Older Post Brings Clarity: Medium or Psychic?

olderI was looking back today through some older posts I had shared on social media. It took me back in a wander down memory lane. And it also reminded me that some questions crop up time and again. So in my blog I would like to share one of those older posts. For anyone thinking about having a reading. To inform. For clarity.

There are always a lot of questions about what psychics, mediums and clairvoyants do. It’s one of the older answers I had to be ready with when I started out as a reader. Some people think that they can only get Spirit messages from clairvoyants, some that psychics can tune into Spirit and many who just get confused by all the names floating around. This is my explanation – you don’t have to accept it. We are ‘thinking beings’. I would be delighted if you use my explanation to think about what you understand or believe psychic & Spirit contact is. 

Put at it’s simplest: a Psychic has the ability to read the aura (or energy system) that we all have around us as a physical individual. Because we can’t see it or touch it most of us are unaware of it’s existence. But it is there. And someone who has opened up to the information coming to them through their psychic senses can ‘read’ the energy and tell you what is most probably going to happen. They can also tell you what has happened, what is happening at the moment and the things your energy is trying to draw in for you in the future. This is not fortune-telling.

Fortune telling is how it might have been described in older versions of books and articles. When people were unclear about energy and the aura.

In present times more and more people are beginning to understand about intuition. So they recognise that an experienced Psychic can also link through you to the energy of all those who are connected to you or around you e.g. lovers, family, friends, workmates, neighbours. By ‘reading’ the energy of the people around you the Psychic can also see where their interests can be the same or different to yours and so how ‘probable’ your wishes and hopes are since your life choices are directly affected by the people who are around you.

Psychic readings pick up on your agenda – what you would like to have happen in your life. The reader checks this against the agendas of the other people around you and then gives you the best ‘probable’ outcome. We all have free will so we can choose what we do. That is why no-one can tell you your future. If you don’t like the sound of what you have been told you will do something completely different. That’s why many people say their reading was incorrect. They have heard what is on the way in and decided to exercise a free will choice another way. The reading is still valid. But in prompting change rather than forecasting solid facts.

So what about a reading from a Medium? How is that different?

A Medium is someone who has opened up to the auras of the people physically present in this world. And to the auras of people who have died. People who have died are in the ‘Spirit World’ and can come into the aura of a Medium to communicate. Mediums get this communication by seeing (Clairvoyance), hearing (Clairaudience), sensing (Clairsentience), knowing (Claircognizance), tasting (Clairgustance) or smelling (Clairalience). So someone who is a Clairvoyant gets messages more strongly through seeing pictures/figures/words/symbols etc. But all forms of ‘Clair’ can be used by an experienced Medium at one time or another.

Spirit readings through a Medium pick up on Spirit’s agenda – what else may be happening in your life that you have ignored, failed to notice or have lost sight of. Spirit readings should always contain evidence that is personal to you about the Spirit who has come forward or about yourself. The Medium should be comfortable with you only giving Yes and No responses as Spirit should be able to explain in more detail anything you don’t understand. In my experience Spirit always want to give a message so that you can understand issues or aspects of your life better. They do not tell you to do anything in particular and they cannot make decisions for you.

Remember we have free will and therefore do exactly what we choose to do. That is why Spirit do not tell you your future. As I explained above if you don’t like what you have been told you will do something completely different. Our loved ones know that. They also know us. Enjoy the messages. Take what you can from them. Older heads are wiser than us. Mediums and Psychics are trying to help us move forward as best they can.

Day 902 of my blogging challenge

Walking At My Side Making Sure I’m Never Alone

walking alongsideSometimes I have a topic I want to write my blog about. I know what it is early in the day. But I always wait to see who is walking by my side before I use that topic. Often I write about a completely different thing. Because whoever is with me helps me to notice something else more important.

I’ve said before that I enjoy writing my blog for me. It’s a great way to clear my mind and get me paying attention to what happens in my day. I’m also aware that my Guides and Inspirers use my blog as a way to put words out to others. To send messages to people the loved ones are struggling to reach directly. So sometimes I have Spirit people at my side with me as I draft my blog. They also walk with me when I’m giving messages. I feel their presence and enjoy finding out about them. Today my topic has changed because of one very determined lady in Spirit who started walking along with me an hour before her loved one rang me to ask for a reading.

