One of the hardest things to do is to get in a positive flow of energy when you are feeling stuck. That’s when I remind myself of sugar sharing. My way to increase the good feeling in me and around me.
One day I was talking to a group of students about how we give out our energy vibrations. Even when we don’t realise that we are doing so. I know that all of us tend to take one another at face value. That what I say and how I appear may make people think I’m fine or ok. But what my energy may be saying is the opposite. Intuitively that will be picked up and people will go away feeling rather confused. They may also pick up my energy vibe and pass it on to other people too. That’s the way energy works and transfers. So what about sugar? As i tried to explain the idea of energy transferring my Guide stepped in. Thankfully the Team are always ready to help. And I was given a great illustration.
Imagine you live in a row of houses. Your neighbour pops in and says they have run out of sugar. They ask if they can borrow a cup. You smile and give them a bag of sugar. They promise to return it and you say it’s ok. You ask them to pass on the kindness. They take the bag of sugar home. Next day the next neighbour in the row calls into their house to ask for a loan of some sugar. In the spirit of kindness the first neighbour gives them the bag of sugar and asks for it to be treated the same. Passing on the kindness in return. The bag of sugar goes along the row of houses until the morning you run out of milk. And the neighbour right at the end of the row gives you a pint of milk with the request that you share the kindness to the next person who needs something.
What has happened is a good vibe all along the row and your original sugar returned in kind. You have been sweet and got that lovely energy back.
However, there is another aspect to this. What if your first neighbour had not passed on the sugar? If it ended only satisfying the first person’s need? You might be reluctant to share again. The other neighbours might have stopped asking your first neighbour for help. And may have refused to help that neighbour in future. What is being transferred is not the sweetness the sugar can bring. But the sadness of looking only after number one. In that scenario the only person who benefits from any energy is the first neighbour. But it is a short term fix. And there is unlikely to be any more positive flowing their way.
I love this explanation for giving with gratitude. What I give will eventually return to me. What I give can be large or small. A smile, a small or large loan or a roof over someone’s head in an emergency. There are so many ways to share the sweetness of the sugar. Each time I do it I know that I can look forward to when it returns. And not care when that might be. Or how it will be returned. I am sending out a positive vibe, sharing and caring for it’s own sake. Not with my eye on getting anything back. Because I know that there is a great balance going on. If I feel happy and someone else feels happy we are sending that wave of kindness out as far as it can go. Eventually that wave will remove the low vibrational energy flowing around the world.
So make today the day you think about sharing that bag of sugar. Remember how much it can shift your vibration. When you focus on what others might need you forget your own stuckness for a little while. You never know. What you might get back could be exactly what can clear away the thing that keeps you stuck.
Day 940 of my blogging challenge