June Workshops: The Energy Of Angels And Past Lives

angelic juneJune is a great time to discover something new about your intuitive abilities. I have two of my favourite workshops: to help you connect with Angels and also to discover your Past Lives. Both these subjects have come up a lot during my intuitive development. 

In a way that is why I love sharing this knowledge. I believe everyone can access more of the intuitive energy information that surrounds us. Including making contact with the Guides and Inspirers who are willing to help us. I know that if we clear past life energy our connections improve. And I also know, because I have channelled their presence, that the Angels stand ready to give us all of the love and healing we need. Both of these June workshops can be life changing. I would be delighted if you could take a look at what’s on offer and attend if it’s part of your development.

Sunday 3rd June 11am-4.30pm – All Things Angelic

Have you ever wanted to connect with Angels and Archangels? Do you want to know more about these fascinating Energy Beings? Would you like more of their unconditional love in your life?

Join Intuitive Medium and Angelic Channeller Annie Conboy for a day focused on all things angelic. Take the opportunity to connect with the Angels around you, get a message from your angels and find out how you can keep the conversation going.

The workshop costs £70 and includes a workbook & all materials. Refreshments are provided. You will need to bring a packed lunch or you can use the local shops which offer a good range of food.

Sunday 24th June 11am-4pm – Discovering Past Lives: Present Day Patterns

This is a one day workshop to help you identify the Past Life patterns still working in this life. Clear old ties, promises and trauma that are keeping you stuck. Skill yourself up to access & understand more about your past lives so that you can keep working with the wisdom they provide in this life.With forty years experience of working with past lives, Intuitive Medium Annie Conboy is ready to help you find out about your own Akashic Record. She can also help you gain the experience necessary to keep exploring your own stories. All materials will be provided including a work book and CD.

Refreshments are included in the workshop cost which is £70. You will need to make your own arrangements for lunch.

I work with small groups so that everyone gets enough space and time to explore and question. To book or for more info please email, phone or text me. A £25 non-refundable deposit is required to secure your place.

Day 914 of my blogging challenge

Green Light For Workshops: Guides Set The Pace

green lightI’m sitting writing this blog in waves of incredible energy. It might feel like a hot flush but I know it’s the Guide Team energising my events. After a few months of stepping back from workshops they have once again given me the green light to teach.

By now I’m used to the way they chop and change my work around. I remember kicking up a fuss with them when they first asked me to teach people what I knew. And I suppose I kept asking for confirmation that it had to be me. Until they actually got me off and running. However, I like to work in small groups, with people who are ready to learn what I can offer, so my workshops were not a key part of my business model. It’s a good job too. Because even though I could plan is as many as I wanted they only happened when my Guides gave me the green light. Sometimes there aren’t enough people around who are ready for the energy that is passed on from the the Energy Beings.

So it was nothing unusual at the start of this year to close down the workshops. In fact my planner was full of all sorts of other things. yet I knew that workshops would feature again once the green light got switched back on. And this week it has. I had a couple or three dates earmarked in my diary. For what I wasn’t sure. Then, at the start of this week, I did a trance mediumship demonstration. While I was with my Guides they told me I could confirm what workshops would run on the dates. I’m so glad. I love teaching, sharing my experiences and listening to other people make sense of theirs. The Guides are always present to make sure everyone gets the support and information they need. And I get to talk about the subjects I’m passionate about.

So June is going to be a busy month! I have the green light to offer three workshops – Exploring Intuitive Energy Connections, All Things Angelic and Discovering Past Lives. Three key areas of knowledge and experience that will help anyone wanting to change their intuitive life for the better. Thank goodness for those Guides and their ‘bigger picture’ planning. Everything happens at the perfect time.


Day 889 of my blogging challenge

Gently Deepening Spirit Connections In Trance

Go gentlyI’ve had a lovely day running a Trance workshop. I enjoy helping people to gently explore working in altered states of consciousness because letting the connection with Spirit people build in this way can be really rewarding.

