My blog is a little bit late going live today. I’ve been on a 200 mile round trip to Barrow and enjoying the view. Going a little bit slower so that I could appreciate Mother Earth.
One of the things I really enjoy is the time to take in the view. There is so much natural beauty around me if I choose to notice it. When I focus on the landscape it always reminds me how lucky we are to have this planet as a home. Everything I require is provided. Sunshine, water, vegetation for food and even animals for company. I watched a bird soaring high in the sky. The backdrop of the mountains of the Lake District was dramatic. But so were the Pennine hills marching alongside some of my route.
The trees were green. Flowering plants and grasses filled the verges. I got a glimps or two of the sea. Also beaches. Cattle and sheep. It was a drive of view after view after view. As I drove along I wondere how many of the people driving along with me noticed what was around them. I tried to estimate how many were seeing the views I was. I mean really seeing. Because we tend to ignore all that beauty. Rushing from place to place as fast as possible. Letting the rolling green fields skate by. Or distracting ourselves with technology. In our moving tin boxes unaware of what we are passing.
I love my planet but sometimes I ignore it. When I actually take the time to look at the view I can see what a gift it is. Do we spend too much time taking our planet for granted? I feel I do. Today I’m glad I made a space to take in the view. Who knows how long I might have it for.
Day 587 of my blogging challenge