Bring On The New Me: A Treat Filled Day

bring good foodOne of the things working with Spirit has taught me is to bring all my energy to bear into creating a positive day for myself. After all, it may be my last day of earthly life. So they always encourage me to make sure it’s a good one.

Of course, old habits are hard to break. I’ve spent most of my life doing what I should, must or ought to do. According to what other people thought those things were. When my Guides first encouraged me to put myself first I felt very uncomfortable. Giving to others and not to myself was so deeply ingrained I felt guilty just thinking about receiving. They had to bring me this message time and again until I finally started to understand it. How can I give to others in any meaningful way if I don’t count myself as someone worth being given too. Over many years I have tried to turn this old pattern around. And recognise I can give much more if I have first taken care of me.

Which brings me to today. It’s been a day of many wonderful treats: gifts from one friend, lovely catch up time spent with another, feeding my body with good food and a facial, picking up tickets for a trip, putting new bedding on the bed. All these things bring me a sense of contentment. They generate a positive flow of energy in me. I feel good about my day and myself. You see, what my Guides wanted me to understand is that dealing with the uncertainty of life isn’t about control. Organising all of my time in such a way that it feels full of purpose. Giving in order to hold fear at bay. Instead, it’s about each moment. Because each one can bring me a good life experience if I let it. Even on the most challenging of days.

If I bring my attention into right now, give myself permission to enjoy what I’m doing and forget about what comes next I am giving to myself. And lots more things become treats instead of tasks. I’ve had a good, great, fab day. I hope you have too.

Day 772 of my blogging challenge

Planning For Self-Care: Recognise It’s Important

planning self-careToday my Letter From The Light Side broadcast has really stuck with me. The Guides talked about planning and how important it was to make a commitment to myself.

They were talking about making decisions. Encouraging me to step forward into the path that would be the most positive for me. I realised that the first thing I had to do was recognise what was the best for me. In a way I’ve already done a lot of that thinking. I have stepped back from church services in 2018. And will shortly close my Centre. I chose to do both of these things because I want to focus on my writing and mentoring. But I wondered if I had done enough thinking about my self-care. It’s been a busy week. I’ve done a lot of planning for the tasks over the nest few weeks. But have I made any space for self-care? Something that I’ve noticed has been squeezed out this week.

It all comes back to my love of giving. That’s what I want to do. I like to share. So I fill my days with opportunities to do that. But perhaps I don’t share enough with myself. My planning doesn’t recognise that it’s what I need. So it’s not in the diary and it doesn’t happen. Yet I know when I am tired, worn out and drained I find sharing really hard. I can’t drum up enough energy. So if I really want to keep sharing I have to take some time to give to me. I know I have to make me a regular commitment. It’s time to have a date night with myself. Or a pleasant walk with I and me. Curling up with a good book to refresh my energy. These small, yet vital, activities honour my need for self-care.

And remind me that I’m important in my life too. Because I can forget that when I get caught up in helping others. Today I got my reminder that it’s all about balance. Giving and receiving. I’m planning to spend my Friday and Saturday differently. So that I am refreshed and ready for my Sunday workshop.

Day 717 of my blogging challenge

We Need A National Self-Care Day

National self-care dayI’ve voted today National Self-Care Day. I see a lot of my social media filled with National xx day, xx week or support xx month, plus Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day. All sorts of reasons.

Yet when I am mentoring or counselling people, or listening to family and friends, the one thing I notice is we have no designated day for ourselves. I suppose I could be accused of trying to extend my birthday (I had a lovely one last week). However, I know that unless I am very focused I often forget to do something nice for myself. Usually because I’m too busy doing nice (hopefully) things for all the people around me. So when I sat down at my computer this morning I posted about National Self-Care Day. It’s Monday, it was a bit drab outside and I had a full diary of appointments. What better than to remind myself to make sure I looked after me too.