I also enjoy helping people to understand what working in trance is all about. And why this form of communication offers different evidence of the way our two worlds can interact. But I know that it’s best to go gently forward because this type of communication does test our beliefs. And push at the boundaries of what people can accept. I also love that there is a long history of trance mediumship. I’ve read many books and reports about the mediums of the past and present who allow Spirit people to use the energy to provide more than words of comfort. When I do my own trance mediumship I have many reports from people who have seen the faces of their loved ones superimposed over mine.

I also appreciate that my Guides have built this form of mediumship gently into what I do. There was no pressure for me to work in this way. They held back until I felt I could take each next step. And they helped me to deal with my anxieties and fears about letting Energy Beings step even closer into my aura. The sensitivity I experienced from my Guides has always been reflected in my teaching of others. Each step is carefully and gently presented to the developing medium. Because I work very closely with their Guides to deliver a trance experience that will build confidence. That’s very important to the people on the Spirit side. They want everyone who wishes to do so to experience this form of connection. To experience it in a positive way.

One thing about learning about my abilities that has stood out is the care my Guides have taken. Leading me gently on to more knowledge and understanding. That’s why I agreed to teach. Because I knew if they took that care with me then they would do so with others. If you want to explore and develop your intuitive abilities, go gently. Find the best teacher you can. Consider the help your Guides can give you. And be kind to yourself. It will be worth it.

Day 685 of my blogging challenge 

Perfect Timing: Engaging Transpersonal Chakras

perfect optionI alway enjoy running workshops. They happen at the perfect time for the people involved. And today, working with Transpersonal chakras, seemed the ideal response to the energy shifts of the last couple of weeks.

I really appreciate the people who come along to the workshops. They bring questions that I love to find the answers for. And they bring their Guide Teams to blend with mine so that we all get the best out of the day. That’s perfect. Because it’s the Guide Teams who are trying to reach us. I know that when I open the door to my Guides they fill me with fresh energy, information and support. So I also know that the workshop will do the same for the people who attend. Guides like to make things as clear as possible. Because they want me and everyone else to make the best choices for our next steps on the spiritual path. And that’s exactly what the energy has been all about since the end of July.

It’s time for me to stop limiting my choices. I have to embrace all that I am and can do so that I can manifest as many options as possible. In fact, working to boost my energy centres around my Transpersonal chakras. Those power stations that can energise more bands of aura vibration. Because my aura vibrating at a higher level enables me to communicate more clearly with all of the Light and Energy Beings who are waiting to help me complete my mission. Even when I have no idea what my mission is supposed to be. That is true of the energy at the moment too. I’m being asked to dedicate myself to serving my purpose. Without any idea what my purpose is!

That’s perfect too. Being willing to serve in any way I am able is the key. Removing my doubts, fears and judgements about what I can achieve. These only block my progress.

It’s perfect timing right now to face them head on and push myself past the restrictions. Using my knowledge of my Transpersonal chakras I can make that connection to a much bigger picture. I can understand that whatever I do now will bring me wisdom. Recognising that every step of my journey is what counts. Not really the destination. Because my plan is fluid and flexible enough to reshape itself as I chose this or that option. It’s the seeing of the opportunities that really matters. And that is what the bigger picture gives me. I know I am heading into an Ascension process. I will need as much energy as I can take on board to make the shift into serving myself and others with unconditional love.

That’s the kind of perfect I am aiming for. Not the perfect of being well thought of, or praised or applauded. But the recognition that I have been good enough in each moment of my current existence. Creating karma that brings a positive flow of energy into my life. And the lives of others. I know we have such untapped intuitive resources. The information about Transpersonal chakras has taken a long time to emerge into mainstream comment. And there is so much more to discover when we all start working with the higher energies. But first I know we have to clear the clutter of our old wisdom and beliefs out of the way. That’s perfect too.

I am constantly evolving. What I knew fifteen years ago about the higher chakras has been expanded over time. And expanded once again in my workshop today. Each level of knowledge has been a perfect fit for where I was at that time. I love the fluid way that wisdom wraps itself around my life. Now I can’t wait for the next workshop!

Day 628 of my blogging challenge

Healer, Teacher, Beggar, Queen: A Life

I’ve been out and about today. It was time to be a teacher again and present a Past Lives workshop with a fab group in Darwen, Lancashire. It was a great day.

