Serving Humanity

imageOne of the topics that popped up today was serving humanity. I had finished sending out a positive wave of energy on behalf of the Earth’s ArchAngels. Someone who was there asked what the purpose of the wave was. She also asked why I thought Angels were involved. Two interesting questions!

I wanted to talk about the Angels first. Understanding about those Energy Beings makes the issue of serving clearer. Setting aside a philosophical debate about the existence of Angels, I want to explain why I relate to the presences I work with as angelic. And that’s not because they told me so or I just accepted what I was told. I’m comfortable to call the Beings I’m channelling at the moment ArchAngels. That’s  because the amount of Light, also known as Love, they transmit is overwhelming to my human aura.

I have encountered many low vibrational Energy Beings in my mediumship. I have also encountered many different energy vibrations that have resolved themselves into groups of the same energy. Each group has a different energy ‘feel’. And each group has a different spiritual purpose. When the Earth’s ArchAngels started to move into connection with me I recognised an energy group I understood to be angelic. What became clear quite early on was that this group are serving humanity from our reality. A difference compared to the Angels we normally connect to. Those are still in their own reality beaming the energy connection to us. So the Earth’s ArchAngels are ‘up close and personal’.

Why do they work in this reality? Why be alongside us in energy that is significantly lower than their home energy?

As my connection to these Angels developed they helped me to understand their idea of service. Serving is all about bringing the Love vibration as close as possible to the place or people who need it. I found out that it is their challenge to work in an environment that is difficult for them. They share the waves of Love energy to lighten the whole energy we move in. As I worked more and more in service for them I experienced the Love and therefore the increase of Light vibration in my own aura. It is clear that if I become more open to connecting and serving I can pass on more Love too.

The big picture is to have as many of us as possible passing on more Love. The waves of energy I can release through my connections to other people will build up a network of positive energy. Other people can be added to that network so that the Love energy increases. It can bathe people, animals and the planet in more Light. The ArchAngels know this is the only way to keep us on track with our evolution and ascension.

An energy exchange is always happening. When we are serving others we are also serving ourselves. The trick is to get the balance right.

For the last two days I have been in such wonderful vibrational energy. I have been surrounded by Love and positivity. This powerful energy has helped me to release a lot of stuck strands of thought and feeling. Whilst in the energy I have been sending out waves of Love and positivity. The balance between giving and receiving has been almost perfect. I have served others and also remembered to serve myself. I have been able to do that because the ArchAngels have helped me to learn how. They have encouraged my faltering steps. I have turned the desire to be of service into an action. Not at my expense. I have been delighted to be receiving as well as giving.

Some people might wonder why I bother. Or why the ArchAngels bother. I remain, as do they, optimistic that humanity is a worthwhile effort. We can do better. It is possible to make better choices. I see the Love that we all feel and share as our greatest asset. We still have a lot to learn about unconditional Love. I’m willing to keep learning and I know many others who feel the same. Serving each other through Love is the way of growing closer to the Divine Spirit within each of us. I hope we can all be of service to each other one day.

Day 236 of my blogging challenge.