Plan B: A Wave Of Tranquil Energy

plan BToday was definitely Plan B. I was expecting to travel for a day out to London. Instead I found myself in York right in the middle of a wave of tranquil energy. Exactly what I needed after the hectic energy of the start of the year.

I know I don’t allow myself enough ‘me’ time. It’s because I am passionate about what I do. So sometimes I get carried away by work. I can also get carried away by the energy that washes around me. Every day I try to find and stay in positive energy. But that does take an effort of will. Especially when there is plenty of fear and anxiety around. It’s part of my wellbeing. And part of my business strategy. Because I want to be as effective as possible. So I am getting better at making time for me. That was the trip to London. Yet I ended up falling back on my Plan B instead. My rail card disappeared. Meaning my train tickets were invalid without it. Resulting in a rapid change of plan.

I always benefit from a change of scenery. My mental health and general wellbeing respond to different experiences when I get out of the same old same old. Going away from home lets me step out of the stresses around me and in my every day life. It’s a chance for me to see things from a different point of view. And when my plan changed yesterday I knew that I would benefit from the change in some way. Not exactly how it would work out. But enough to know that my intuition was prompting this for good reasons. As it turned out my intuition was correct once again. I was unaware that a peaceful wave of energy would be coming through the York portal. Until I stepped off the train and felt it.

So next time you are presented with complications or your plan falls apart remember there will be a reason. Move to Plan B. Or C and D if necessary. Follow the prompting of your intuition and go where you are sent. You never know what wonderful things may be waiting for you.

Day 875 of my blogging challenge

We Need A National Self-Care Day

National self-care dayI’ve voted today National Self-Care Day. I see a lot of my social media filled with National xx day, xx week or support xx month, plus Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day. All sorts of reasons.

Yet when I am mentoring or counselling people, or listening to family and friends, the one thing I notice is we have no designated day for ourselves. I suppose I could be accused of trying to extend my birthday (I had a lovely one last week). However, I know that unless I am very focused I often forget to do something nice for myself. Usually because I’m too busy doing nice (hopefully) things for all the people around me. So when I sat down at my computer this morning I posted about National Self-Care Day. It’s Monday, it was a bit drab outside and I had a full diary of appointments. What better than to remind myself to make sure I looked after me too.

I also wanted to get people to think about how much they value themselves. Could I spend 5 minutes enjoying a herbal tea? Or was I busy, pen in hand, trying to sign my books too? Was it possible to sit quietly in my healing room for 10 minutes to recharge my batteries? Or was I busy organising the blankets on my healing bed, watering the plants and dusting the window sill? Multi tasking is great but only when it creates space for me to relax. Or to take some time out. Even to have a treat of some kind. Am I only worth 5 or 10 minutes to spend on myself? So I’m all with National Self-Care Day. How wonderful to have a whole day of treating me. Eating good, healthy food. Walking. Reading the next fiction book in the series I’m enjoying. Having time to stop and chat.

Best if all, I can send myself a Best Wishes on National Self-Care Day card. Oh, wait a minute, the retail industry haven’t designated this day yet. They don’t know about it. Because it’s not considered important enough to celebrate taking care of me. Yet. But by next 9th October perhaps we will all be enjoying NS-C day!

Day 686 of my blogging challenge 

Getting Away From It All: Time to Create

Away in OrkneyOne of the things I’m grateful for is that I can get away from my work whenever I feel the need. It’s a blessing that has come because I work for myself.

As I’ve got older I’ve recognised that need for time and space away from my everyday routine. When I worked in a full time, 9-5 job my holidays were dictated by the needs of the company, my colleagues and the amount of days I was granted. Stepping into self-employment has taken away the pressure of colleagues and holiday entitlements. But added in the responsibility of working as many hours as my business needs. Another difficult balancing act. I want to be available when people need me. But I also want to have time for me. There is also the recognition that too much time away may begin to affect my ‘bottom line’ of how much I earn.

So I have tended to get away only when I really feel like I need a break. However, I have been away much more this year. That’s because I have also learned to honour my need for the space to create. Being able to step out of my everyday world has made it easier to have time to reflect, space for new ideas to emerge and the opportunity to write or paint. I have also been able to look at my business from a distance. Especially to check if I am still enjoying all that I do. Enjoying work is very important to me. It’s a big part of why I work for myself. Checking in with myself every now and then has helped me be more creative with the direction I have taken. There is room when I am away to see things more clearly too.

Have you guessed yet? Yes. I’m going away again. Taking my paints this time. Occupying my time in a way I enjoy. And bringing a fresh perspective to my work. Is it time for you to take a break too?

Day 641 of my blogging challenge 

Struggle? Making Life Easy For Myself

Time off from struggleI’ve always had a struggle to get my life in balance. I tend to throw myself into work and forget to play. There always seems to be more to do. Being able to step back has been one of my big lessons.