Since past lives have fascinated me for forty years I love the opportunity to share what I know with people. As I uncovered my own past lives I started to see the patterns of karmic energy that I had woven into this life too. In fact being a teacher is a key ability that I’ve carried with me through many lives. Not always successfully of course. But working life after life to get better at sharing my knowledge and experiences in the best way for others.  That goes for all the other things I teach. My workshops come from my heart connection to those past lives where I experienced first hand what I teach about now.

I find it interesting to be experienced in something I haven’t actually done in this life. But with access to my past life records it seems I have all sorts of information I can share. This happenes with more than just my teacher lives. I have a number of healing lives that help me work as a healer today. Whether with energy medicine or talking therapies. Even life mentoring includes an element of past life healing work. Then there are the beggar lives and queen lives that still dog me in this one. I float between lack and excess as I work to balance the karma from both those kind of lives. In between is an abundant life that I’m striving to live now so that I end the wobbly balancing act. As I tackle lack and excess on one theme another one is waiting to pick me up again.

That’s what I love about being the teacher. Explaining to myself why I’ve got into these karmic cycles and figuring the way out of them.

Though I did point out to the group today that working out the karmic bigger picture was really difficult as I am in it and living it. So in the end I am still only trying to do my best. Seeing if it all worked out ok will come when I go back to the Spirit World and take a look at my life plan. I will be able to see if my free will choices kept me on track for where I wanted to go. Or not. Then I suspect I will sit down with everyone and work out the fine details of my next life. Life and karma agree. What goes around comes around. Getting the chance to teach in this life has helped me share that vital point with many people. And to help them make better choices too.

Of course I don’t escape doing past life work either when I’m teaching. I couldn’t sleep last night. I was restless. All sorts of stray, random thoughts kept coming to mind. This morning my body ached. But I recognised those aches. They belong to another life. A life that has been holding me back for a little while now. Leading the group through a meditation to release karmic consequences let me focus on releasing my stuck past life energy too. The teacher gets a reward for teaching. As I drove home I thought about all of the releasing that had happened. Brining the stories to the surface, acknowledging the patterns in this life and understanding why those lives continue to affect us. That give me and others a positive choice for our future experiences. They can be handled in a different way.

I’m grateful to be a teacher. I love my subject – life, the Universe and everything. I can’t wait for the next chance to share my experience and wisdom with others. Here’s to many more workshops!

Day 579 of my blogging challenge 

Pulling Viewpoints Together

img_2217I’ve had a lovely day doing one of my favourite things. I love to run workshops. Sharing knowledge and information with others is so enjoyable. I also love that I can present different viewpoints of the same subject matter.

Today it was all about Trance. Sometimes that refers to working in altered states of consciousness. Other times it can mean transfiguration i.e. when an energy being overshadows the physical features of the medium with their own appearance. That’s where working through different viewpoints can be really helpful. And trance work can also lead on to physical mediumship too. Interestingly most people are unclear about the differences between these terms. Understanding what is happening can also become confused if you are approaching this experience from different beliefs about what trance represents. It was my pleasure to help the students arrive as some view of what trance meant for them.

I really like to mix traditions. So I used shamanic, spiritualist and psychological models in the workshop today. Each one practices working in altered states of consciousness but for different reasons. Helping the students to experience a trance state using techniques from each viewpoint allowed them to compare and contrast. If that sounds like an exam question I admit to enjoying getting people to think in that way. After all, to understand my experiences I want to test out what happens each time. Then I can make my mind up about what I believe is the process going on. I can also find the common threads that work across all of the trance techniques.

I know that when I approach my own learning like this I am much more open. If I am not stuck with only one point of view I have flexibility and options. I can change my understanding as I get new information.

Being open minded and willing to put different elements of a model together in new ways has opened up what I can achieve with my trance/physical mediumship work. And that is why I like sharing things the way I do. Hopefully my students found something they could take and use from each viewpoint. They may also be encouraged to research these traditions or look for others that contain an element of working in an altered state. That’s the exciting bit for me. What will they go on to discover for themselves? How will their own experiences of trance enhance their spiritual journey? Next week I’m doing a workshop for personal development using circles and spirals. I can’t wait to share more viewpoints!

Day 329 of my blogging challenge.