Rising to the Surface

I’ve had a sort of grumpy week. A rising temperature, tricky shifts in energy, fever and a cough. Plus the push to speak out instead of stay quiet. With some stark contrasts between what I will accept and what I won’t.

Of course, having to step away from my work, getting rest and having my brain free to process stuff has been really useful. I don’t normally get political but observing from a distance it seems as if there is a tide of fear rising to the surface across in America. I can’t decide if the new President is a clever manipulator or an easily led fool. But what I see in his behaviour is a definite shift to a negative view of the American Dream. As for his spoken word, I find myself saddened that his angry voice is the one that a lot of people seem to want to follow. The fear is also visible across many countries right now. Like a dis-ease that is eating at the heart of what it means to be human.

Surfing the Internet I’ve come across some very strident voices today. People wanting to give their views by rubbishing the views of others. It’s as if everyone has forgotten to listen before replying. I’ve noticed very fixed attitudes creeping in and resulting in insulting and damaging comments. I don’t want to make a point of right or wrong but I do think we need a massive talking stick. A way of giving everyone a turn to say what they want whilst everyone else listens. Because I feel it’s the energy of not being listened to that is driving the fear. Which means that people are open to being exploited. And as I mused about this I could feel my inner Goddess rising.

I know we are in a time where the Divine Feminine energy is resurfacing. Until there is a much more positive balance between our masculine and feminine energies we will stay dis-eased. I also know that each of us has to balance both energies within ourselves. For and by ourselves.

As I read some of the comments on a Facebook feed about the President of the USA I found that I wanted to comment too. My voice started rising within me. Because some of the ‘facts’ being bandied about didn’t make sense. Or connect with factual information that is available. There is a great debate going on about fake news and who can be trusted. But when we don’t listen to one another carefully and with respect whether it’s fact or fiction becomes secondary. What takes it’s place is an entrenched I am right and you are wrong view. If that view is held passionately enough then verbal aggression quickly seems to follow. Not quite the world I would like to belong to.

And that is an issue for me. I have a temptation to say oh well, it’s all over there so what does it matter to me. Except that it does matter. The fear energy is rising up everywhere. Of course I can hope that I avoid it all. I can live in my spiritual bubble floating somewhere up in the air. Or react by wanting to leave the planet and let humanity get on with destroying itself once again. And I come full circle to the Goddess energy once more. I have a family. We have children and grandchildren. I can’t opt out. Because what will that leave for them. Thinking seven generations forward I have to deal with this rising tide. Opting out is not an option.

So what do I do to combat the rising tide of hatred? Even though I am feeling low in personal energy I have to speak somehow. I have to express the positive flow of love. Not fluffy love. The tough love only a true Crone Goddess represents.

You certainly don’t have to agree with what I say. You can always stop listening. Walk away. Or you can listen to me so I can listen to you in return. We can agree to speak with respect and open heartedness. It may be that we realise a lack of common ground. That’s ok. Or we might actually find that our concerns are shared. In all of the issues the world now faces progress will only happen when we talk our solutions out. When we try to come from a shared love of being human. And a recognition that our children’s children’s children have as much invested in what we do as we have.

Thinking about all of this I decided to make two comments on that Facebook feed. I’m glad I spoke my thoughts. I know that I wanted to speak without fear. To address things as I see them. To make the point that different viewpoints are what makes us face the fear and deal with it. I’ve put the snippets below. I hope you will find your voice too. Speak for yourself. Because when everyone finally does so we will understand, out in the open and fully, what people are frightened of. Then we can deal with it and move on.

My little bits of speaking out for today. Aside from this blog of course!

The comment: I’m glad Trump is having a go at the media. People like Rupert Murdoch have been influencing UK politics for decades to suit his own agenda. Well done Trump…Its time someone with some courage took them on!

My response: Yet the one news station Trump does praise, Fox, is owned by Rupert Murdoch. Is he hoping to make Murdoch the only mouthpiece for Trumpism? Perhaps we should be told! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/News_Corporation

The comment: Name a racist or sexist remark. Don’t say “grab them by the pussy” because that’s not even sexist. Just because your told over and over that someone is an “ist” (racist, sexist etc) doesn’t mean they are. He’s come up with lots of ideas to fix problems, building a wall, temporary immigration bans etc.

My response: If you don’t have a pussy you can’t say whether the remark is sexist or not. It’s outside your area of experience and expertise ?


Day 452 of my blogging challenge.

Thoughtful Moments

imageSeveral times today I’ve spent a little time in my thoughts. Making time for a thoughtful moment really helps me to stay in the here and now because I get a chance to consider what I am experiencing. Talking with Jan about the healing energy we have been receiving from ArchAngel Parashiel for the last two years I noticed how much we had achieved together. Quietly reflecting on our work and the changes that had occurred in our lives I realised that I was less burdened by fear and worry. The shift in my outlook on life has been so gradual that I hadn’t actually noticed or really acknowledged it. We are ready to bring in much more Light energy. We are also ready to step forward on behalf of the ArchAngels so others can make connections with these wonderful Energy Beings. Quite a change from where we originally started.