I know that I enjoy being occupied. Being busy is normal for me. But I also know that when I get focused on something stepping back and stepping out can be hard. Because I want to get things done. I want to achieve what I’ve set out to do. Part of it is my own impatience at the slow way energy manifests into the physical world. Plus the urgency of wanting to help everyone as much as I possibly can. Added to a strong work ethic that came from my parents. Quite a mix really. So I have to be careful. Because if I overdo it I find myself in a struggle to stop doing. It’s like I can’t slow down.

I’m sure I’m not the only person who deals with this challenge. There are lots of us around. We tend to keep going long past the point of exhaustion. I am connected with many business people who have the same struggle. Working out when to stop indulging one of my passions and swapping to another. But it’s important to find that balance. Keeping going isn’t sensible for my mind or body. Or my business. So I am practicing slowing down. Making it easy for myself. Giving myself opportunities to play, relax or rest. It all ties in with placing value on myself. Stepping back for a while shows me that I am worth time and energy too. It also allows me to find a balance across all aspects of my life.

There is no struggle when I am prepared to give to myself. Being at peace with time for me and time for everyone else life becomes very much easier. Today I’m taking time for me. Are you?

Day 620 of my blogging challenge 

Meditation, Drop In, Psychic Club

imageAll in a day’s work! This is my last night away from home and on Saturday I start back to work. Not only with the Intuitive Meditation, Drop In and Psychic Club sessions but with a church service too. Good job I’ve had a lovely rest.

I’ve also got another church service on Sunday. As well as trying to catch up with the Earth’s ArchAngels online course which launched today. So why do it all? Tonight over dinner we have been talking about my work. I feel especially grateful to be able to work for myself, doing things that I love and having my material needs taken care of. Over time I’ve been able to expand my work from readings and demonstrations of mediumship in churches. As I’ve answered my Guides’ promptings I have a lovely Psychic Club to help people learn about their intuitive abilities. I run meditation and  Reiki groups to clear out the energy clutter. And I help people to connect to each other and the Energy Beings.

It’s no wonder that I appreciate every moment of ‘down’ time I can get. Especially since, when I am passionate about something, I want to do everything all at once, lol. Somehow my diary always finds me a gap to step away for a short while. The club, readings, services, workshops and everything else can fit around my absence. So over the past days I’ve been at the beach, read several books, done some drawing and slept a lot. I’ve been shopping, enjoyed great meals out and practiced my very limited Spanish. All in good company and with much laughter.

I’ve blogged before about taking time for me. It isn’t always easy to put into practice though because I tend to think of all the things I could be doing for other people in my ‘down’ time.

Yet even in my own business I have to be a tough boss and tell myself to take time off. Refreshing my energy means that as I leave the Psychic Club on Saturday I will still have the passion to go and do the best I can in a church service. I will also have the energy to enjoy all of my work until the next time for a break. That’s the best bit really. I love working for myself to serve others and I love taking time away too. It’s not the perfect life/work balance yet because I’m always ready to try something new. Extra things get squished in when I least expect it. But it’s good enough. Good enough for me as I enjoy myself at work or play.

Day 311 of my blogging challenge.

Life in the Fast Lane

imageI’m writing my blog at the end of a very busy day. It’s lovely to have so much to do that the time goes by unnoticed. I suppose you could say it’s living life in the fast lane. Speeding along with a purpose. Feeling like I’m getting somewhere. It’s at times like this  that I find myself having to be very careful not to get out of balance. When you enjoy giving, get a buzz from helping and want to be supportive of everyone around you it’s easy to forget that the first person to help is yourself. I had that discussion several times today so I know my Guides wanted me to notice where I could take things slower or easier.

Zooming along it’s also easy to forget to notice the energy you are surrounded by. Unless we are mindful of the energy it’s always possible that our aura will pick up low level vibrations. If that happens we can take on board the thoughts and feelings of other people and not realise that they belong to someone else. So having a break or being in positive energy and spending some time clearing energy are good things to do. As I was explaining to a group this evening, I make sure that every time I take a shower I also tell myself that my aura is being cleaned too. I picture any stuck or grimy energy washing off me.

I also try to spend a little time sitting in the Centre where I know that the energy is peaceful and positive. I’m letting my cares or worries float away. Whenever I do this it feels like my Guides are sitting there with me too. They bring me encouragement as they chat backward and forward with me. I know that letting the conversation flow around me will  inspire me in one way or another. Sometimes another practitioner will join me. Or someone drops by who needs quiet time too. Sharing my time and space is lovely. It is another way to pull me out of the busy, busy energy.

Allowing myself pockets of time in this way gives me the fresh energy to zoom ahead again. I am more effective and productive. I’m also showing me that I care about me. That point is really important. When we spend time on ourselves we are confirming that we are important. That we matter. Low moods can only find a toe hold when we feel like we don’t matter. When we forget to value ourselves. Living life in the fast lane is fun but only when we value ourselves enough to recognise it’s not the be all and end all of life. Some times it’s about slowing down to enjoy the view!

Day 219 of my blogging challenge.