Allowing Intuition To Emerge

I love helping people to let their intuition emerge. It’s been a passion of mine since I began to understand the process of accessing intuitive information.

Over the past couple of days I’ve had the privilege of seeing the hard work that people have been doing really pay off. I know that improving my connections has made such a difference in my work with the Energy Beings. Accurately representing them to others matters to me. So when other people work hard to understand their own energy connections I feel that we have taken another step towards Ascension Consciousness . Sitting with the groups of students trying to understand energy connections, plus a Reiki student this afternoon, I realised that I was seeing their Spirit Light emerge. Perhaps tentatively at first. But gaining in confidence over time.

We all have a Spirit Light. I’ve always called it my ‘secret messiah’. The part of me that wants to manifest for the greater good of all. The bit of me that has been trying to emerge all of the time I have been here on Earth. And the aspect of myself I have tried to suppress most often. Because that’s what we do. Misunderstand what it means to let the Spirit Light shine. I know that we accept the limitations we are exposed to. In a way I and nearly everyone else have been busy shutting down the intuitive connection every time it looked like it was going to open again. I learned to shut it down very early in my life. But I’m no different than anyone else. It’s the way of the Western world particularly to close off to intuition.

And perhaps that is why there has been such a spread of Eastern spiritual ideas. An attempt to get us to focus on what can emerge if we let it?

That’s the key. Am I brave enough to get past my fear of the unknown. How do I know what will emerge from within me? And will I really be a ‘better’ person? Of course over time I have worked through this knotty issue. A kind of push/pull debate about how to embrace more of my intuitive side. Letting my new nature emerge for a bit. Then dragging it back into the shade. Testing whether I liked the intuitive me. Wondering who I would be at the end of the journey. One of the mantras I used to encourage myself is ‘Om Mani Padme Hum.’ In a simple translation it is ‘the jewel is in the lotus’. I am the lotus. Within me is my jewel.

However, it can also be interpreted, through it’s six syllables, as a deeper appreciation of the steps necessary for enlightenment. I came across this mantra at a time when I was struggling to let my intuition emerge. I was still doubtful of my worth in the world. Because my inner confidence had been, as I felt, shaken by the events in my life. However, this mantra gave me something else to think about. Using the image of the lotus flower as it unfolds to reveal it’s heart I recognised that there are many intuitive layers to be understood. As well as many material layers to being human. It gave me confidence to keep trying. And to let myself work through each layer without fear. Now it is helping me to support others as they make their journey into enlightenment.

I am glad that I have been able to take what I need from wherever I found it. That the guidance has always emerged from the mess of my puzzlement. And that other people are making a similar journey to embrace the truths that hide in plain sight all around us.

Day 490 of my blogging challenge.

Ascension Consciousness: Back to Basics

Sitting at my desk, watching the random flakes of snow fall, my mind has been processing new information. However, a part of that has meant going back to basics. What do I already know? And what have my Guides shared with me?

For a very long time I’ve been receiving their teachings. They have been showing me the basics of how energy connections and communications work. For a lot of that time I’ve been the only one I’ve shared that information with. Firstly because I was testing myself. Or them. Second I’ve been distracted by life. Finally, I guess I wasn’t ready to share. It was only when I found my feet as a medium that I gave myself permission to have a voice. I’m in that group of people who don’t want to talk about what they know in case we are judged, have got it ‘wrong’ or feel that people will dismiss or ignore our voice. So it’s taken me a lot to push my blog out into the world. Now I’m being asked to do even more.

Hence the requirement to go back to basics. Thinking about how my connections evolved. The ways in which my Guides made themselves know to me. The struggles and joys of each step. How important it is to start from where I am. Giving myself time to learn and understand. Being motivated to push myself forward through the doubt, disbelief and fear. Because there is a new set of basics emerging. It’s time to get myself into my Ascension Consciousness. It feels like I have always known about the ‘secret Messiah‘ inside of me. That spark of Divine Love hidden within my Spirit self. And that I am meant to be a part of the global community of Spirit.

For such a long time I’ve known the basics of connecting to that community. That my connections to Energy Beings will bring it about. But not all of the details.

The how, what, where, when or even why have been only revealed bit by bit.  Now it’s time to move beyond the basics. I’m off on a journey to help people connect themselves to a conscious network of physical and non-physical beings with one sole purpose. That purpose is to share the Love energy to every single being on this planet. And beyond. Because Mother Earth is a nurturing and healing force within this part of the Universe. Our energy vibration is a gift to our corner of existence. And I know that it is required and desired by so many others. It’s time for me, for all of us, to move away from aggression, hate and fear. The power of our combined consciousness shift will move our energy vibrations into unconditional love. Then I can be a part of manifesting a whole new reality.

It’s certainly an exciting shift of perspective. And it is all about every one of us going back to the basics of how to use out intuitive nature. I’m opening up to new ways of teaching this. Ready to help people find and make their own connections to intuitive information. And to sense or experience their own Guides. The Energy Beings are waiting for the brave souls who are ready to learn the basics and then build strong, enduring connections. There is so much wisdom for all of us to access. So much sharing. And so much love. I’m really looking forward to embracing more of my Ascension Consciousness today.

Day 447 of my blogging challenge.

Ascension Consciousness

I’ve had a full day with lots of action and some deep thinking. It’s time to connect with Ascension energy for this next phase of my life.