I love this contact from those in the afterlife. The way they get us to make the connection and make it work. The loved one had been prompted to ring me. Pointed in my direction so to speak. And my day had casually been rearranged so that I had time to fit in a reading. I don’t stress when something gets cancelled or rearranged. I know it is for the right reasons. And I also know that my blog turns into different things because it’s also for the right reasons. That’s the power of the love our departed family and friends feel. The power of our Guides to get us to pay attention. Because knowing someone is walking through something with you gives you hope.

It’s also true that when I know someone is walking along with me in the tough times I feel less alone. There is a strength I can draw on when I need it. And a listening ear to tell my troubles to. Even more special, I can feel the waves of love and encouragement they bring me. The reminder that everything will turn out for the best. That I can do what’s in front of me. And that I am safe. Thank you for being there today.

Day 853 of my bogging challenge

Blank Screen, Blank Mind: Pass The Inspiration Please!

blank screenSometimes when I sit down to write my blog my mind is blank. I can’t think of anything I want to write. My day may have too much in it. Or too little. So I stare at a blank screen.

Waiting for help and inspiration. Hoping that one of my Guides will switch on a light in my mind. Eventually my fingers get moving. Words start to peek out from the darkness and I find I’m off and away. Even then it can feel quite a relief to get to the minimum word count to make my blog respectable. And I give a sigh of relief when I write the closing sentence. Job done. I can return to being blank once again. Of course this also applies in my life. Moments when it seems I can’t find any inspiration. Or creativity. Once this used to panic me. I would search desperately for something to overcome the lack of thought. And end up feeling even more stressed by my blankness.

Nowadays I’m a lot more comfortable with my mind going blank on me. It happened when I meet people but can’t remember their names. Or I’m about to say something but can’t remember what. I laughingly call these my senior moments. But I’m getting better at recognising that I might have blanked out because there is too much in my mind. That’s why one of the things I had to learn, so I could communicate with the Spirit and Energy Beings, was to park my thoughts. Move them to a side corridor in my mind. Let them pass along without bothering me. Not to still my mind. Because I want to be able to get the information out of my mouth and that requires letting my brain work my voice. But to go into ‘the zone’.

When I work I want to be able to know which thoughts and feelings are mine. And which ones belong to another presence. Going blank, moving my own thoughts out of sight, is a way I can do that.

In this way I can pick up the inspiration and guidance that is being dropped into my mind. I can notice the sensations in my body that don’t belong to me. Or the words I can hear in my head that are in another voice. That puts me in ‘the zone’. The place where I can be a blank screen for the visitors to write their stories on. Doing this takes a lot of practice and a great deal of trust. I remember all the doubt that clouded my mind for quite a while. Is it my thoughts really? Am I imagining this information? Have I read about this and am simply recalling what I already know? It’s very tempting to dismiss the inspiration because of the doubt.

However, what I also learned was to receive the information and wait to see if it proved to be correct. I gave what I got. Surprisingly, or not really, what I shared from my blank mind was validated by the people who understood it. They confirmed the accuracy of what I said to them. After a while I stopped doubting what I got when I was in ‘the zone’. And my mediumship improved a lot. My trust was an extra boost of positive energy that made the connection even stronger. I carried that trust into my blogging. My Guides asked me to write a blog. A regular blog. So I started, hit the hurdle of a blank screen and blank mind and stopped. But they kept reminding me to trust myself and write. Eventually I did and now I’m more than two years into another zone.

If you find yourself going blank stop for a minute. Work out if your brain is too full of busy thoughts. Or too overloaded to organise itself to think clearly. Try putting all those thoughts in to a separate room in your mind. Then listen carefully. I am sure if you try it you will discover your own Guides waiting to inspire and support you.

Day 750 of my blogging challenge

Checking Out Facts: Avoiding Mis-information

Checking factsI’m often told that messages from mediums are too vague. When I read articles about Spirit connections I wonder if we all deal with the same bunch of Spirits. Facts seem hard to come by. And checking them out is vital.

When I was unaware of my own connections to Spirit I wondered how mediums got the information they did. I thought it would be as simple as having a face to face conversation with a disembodied person. It wasn’t until I started checking out how Spirit communication happened that I found such a wide variety of experiences. When I began communicating myself I was keen to have factual information. Pieces of the message that would have been difficult for me to know any other way. Simply because I felt that the person getting the message would listen to it better if it contained some sort of evidence.