I also wanted to get people to think about how much they value themselves. Could I spend 5 minutes enjoying a herbal tea? Or was I busy, pen in hand, trying to sign my books too? Was it possible to sit quietly in my healing room for 10 minutes to recharge my batteries? Or was I busy organising the blankets on my healing bed, watering the plants and dusting the window sill? Multi tasking is great but only when it creates space for me to relax. Or to take some time out. Even to have a treat of some kind. Am I only worth 5 or 10 minutes to spend on myself? So I’m all with National Self-Care Day. How wonderful to have a whole day of treating me. Eating good, healthy food. Walking. Reading the next fiction book in the series I’m enjoying. Having time to stop and chat.

Best if all, I can send myself a Best Wishes on National Self-Care Day card. Oh, wait a minute, the retail industry haven’t designated this day yet. They don’t know about it. Because it’s not considered important enough to celebrate taking care of me. Yet. But by next 9th October perhaps we will all be enjoying NS-C day!

Day 686 of my blogging challenge 

Considering Giving Up? Dig Deeper!

Sometimes I get to a point of wondering why I am bothering. It’s a natural feeling. That’s when I find I have to dig a bit deeper into my determination.

When a message seems to be like pulling teeth. Or I can’t quite seem to get whatever is being put in front of me. Even sometimes when I want to be busy and active but the energy seems to have gone. I had a few of these moments today. And by mid-afternoon was wondering if it might not be easier just to go back to bed. Knowing that I had to be in Skipton for a church service so hiding under the covers wasn’t really an option. When I get this ‘life is tough’ feeling I know I require some self-care. Somehow I’ve stopped looking after me enough. So I have to stop and dig into it.

This came up again later in the evening. I’d been talking about impatience in my philosophy at the church. One of the people at the service started talking about developing his mediumship. But he couldn’t decide if he should be doing his healing first. I understood what he meant. When I realised I could be in service with the Spirit World I imagined I might start with doing healing. Speaking for Spirits wasn’t even on my agenda. Yet I found myself doing messages first. And my Reiki training second. I wasn’t sure there was a point to my messages. Because I didn’t really see the positive impact they were having. I was too full of self-doubt.

It was only when I had to dig down into my beliefs that I understood. It mattered to me that I was helping people.

And I was uncertain if my messages were clear or good enough to be helpful. That brought on the ‘what’s the point’ feeling that I had been tussling with. As I strengthened my belief in my ability I was able to find the point of giving messages. And the point of approaching healing work once I had overcome a big chunk of self-doubt. I was glad to dig below the surface. It helped me to get past something that could have stopped me once and for all. I also recognised that my self-care had to include room for doubt, space to reflect on my beliefs and permission to have that ‘what’s the point’ feeling.

This afternoon I got an echo of this when I was facing my computer. I was trying to follow instructions to upload my book into a publishing site. The instructions all seemed to be based on knowledge I didn’t have. I felt as if I was going round in slow circles. Simple instructions? Not really I thought. I felt that ‘what’s the point’ feeling start to emerge. I could sense myself starting to feel defeated. And stupid. Because the instuctions I read seemed clear. I forgot to acknowledge that they were written with the assumption that the reader knew certain things already.

I started to take the instructions as a personal dig at my abilities. Then I paused for a moment. Perhaps today was not the day to do this?

When I considered giving myself a break the feeling started to retreat. I decided to dig out the download about book publishing I’d got from the website when I set up my account. Instead of giving up altogether I read some of this information. I know I will go back to the process tomorrow feeling much more able to do what I want about my book. Things will get done but without me pushing myself to the point where I would give up. That’s the blessing of being able to persevere. To find a different way around a block or a limitation. Letting me get where I need to go but in my own good time.

When things have really got to me I know I have to get out my spade and dig on. Keep turning things over until I find the best way of planting or nourishing the seeds of what I wish to grow. In reality giving up is never a good option. It can leave me defeated and unfulfilled. The trick is always to find another way. A different point of view. Or a recognition that a pause is a good strategy. And, of course, to employ patience and self-love in huge dollops to anything I am doing. It’s the love that can keep me on track. Recognising that today might not be the best day to do what I’m expecting of myself. And doing instead those things that feel easier, simpler or less demanding.

And, of course, to dig into that place of being instead of doing. Sometimes the most important thing I find is that I have to stop doing. And take time to be instead.

Day 608 of my blogging challenge