Endurance: Grieving Throws Up Many Emotions

EnduranceI had a conversation today about endurance. That quality within me that keeps me going through the ups and downs of life. The quality I call on most to help with grief.

A big part of my work, naturally, is dealing with the grief of others. Both the people in the Spirit World and the loved ones they have left behind. Dealing with the loss of someone you love calls on all the endurance you possess. Because there is a process of emotions and thoughts going on. Natural responses to dealing with a change in life that can’t be reversed. I know I am used to the idea that I can change my mind. That my choices can be reversed. However, death makes a permanent change happen. My world can never be the same again. So I might feel shock, disbelief, anger, depression, sadness, guilt, despair many times as I try to accommodate the changes that a death brings about.

I feel that is when endurance also comes in. Feeling the pain of loss, processing all the what ifs and might haves, I need to be able to stick at my life. I need to keep going until I can accept the permanence of that change. Not that I will necessarily feel the loss any less deeply. But that I will reach a point where the loss has become a part of my life. Rather as if it has faded into the background and is no longer my every waking thought. When I work to pass messages on to people I am always aware that they are still enduring their loss too. That the messages from loved ones are a powerful way to help that grief become acceptance. Mostly by acknowledging the wide range of emotions such a profound change brings up.

When I need endurance my Guides always draw close. That is a great comfort to me. I know that as I deal with my challenges I will never be alone. Their steady presence will encourage me to recognise my feelings, face the changes that have happened and keep going. We all have Guides. Have you asked yours to help you endure?

Day 823 of my blogging challenge