Take a Deep Breath, Then Another

img_2305The weather has changed. It’s got cold all of a sudden. Stepping outside this morning the icy air made me take a deep breath. Then my asthma kicked in.

I’ve had asthma for 36 years. When it first started I didn’t know what it was. All I understood was that every day I was wheezing for breath. Even taking deep breaths never seemed to fill my lungs properly. Sometimes it felt as if I was suffocating. It was a scary, uncertain time. Eventually I learned how to live with the bouts of breathlessness. I discovered breathing techniques that could help. With the help of medication I got my breathing under control. And I also decided to investigate how deep the causes of my asthma might go.

There was a view when I was first diagnosed that the attacks were psychological. It was a common idea though I found it hard to understand why I would cause myself such distressing symptoms. Looking at things another way I started to track down what might trigger attacks. It turns out I have a string of allergies. And it also seems that this condition is prevalent in my family. Both of these aspects got me thinking about my past lives. I wondered how much impact my circumstances in other lives had affected my karma in this life. Interestingly, it turns out that I have quite a few fire death lives that I’ve brought in to clear. Along with a couple of crush deaths for added impact.

As I went deep into my Spirit history I started to breathe more easily. Working with energy healing I have mostly resolved my asthma condition. But not completely. That’s what this morning was about.

From time to time I have to remember that I still react to certain things. Sudden changes from hot to cold or cold to hot can bring a response. So can energy changes that mirror temperature changes. Right now the energy is getting turbulent again. Another shift is on the way. What I have to remember is to dig deep, keep myself grounded and breathe. Take a breath. Then take another. And another. When fear arises to restrict my breathing I will be able to overcome it. I will have enough breath, enough energy, enough trust. Like my asthma the energy changes will ease too. Afterwards there will be time for a deeper understanding of what this shift means. So,that the next shift in energy will be easier to breath through.

Day 358 of my blogging challenge. 

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