Now I understand that, whatever way each individual connects, the Energy Beings can always bring factual information through to validate the messages. So sometimes I’m a bit puzzled when I read about messages, or ways of working, that seem to be less fact based and more ‘trust me’ focused. I encourage every one to approach my readings prepeared to do some checking out. Because I may say things that they don’t know or understand. Until they have checked with family members or friends. It’s the same as going to buy a designer handbag. I want to know, before I spend my money, that I am getting the genuine article. So why shouldn’t I be open to being checked out too?

There is, I also believe, a duty on me as a medium to do some fact checking too. I have to ensure that my connections are with the right Spirits.

It’s no use to someone that I give a message from a random stranger. I know that we pay less attention to what strangers say. And I also know that people get great comfort from knowing that their loved ones are still around. Any connection therefore has to be with someone who can give me the kind of factual information that a loved one would know. Vague bits of partial memories or circumstances won’t do. I expect my family in Spirit to know all about me and to bring that knowledge with them. They also know key pieces of information that mean a lot to me.

If I expect that standard of facts it’s fair that I do my best to provide it in my messages for others. Of course not every message will be perfect or as good as I would wish it. But I also choose to break the link if a basic level of factual information doesn’t appear to be there. Checking out my connection, the Spirit communicator and the evidence being brought forward is the key, I feel, to a positive and well received message. Perhaps it’s my desire to be down to Earth in my approach that has made me set things out this way. But in the service for Spirit I would rather people get informaed of how the communication process works than be mis-informed by what happens.

I have ways believed in the ‘educated sitter’. That is, the person who believes in checking things out when getting their message. Facts are a great way to do that. So make sure you ask for, and get, as much factual information as possible.

Day 616 of my blogging challenge 

What Happens at a Psychic Supper

img_2227Tonight I’ve been to a Psychic Supper at a local Spiritualist church. It’s another way of getting messages to people who want to connect with their loved ones.

A lot of people are unaware of this kind of gathering. It’s not a religious service. Or a stage performance. So it has a very different vibe than might be expected. There are usually five or six mediums present. Each one of us sits on a table with six or so people. It’s then my job to make connections and bring in messages from their loved ones in Spirit. It’s informal, relaxed and full of laughter. After the guests have listened to their messages we all share supper together. I love the sense of community that this kind of event has.

One of the things I like most is that after the messages people can ask me questions. Part of my wish for my mediumship is to be able to explain what happens and how we can all connect with loved ones in the afterlife. I can’t always do that in a church service or a stage event. Being able to sit with people gives me a chance be available for the kind of questions I had when I was learning about the Spirit World. I feel we all want to know more but don’t know who to ask. The perceptions of mediums, churches, shows and even one to one readings can sometimes be very different to what actually happens. I know that having a chance to chat means I can tell it like it really is.

That’s why I like doing Psychic Suppers. Though perhaps the name sometimes confuses people too.

I find there is a lot of confusion about what ‘psychic’ and ‘medium’ mean. Psychic is when I connect to a person’s aura to give them a reading. I might use psychic tools like Tarot cards, a pendulum or runes. However I am only connecting with the person’s energy. When I am working as a medium I am connecting with Energy Beings, most often the person’s loved ones, and I do this without the need for psychic tools. You will certainly get some people working psychically at a Psychic Supper. But I and most mediums will be working through mediumship. And your deceased family & friends will be bringing you messages.

That can be a bit of a challenge though. Sometimes I get people at my table who want specific people. Or don’t want some of the people they know to come forward. Or need to hear from only one person. I will try my best. Any medium will. Matching the Spirit to the person here is at the heart of what we do. Occasionally I can’t do it though. That can be for a number of reasons. Especially as I might not be the medium the relevant Spirit can connect with. So sometimes you have to accept the person you are given and try to listen to the message with an open mind. I encourage people who are going to a Psychic Supper to go without expectations. If you do you get so much more given.

I enjoyed my supper at Burnley Spiritualist church. It was an opportunity to meet new Spirit people as well as their family down here. It also reminded me how important it is to be accessible.

Being sensitive to energy I often avoid larger gatherings. There can be an excess of energy, both Spirit and human, to balance off so I can enjoy my evening. Yet in the surroundings of a spiritual setting helping people to find understanding is a privilege. The ladies on my table tonight were a pleasure to work for. After the messages we shared in a lovely discussion, great food and chocolate. I know that what we talked about was Spirit inspired. It doesn’t really matter that it was me who said it. What is important is that information was shared from their side to ours. What a lovely job I have ?

Day 334 of my blogging challenge.