I’ve spent a focused and enjoyable day clearing clutter out of my work space. Watching the boxes empty. Recycling, gifting, filing and arranging. It’s all part of my effort to create a sacred space. The place I can be comfortable connecting to my intuition.
Because when I open up to the energy information around me I want to have a peaceful and positive vibe. So spending time going through my old stuff has been a great first step. As I’ve looked through each bundle of papers, memorabilia and objects I have been asking myself what it represents. Is what I’m looking at positive, significant energy? Because my sacred space has to boost me on days when the energy is low vibrational. Is the item or piece of paper any part of my current life? Sometimes I hold on to things that were right for me when I was a different energy person. Letting coasters, pens, thank you cards and photos go clears my space for the me I am today. And more especially the me I want to become.
My sacred space is emerging from under the clutter precisely because I am tuning in to my intuition too. Sensing the energy of what I’m keeping and checking that it matches my hopes and dreams. It matters to me that my papers are tidy in files. I want to have an underlying structure because my life is often very fluid. So being able to put my hands on something the instant I’m prompted to is a great gift to myself. I am also checking what crystals and spiritual objects I have dotted around my scared space. I recently took a good look at all of my tarot and oracle cards to make sure I was only keeping those that would serve me in the future. And I have chosen some of my own channelled intuitive art to brighten my walls too.
Tomorrow I will be continuing creating my sacred space with some more clearing out. Then I can start smudging and finish off with a sound bath and some incense. Finally I have found an easy chair I want to use when I’m sitting in the silence listening to my Guides. There will be cushions. And my space will be complete. What is your sacred space like?
Day 810 of my blogging challenge