Passion to Create

imageFinding my passion to create is one of the really special aspects of the journey I started ten years ago. I began to acknowledge that there was something more to this life than what could be experienced in a material way. Stepping fully into an exploration of my intuitive abilities opened so many new doors for me. It also gave me lots of experiences where I could be creative. And I gave myself permission to create and to enjoy doing so. Today was a day of more creativity.

My good friend Jan and I are getting ready to launch something new in June this year. It is the end of a strand of work that has kept up us creating for four years at least. We have regular catch ups to keep us on track so sitting together today we talked about the end of one phase being the beginning of another. That is what happens when you get creative. When you find your passion in an inspired activity you end up with lots of interesting projects, prototypes and seemingly endless work. As one step fades into another you move forward to the next challenge. The excitement of creating keeps you bouncing new ideas around. Out if this process you can end up with some wonderful products or services.

The passion to create returned again later in the day when I was doing some business mentoring. I tend to work without a structure. I don’t make formal plans as such. What I keep in mind for my business is all about my passion. I have always wanted to help people. Then I learned that it was important to wait until they had identified what help they needed for themselves. By creating the right circumstances I was able to help people work it out for themselves creatively. Then I could get on with providing some of what they decided they needed. In the same way when you decide to work for yourself you have to be prepared to follow your passion. Successful businesses are built by the owner who loves what they are doing, can ignore the ups and downs and can hold the vision of the eventual outcomes. If you are not passionate about what you are doing, in any walk of life, then your activity is without joy.

Joy is an important ingredient. We all recognise brilliant customer service when we get it because the person giving it does so with joy. We can recognise the absence of joy in anything when it really isn’t there. The energy vibration of loving the work you do is very strong. In a world that understood energy vibrations we would certainly want to have only those things that were filled with joy. Passion, the feeling of joy, in being creative can be about finding a solution to an issue, making a new product, writing a blog or painting your own pictures. My passion for creating has included all of those activities. So I’ve had a lot of joy from my business over the years.

If you decide that you want to run a spiritual business you have an even greater responsibility to follow your passion. The whole of my business life is about spirituality in action. I want to walk the walk not just talk the talk. Otherwise I will struggle to find joy because I’m not being my authentic self. Deciding what to create for my business vision, putting that into action and dealing with unexpected outcomes will be draining if there is no joy in what I do. Before you step into your own business it’s wise to make sure you understand what it is you want to create. What is the passion that drives you forward? Is it enough to keep you going through the challenging times? Write it down. Write it down again. Write it down for a third time. Are you still clear about what you want to create? Is there enough passion and power for you to launch your new project?

We are all creative beings – really good at finding new ways & ideas – with a passion for producing all sorts of ‘things’. Some of those things are concrete and some are more insubstantial. Recognising our creativity, making sure that we use it and doing what brings us joy, because we can, is the perfect ‘working life’ we deserve. How much joy does your work give you?

Day 163 of my blogging challenge.