Flashes of insight are coming through thick and fast to me at the moment. Last night’s musings, following on from my blogs about the Divine Feminine energy, were relating to all sorts of relationship connections.
It’s as if my Guide Team are taking me step by step through what I know so that I rework my understanding. It’s a really interesting process. Because every time I think I’ve got to the deepest understanding I can my Guides peel off yet another layer of certainty. I have to say I am finding this new way of relating to myself very exciting. And refreshing. Although not without the struggles that come from having to let my preconceptions and judgements go. I’m learning a lot about the focus of this cycle of Divine Feminine energy too. The first blast this year has put relationships under the spotlight.
Clearest of all is my relationship with myself. How I navigate my inner world. How I balance my masculine and feminine energies. And how I assume things about myself. Whilst carefully avoiding anything that I don’t want to have to look at. It’s brining to the surface those pressures and patterns that have kept me rushing to be the one picking up the pieces. The one taking responsibility for everyone else’s emotional states. That one sided view of the Mother that often slips me into Servant or Martyr mode. And the reminder that I have also lived a good chunk of my life in my pragmatic, practical masculine side too. Perhaps at the expense of my feminine energy.
So this time is all about relating to my inner self. Continuing the process of finding the authentic me. The whole and complete me.
To help me I have lots of relationships around me. Relationships that allow me to be me to various amounts. Some relationships bounce my sarcasm back at me. Others remind me that I enjoy a good laugh. Still others show me my dedication, passion and will to succeed. Then there are those that remind me I still want to manage everyone’s lives. And those where I struggle to let go. Even if the relationship has actually run it’s course. I am sure that I mirror back in all of these relationships. That I represent something to each of the people involved. We are all learning about relating to our self so that we can relate to each other.
That’s the end game. The Divine Feminine energy recognises the creativity of collaboration. I believe that if we all contributed our abilities based on our authentic selves then we would experience a very different outer world. But the challenge is to get to that clear and honest state of communication. I know I have it with my Guides. They can read my energy, with my permission, easily. And they give me permission to read their energy, to know their authentic selves, in return. Of course I may choose not to see them as their authentic selves. When relating to others we assume so much. Mainly because it is easier to guess than to deal with the truth. Because the truth may involve uncomfortable emotions.
I wonder how many times I have stopped myself when relating to others? Turned away from the honesty that is available because I have been fearful of what I might find out?
Mainly because I assume that others are making judgements about me. Yet is that really true? Or are we all hiding in a pointless exercise not to be our true selves? And does that actually makes a barrier to collaboration? A barrier that prevents us from coming together, sharing and caring in a deeper way? I believe it does. This is a time of great change if we want to have a different world for our children and their children. I know that I have to show the outer world my authentic self. Relating to my inner self I have to become comfortable with being open for people to judge me if they wish.
But I have to step back from judging myself. It’s time for me to embrace the feminine, creative, collaborative energy that I have and share it to all of my relationships. It means I have to think about my relationships in a different way. And I have to create more authentic bonds between myself and others. That’s not to say that up until now I have been lying. Or hiding my true feelings and thoughts. It’s that I am more aware of more of the authentic me than I have been before. It’s that I want to share. And I want to engage with people who are finding their authentic me. Together we can shift our relationships to a higher spiritual level.
In the end, it will be a choice all of us have to make. Relating to one another has always been a challenge for human beings. I know we have all tried to search out simpler ways of ‘knowing’ the other people in our lives. The simplest one is through our intuitive, collaborative selves. I hope your journey into your beautiful, authentic self will be a great experience. It’s so you can find the truth of the Divine Feminine at the heart of who you are.
Day 796 of my blogging challenge