Moon Gazing: The Next Energy Wave

imageI’ve had a day filled with wonderful synchronicity. So many of my requests being answered so very quickly. I feel the forward momentum pulling my energy into new adventures. So no surprise on the way home to spend a little time moon gazing.

It’s not lost on me either that the numbers in today’s blog add up to twelve. I know it’s time for the next wave of Earth ArchAngels energies to be launched. I’ve been waiting for the signal to tell everyone more about it. Tonight, as I looked at the moon, I got my green for go signal. Some years ago, before I had even connected with these ArchAngels I was busy channelling ArchAngels Michael, Melchizedek and Uriel along with several of the Ascended Masters. Most of the work was done in trance with a group of loyal friends. We generated amazing energy between us based on the number nine, completion, vibration.

I was still testing the Energy Beings out during this work. I guess I will always question them and myself. It seemes to lead me to more connections not less. One particular evening I went out into the garden to look at the beauty of the full moon. She was bright in a slightly cloudy sky. As I stood there acknowledging her influence on the Earth I saw a pure golden light surround the moon. It was as if another light was shining on her. I watched in amazement as the moon started to move in the golden shimmer. I was seeing the opposite side. The side we call the dark side. As she flipped backwards and forwards I started to see geometric shapes in the surface.

I knew the shapes represented sacred geometric forms. They were moving so fast I couldn’t capture them in my mind. But I was certain that these shapes were a communication. I felt that I was being given some extra instructions if only I could work it out.

I have no idea how long this wonderful light show lasted. But suddenly the moon was covered by clouds. Her light was hidden. She stayed in cloud for the rest of the time I was out in the garden. Some time after that the trance group disbanded. We were sent on our separate missions. It was the time to move on for all of us. I was working more and more on my mediumship. My personal life was going through upheavals. Things turned upside down. I sort of forgot about the moon dance I had seen.

It can’t have been too long after that when I met Jan. I was painting again. Guidance was coming in about new work and new challenges. It seemed the meeting with Jan was fated to open up this new work. The channelling of the Pearls of Wisdom intention sprays was quickly followed by the scents of the individual ArchAngels. How far we have come. Today we discussed our Earth ArchAngels Roadshow. I have known for quite a while that one of the key parts of this work would be energy healing. For individuals but also for a much wider audience.

We have debated how this would happen for two years. The ArchAngels have contributed their opinions. However the actual method of delivering the energy waves has always been a bit vague.

At the start of this month I was told to send out three energy waves. Not full blasts in the way I know these Angels can deliver. The opening vibrations are to get people started on paying attention to the energy they give and receive. To help them ‘clean up their act’ so to speak. Alongside this I knew would be the individual energy transfer that is Parashiel’s Balm. Only I didn’t know when I would be able to really start that work. It felt like it would be soon. And I’ve had an opportunity to deliver a one to one wave today over the web.

On the way home the clouds looked like an angel’s wing, a dove in flight and an Elemental Earth Sprite. Then the moon danced for me again. She changed shape in a golden haze. This time there were rays of light radiating from an oval shaped moon. The rays beamed down to the Earth and out towards the stars. I know it’s time to start the one to one energy clearing. My work of the last two years is ready to be shared. I am  ready to be the purest channel I can be.

That is the key. At this present time I’m the only person able to bring in ArchAngel Parashiel’s energy wave. He has been teaching me the process for the last two years. The other eleven ArchAngels have worked with me to make sure that I cleaned up my own energy first.

That is the only way anyone can understand the work that is involved for others. You have to experience it before you can bring the energy through you. There are specific treatments needed to deal with the deep energy cleanse we will all need from being humans on this planet. Giving them is only possible when you have cleared your own energy of these issues. The Wysdom Odyssey is the proces that people can use in order to become channels for Parashiel’s energy.

Of course the Earth’s ArchAngels are making their presence felt to other people. They have been slowly nudging people to begin the work of clearing their own energy. The ArchAngels have also been busy at the Centre and people have sensed them. However, they have been very firm with Jan and I. We are the Guardians of their energies until more people have followed the same path as us. We have been given the standards they are setting for future Seekers, Custodians and Guardians. They will not allow anyone else to channel any of their energy waves unless they have done the required work. As they explain, it’s all about energy exchanges. What you get you must give and what you give you must get.

I know that I will continue to ‘clean up’ my energy act. It’s a requirement of being a Guardian. At the same time I can now offer Parashiel’s Balm Energy Clearing treatments. I’m looking forward to August. The ArchAngel work begins in earnest from the 12th! Such lovely moon gazing!

Day 245 of my blogging challenge.