Permission Given: Top Priority Rest!

Priority When everything is urgent, nothing is urgent. That’s what I used to say to give myself a sense of the priority in all the tasks I seemed to find to do. However, I rarely gave myself permission to be at the top of any list of priorities.

I’ve had another busy day. There are lots of things on my ‘To Do’ list. Some are necessary now for my book or my art. Some need to be done if I want to make sure that my business moves forward. And some are the first steps to making my new vision of the future become real. Then there are the everyday priorities of eating, sleeping, housework and looking after the cats. My daughter has to, reluctantly, look after herself! Which one is top priority? Or do I recognise that some are equally necessary right now? If so, how do I decide what to do first? It’s really easy for me to get in a spin about prioritising. Then I jump from one thing to another never quite finishing either. Or all,of them.

Yet I’m changing. I’ve slowly come to recognise the truth in ‘when everything is urgent, nothing is urgent’. I’m proud of myself for making some significant differences in the way I approach what is a priority and what isn’t. Through the kindness of friends, who have let me use their place in Scotland and who house sit, I have come back to my rest place. My focus at the start of today was to keep my mentoring appointments, send out readings CD’s, put out some advertising and tidy up my diary. I tackled these because I wanted to leave myself clear to head back to Scotland. Before I did I knew I was doing a service at Burnley Spiritualist church.

So I also made it a priority to have an hour of rest before I went there. At one time I would have worked through that hour to write my blog. Becuase my priorities would have been on anything but me.

Making that rest a priority was important. I knew I had a three hour drive afterwards. Pushing myself to do everything only makes my time away less active as I recover from exhaustion. I knew it would mean posting it past my daily deadline. But I also gave myself permission to do that too. And I feel like I’ve accomplished all of the priority tasks of my day. So the next few days can be restful me time. I do have plans. They are very flexible though. I’ve given myself permission to do the minimum I require and the maximum I desire. This is so far away from what I used to be like that when I notice it I sometimes feel startled. Of course my Ego mind tries it’s best to drag me back to my old pattern.

It doesn’t like change at all. Let alone change that means I am free of it’s interference. That’s what I’ve given myself permission for too. My focus is to have a happy life doing what I choose to do. I want to be able to suit myself. That’s why I work for myself. So why do I let all sorts of non-important tasks seem like they are urgent? Oh yes. It’s that Ego mind wanting to keep me small and safe in a box of my own making. It’s priority is to keep me safe and possibly really miserable. That’s why giving myself permission has become really important. I have permission to grow, to change, to make prototypes, to fail. Most of all I have permission to rest when I have done enough of what I want to do.

The priorities set by others will have to wait. So will the priorities set by my Ego mind. I love reminding myself that I can give myself permission. For anything. Staying small is not my choice. I’m so glad I am changing. What priority do you give yourself? Are you last on your own list? Or not even on it? Is it time to give yourself permission to be top priority in your own life?

Day 631 of my blogging challenge