For the last few weeks my energy flow has been tricky. I have felt becalmed. Yet today I found myself talking about my vision for the future. I realise now, inside me is certainty.
Anyone who knows me knows I love talking. I always have. Through it took me quite a while to realise that when I spoke I was giving myself, and sometimes other people, messages and guidance from the Energy Beings. Hearing myself give voice to things I wasn’t thinking only came to my attention when I started to work with my own intuitive connections. Because then I was focused on how the communications worked. Discovering that claircognisence existed really helped me to understand how I was getting light bulb moments of inspiration. Not that I lack inspiration. But put together with forecasting what was going to happen, I began to embrace my ability to predict events with a good degree of certainty.
I recognised that talking gave space for my Guides to drop in thoughts. Sometimes I knew my words were me speaking to me. And I also started to understand when my words were them speaking to me. Now I am used to letting my creative mind process the guidance at it’s own pace. Like a waiting game. To see what will emerge as the finished product. That usually happens when I sit down for a cuppa with someone and we chat. As the conversation weaves this way and that I pick up moments of clarity. Words that resonate more strongly than others. I find myself describing. Usually what is going to happen in my own future. I do challenge this occasionally. Am I only talking to hear what I want to hear? So my Guides send me confirmations.
These signals remind me to listen to myself when I’m talking. After all, I might be making my dreams known to the Universe. And to myself. Then I can start the actions to make those dreams concrete in my world. I’m now sure I’m ready to move forward again. Are you?
Day 630 of my blogging challenge