also made it the third tooth that came out all by itself this year. Two wisdom teeth also jumped ship. Leaving me to wonder if I was gaining or losing wisdom as the year unfolded. Yet I also thought about all of the clearing I’ve been doing. Especially about learning to laugh at the ups and downs I create in my life. And understanding when and where I’ve held myself back. Perhaps even gritted my teeth to hold on to things that should be well back in my past.

I know that the year is almost over. I’m heading into the reflective part of the cycle. A time to slow down and plan for my future until the energy of Spring gets me off and moving again. Time to think about the bits of me I’ve lost easily. To think about my wobbles. And to notice when letting go was very easy. I laughed at the way I’ve sunk my teeth into some of the challenges. Grinned about the way I’ve wobbled all over the place. And seen the wisdom of taking action, any action, instead of dithering and worrying. I know I have learned to step lightly through my life. It’s not as serious as I sometimes believe it to be. In the end it comes down to being happy with life the way it is. And making sure that I live it to the full.

I’ve had several conversations this week about being 90. What do I want to be saying to myself then? That my life was safe, restricted and full of regret? Or that I lived and experienced as much as I could? Will I have been happy? Teeth really don’t matter. Living a laughter filled life does.

Day 703 of my blogging challenge 

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