Today I’ve had a trip out to Middlesbrough to a lovely spiritual shop where the people try to help others find a route through the shadows. Stepping away from low vibrational energy is never easy. Getting support is important.
I know that I have a shadow side. I also know that so does every one else. It’s part of our human challenge. I can choose to follow a positive path as much as I can. Yet sometimes I get stuck in the negative flow. Owning my own thoughts and feelings is the best way to let my spiritual side make progress. But first I have to be able to see what they are. And acknowledge that some of my feelings and thoughts are my shadow side. Stepping back from myself is one of the key ways to do that.
When I sit down to write my blog I gather my thoughts about the day. I look for what I have experienced and how it made me feel. Then I choose what to write about. That process often brings to my notice the influences that have run through my day. As I consider these I’m looking for the stuck, challenging or negative energy. Where am I still holding judgements and opinions that might be unfair? What will I be stepping away from as I make better choices? Because that is the end result of thinking about my day. I give myself a chance to bring in a more positive flow of energy.
However, there are also times when I get stuck in a maze of thinking, feeling, debating my actions. Sometimes I need help to explore all the implications of my shadow side.
That’s when I find another person to help me work it all out. Someone who also recognises that we all have a shadow side. A person who can be honest with me whilst I work it all out. Living a spiritual life brings many challenges. What sort of spirituality for a start? One based in religious views might seem the best choice but I’ve always felt that religions were man made frameworks only. Open to wide interpretations. So not necessarily going to guide me at times when my definition of ‘spiritual’ is being challenged. With the help of someone who is also finding their way along the path too I have the space to explore my values, beliefs and options. To define my own personal understanding of what spirituality means to me.
There is also another way of stepping away from the shadows. In several conversations today I talked about asking my Guides and the Energy Beings around me for help or inspiration. They are always ready to listen, drop in comments and challenge me when I’m refusing to consider all the other sides to every story in my life. Over many years, long before I began my public work as a medium, these trusted advisors were available to support me. The fact that I didn’t use them half as much as they could have helped is down to my choices. And my stubbornness in wanting to live my life blind to the reality of shadows. Over the years they have consistently shown me what I was reluctant to look at. Not just my own low vibrations but those of others.
That is important right now. My Guides have been reminding me for a long time that we are being given a choice. The energy flow is all about stepping forward now. Choosing to become the best we can possibly be.
That can’t happen until each one of us faces and embraces our nasty, hurtful, angry, fearful bits. All that low level energy that we dish out into the world. All those times and occasions when we blame others for our own thoughts and feelings. Every time we act less lovingly towards each other. Especially those times when we make love conditional on our needs. Whether you believe in a Jesus Christ or not there is a lesson for all of us in turning the other cheek. Can I rise above the negative energy within me and around me? Can I offer myself up to another ‘blow’ and still hold myself in positive esteem?
Unconditional love applies inward first. Loving my humanity, my duality, my Spirit. Then staying in that flow of energy no matter what else is going on. The most wonderful thing I keep being told is that I don’t have to do it all by myself. There is so much support on hand to remind me that, warts and all, I am a being of love. So whether you write, talk or get guidance please seek out your shadow side. Learn to love it. Then be prepared to step away from it so that you can be the positive person you intended to be all along.
Day 324 of my blogging challenge.