Still, Calm, Tranquil: Marking The Peace Of The Season

Still lightToday has been an opportunity to be still. I’ve enjoyed a tranquil, peaceful day away from the world. For at least one day the hectic energy of the world has been calmed. A little bubble of serenity to hold onto.

Underneath the surface energy for the last couple of weeks there has been a band of still, calm energy. As we approach all these festivals to recognise the return of the Light we can focus on what is stiil, what is below the frantic activity. Today I took a few moments to tap into the stillness. I wanted to get underneath the waves of action energy that have been pounding us all. Pushing us to the fear that our celebrations will not be good enough. I remembered that during the night it rained very hard. A cleansing energy. Removing the old stresses. Releasing 2017 and all it brought to me. Linking me into that deeper, more peaceful band of energy.

Sitting quietly I found that tranquility. Being still I let it fill me up. As it did I knew that I wanted to magnify and resend all of that energy back into the world.  An extra Christmas gift to me and from me. Because the Light we all feel is the energy of unconditional love. The power that fills of us. I know we are all capable of receiving and sending that unconditional love onwards. In that wave I held in my thoughts Mother Earth, the animal kingdom and all human beings. The strength of our connections are amplified by the love we can all send. As I expected, I was also joined by my Guides and loved ones. Here with me to share that loving connection. And bringing their unconditional love to all of us too.

I hope that in your enjoyment of all of the Light festivals you have found those still, calm moments to recieve and share the love today. Sending you calm, peace and much love.

Day 762 of my blogging challenge