Freezing: Weather, Action, Progress

FreezingThe weather today has been freezing cold. Back to Winter as the frost bites. It seems like Spring is still a long way away. Despite the recent celebration of Imbolc. Yet the crocuses in my planters are starting to flower. And snowdrops are everywhere.

Perhaps this freezing cold weather will be the last blast of Winter. But I’m not counting on it. Because I know we need the frost and ice. My plants respond to the seasons. They push upward then pause until the perfect flowering conditions are available. Just like me really. I’ve been in a freeze for most of January. Stopping and starting. Feeling the need to rest and store up energy. Then finding myself in the middle of frantic energies of growth. I’ve also found it rather confusing. A bit like the plants must when the seasons get muddled. I’ve wanted to rush into my new work. Then found myself stalled by circumstances. Or by my own doubts.

This freezing of action has made me doubt that I’m making any progress. Yet once I’ve got moving again I have felt sure that I am doing the right things for me. Of course I have had to remind myself that a freeze response clicks in sometimes when I feel fear. It does for all of us. That moment in the headlights when I can’t decide whether to run or fight. So I stand still awaiting my fate. When this happened I try to take very small steps. Like the moment I ordered my business cards for Embrace Intuitive Mentoring. Or when I messaged some people to ask them to do a book review for me. Neither action took more than a few moments. But both made me feel like I was making progress in what I want to do.

If the freeze hits you and you feel like all of your action energy has drained away find a small thing to do. Make a call. Write a plan in your diary. Go for a coffee and discuss your options with a friend. Remind yourself that you a can and you will. Celebrate your progress in achieving at least that one step. And remind yourself that when you have taken one step you can always take another.

Day 802 of my blogging challenge 

Action! Can Do Can’t Fail To Inspire

ActionI’ve been working with a great bunch of people today. All of them taking action to embrace their intuitive abilities. And determined to give the best they can to themselves and others.

I love helping people connect to their intuition, to each other and to their inner wisdom. I know it’s a hard thing to acknowledge all of my abilities so I also understand how people might have to step of a cliff in order to recognise their own. That’s my job though. I encourage the people I work with to take note of, and connect with, what they are good at doing. Because I know that once they can see what they can do they will take action to ensure that they do give the best of themselves. They get a ‘can do’ attitude which is really important. That doesn’t mean that they can’t fail. I know it means they can inspire themselves to keep going no matter how many prototypes they have to design.

When I am being ‘can do’ I know I’m taking action in my own best interest. I’m telling myself that I can achieve whatever I desire. Because I’m prepared to give things a go. Being stuck in ‘I can’t’ holds me back from trying. If I don’t try I won’t learn anything about myself or my skills. I feel this is especially important about intuition. If I don’t get the information perfectly (who does at the beginning?) or easily (again, who does at the beginning?) do I give up? Or do I understand that expertise is gained through practice, practice and more practice? All that practice is about me taking the action, time after time, to get me to where I want to be. In that way I inspire myself to aim for new challenges because they bring fresh achievements.

Taking action is the key. Worrying whether it’s the right, best, perfect action just leaves me stuck. I set my intention to ‘can do’ every morning and enjoy my blog each evening when I realise how much I have achieved. Is it time for you to say ‘can do’?

Day 650 of my blogging challenge