I had another time to be thoughtful later in the afternoon. A lovely practitioner at the Centre has been training in AromaTouch and asked for volunteers to help her practice the technique. I was grateful for a treatment that reminded me to spend time on me I really enjoyed noticing how my aura colours responded to the different essential oils. Being in the moment I also noticed what feelings I needed to release, the thoughts that wouldn’t go away and the aches in my body. The opportunity to notice and reflect on what my whole being was ‘saying’ was very precious. Sometime we are so busy we forget to spend a little time on ourselves. Stuff piles up waiting to be noticed or released. Then when we have run our batteries down to the minimum we seek help in an exhausted state and it takes much longer for us to recharge. Spending an hour in this way gave me space to unhook myself from the world, time to release energy and the feeling of loving myself enough to deserve this time and space.

Finally, this evening I attended a vigil arranged by Happy Valley Pride in Hebden Bridge to honour the people killed and injured in the shooting in Orlando. We thought about them, their families and their communities. The speakers also talked about why it was important to stand together as one. Spending a thoughtful hour with others was a way of showing that violence and aggression need not be part of our daily lives. As I stood in the rain with my candle to shine a light for peace and love I thought how senseless killing is. How often we refuse to see the other person as a human being too. There was a lovely prayer. I closed my eyes and joined with others in sending out a wish for enlightenment across the whole world. Taking these moments as my chance to remind myself that we have a long way to go before we all behave and believe as one, I asked for every person to be reminded that we are all someone’s daughter or son. I asked the Universe to bring us all together as quickly as possible, to bring down the barriers that we imagine separate us and to help the children seven generations down the line to be unaware of any differences of creed, race, country, gender or sexuality that might keep people apart from one another.

As I write this blog I am hopeful. When we learn to have thoughtful moments of reflection in our daily lives we start to live more fully in the moment. We also start to think more clearly about what we say and do. We gain an opportunity to make different choices in our reactions to the events of our daily lives. Bringing this kind of focus to our mind is mindfulness in action. We have a chance to be better people. Please choose the path of love and peace ?

Day 212 of my blogging challenge.

Seven generations forward

imageOne of the many things I’ve studied in my search for spiritual understanding is Native American philosophy. One of the discussions I had yesterday remained in my mind today as I was watching a news report about the referendum on whether the UK should leave the European Union. My questions about the referendum issues collided in my mind with a long held principle of the Native American peoples. This is the idea than any decisions are considered to affect the community not only today but for seven generations. Ideas, plans and changes are discussed with a view to the impact they will have in about 175 years time. I wonder how many times we think that far ahead when we are making changes to our lives? I’m sure that most of the world governments have a much shorter timescale. And the political parties around the world seem only to focus on policies and decisions affecting their time in government.

I’m not writing about politics though. When I really started to travel my spiritual path it often left me feeling frustrated and irritated that change seemed to take such a long time. I really wanted to have a world that was so much better in many ways. That frustration sharpened quite a lot when my daughter was born. There is a genuine question to ask about bringing a baby on to the planet as it is now. What will that child, teenager, adult experience in their life? How will their world look to them? More especially, what could I do to manifest a better world if I did have a child?  There is always the option to remain childless but if we all do that eventually the human race dies out. So when do we start thinking beyond the next generation (if we ever actually do) and get ourselves into the mindset of seven generations?

There is also another issue alongside the 175 year perspective. We tend to look only at our own backyard. If nothing bad is happening to us or the people we care about we rarely look over the fence to see what is happening for others. We work very hard to keep the outside world from affecting our own backyard. This is another ‘short term view’ pitfall. We can’t keep the world out of our lives forever. At some point we have to interact with other members of our community whatever we feel or think about them. And we are rapidly becoming one big global community.

We live in a beautiful planet where there is an abundance of everything we need. Short term decisions, a lack of appreciation of the seven generations and an inability to arrive at consensus had split humanity into warring groups. It’s time to reconsider what indigenous peoples have known all along. When you send out you wish list for your cosmic orders, when you use the energy of manifesting, perhaps it’s time to start asking for the ideas, options and opportunities that will ensure the children seven generations forward can wake every morning to abundance, peace and joy. You are the one who can make it so. You are the guardian of their inheritance. The children of the future (our great, great, great, great, great, great grandchildren) deserve the best we can imagine for them.

Day 158 of my blogging challenge.

For a clear & well written article about the Seven Generations philosophy please see this article by Glenn Morris.