Ouch! Upgrading Energy Once Again

UpgradingI’m glad I’ve had a busy day mentoring. Because I woke up this morning with an upgrading of my intutive system going on. In other words my body was going ouch!

I always know when I’m getting an energy boost. Because I develop slight cold symptoms for 32 to 48 hours although a full blown cold doesn’t happen. I also feel rather tired and need to rest. Then I loose my appetite too and forget to eat. Usually that is followed by upgrading of my intuitive senses. So ringing or buzzing in my ears. Headache feelings across my forehead. Especially where my third eye is located. And the feeling that cobwebs are drifting across my skin. My joints can ache as well as other parts of my body where stuck energy is being pushed out.

Small upgrades happen all the time. Like regularly scheduled maintenance. Bigger upgrades happen every now and again when I have a full reboot of my system. All this means is that my intutive senses are working better, receiving clearer information and I am translating it faster. However, Inc Erin a while the upgrading is a massive blast. Something that’s necessary for a whole new level of functioning. Then my body can be full of energy surges aligning me to that new level. And I can get much more serious ouch effects. Like today. My chest hurt, my right knee throbbed and my shoulders were cramped. In other words, lots of old energy surfacing from deep down to be let go.

Upgrading can be hard. So the distraction of work was very welcome. I could forget the pain for a while and enjoy the successes of my clients. Who are also all going through an upgrade. Because the whole world is. So tonight it’s time for me to rest, reflect and let the upgrading finish. And look forward using to the new software!

Day 624 of my blogging challenge