I’m busy reshaping what work I’m going to for the next nine years. It’s time to go forward with the activities that I put in my life Blueprint before I came here. I was reminded of this tonight when I went to give a talk at a lovely local group. New Directions brings like minded people together to share mind, body and Spirit information and experiences. So the opportunity to give my forecast of the energy for the next tweleve months was too good to miss. I love combining numerology, astrology, Earth’s ArchAngels and Tarot. My talk contained elements of all of these to highlight the Ascension energy shaping our world.

Of course all the talk about Ascension isn’t new. People have been waiting for Armageddon and the last days for a long time. There are all sorts of theories about how we will ascend into the heavens and collect our reward. However, I have always been cautiously optimistic that we wouldn’t need a hero to rescue us. That we would enlighten ourselves eventually and stop needing to be human beings. For a long time I’ve known that humanity is in the process of awakening to our Spirit selves. Back in 1998 I called my business Growth Into Awareness because I felt that was the journey I was on. Along with everyone else.

At the start of this year I rebirthed my business. It is now called Growth Into Ascension. The time is right to move from waking up to getting out of bed.

As I looked into the energy of the next year everything confirmed what my Guides have been telling me for the last eight years. Spirituality has to be lived not talked about. There is no hero Messiah to save us by making us play nicely with one another. Instead I know that it is time for everyone to find the Divine within themselves. Our Spirit is what will save us. Ascension consciousness is the acknowledgement that I am more than human. And that I am ready to live my life in a different way. Not a perfect way. But I have to live my spirituality to the best of my ability.

Why does that matter? I know that we are changing the energy vibration of the Earth to create positive energy conditions for the children of the future. The Crystal children who are already here in vast numbers. If I want to leave a legacy for the seventh generation I need to start acting from a higher consciousness now. And I want to share that journey with as many people as possible. My talk this evening reaffirmed the direction that my Guides have been taking me in for sometime. I am awake, I have got out of bed and now I’m taking the action that I promised myself I would. Bit by bit we can all change the world. I hope you will join me soon.

Day 429 of my blogging challenge. 

Secret Messiah

Stack of religious books

Sometimes I wonder about all of the sacred books that are said to tell us how to live the life a Divine being wants from us. We have had prophets, messiahs, avatars & saviours. Each has been written about. Occasionally in their time but most often after the events of their life and by people who are three, four or more times removed from the action that took place. Although I’m not a literalist, I do believe that the books that were written down were designed to help people remember how to evolve spiritually. And to remember the person who had the strong connection to communication with a Divine Being. However, the times that these holy books, scriptures and testaments refer to are long past. So I don’t necessarily believe everything that is written in those books. I belive that what’s more important is for us to understand that they were written to support and to guide humanity at that time through whatever the experience of life was like.

Do we have to live today in such a way that our lives are restricted by the values, beliefs and morals that applied thousands of years ago? In yet another set of discussions with my Guides I wanted to know which spiritual rules we should be aiming to live by. I was always puzzled that the only answer I could get was one word – Love. Why only one word? These sacred books were full of rules, requirements and restrictions. I read many of these sacred texts over the course of my life. When I got the answer from my Guides I went back to source. Reading them again with a fresh pair of eyes. I was intrigued to find at the core of every document was the idea, the flavour, the aspiration that we all give and receive love to each other. The other rules were the window dressing – the formal ways in which giving love to one another could be demonstrated. As if we couldn’t work out for ourselves how to respect, share and live peaceably with one another. To do that takes love. A special kind of love – unconditional love.

More questions! In all the messages coming through today about ways to live a happy, better, contented life (think of the vast number of books on self-help, healing and spirituality for a start, never mind any reworked interpretations of religious texts) love is often pushed to the side or in the background. You can read about resolving your karma, manifesting your destiny, healing your negative energy or cutting the ties that hold you down. The subtext is really all about needing to restablish self-love and a healthy balance of giving love to others. Is it really that simple? My Guides prefer not to say, lol. They have helped me to understand that first I have to find unconditional love for myself through releasing any self-judgement or self-doubt so that I can forgive myself unconditionally. Next I have to find it within myself to be unconditionally grateful for all that I am. Embracing your shadow side is never easy but they ask me to persevere as in the end I will be ready to offer unconditional service to myself. When I can do all of these things for myself I will be ready to do the same for everyone else around me. At that point I’ll be well on the way to joining the Secret Messiahs.

One day when I was trying to understand how I had managed to limit myself in my spiritual development my Guides asked me Why are you waiting for the messiah; one person who you believe can cure all the evils of the world? Has it worked before? Has humanity been saved throughout the ages by one prophet? They wanted me to think about whether it is easier for us to externalise a God/Goddess so we can push responsibility outside of ourselves. And why do we bless this god with all of the flaws of humanity whilst at the same time suggesting this being is omnipotent and omnipresent. Would an all seeing, all knowing, ever present Divine act & react as a human would? It doesn’t seem likely if the instruction from the Divine is Love. So do we push the experience of the Divine energy outside of ourselves because it’s then easier to say we aren’t responsible for the world or the way it is? If it’s not me who is co-creating then I can step aside from any responsibility for myself, my energy and my actions. I can choose to ignore anything I wish by putting the responsibility onto someone or something else.

Perhaps writing the words of the prophets down was a mistake. They became the focus of what we understood rather than a living reminder to love ourselves & others. We have drifted away from their core meaning by arguing over what is meant by each word, line, paragraph. And now we expect a rescuer to come along and save us. After all, that is what is written in these books. When we get so far along our human journey the Divine will send us another saviour to wipe the slate clean once again. To give us fresh instructions on how to love. At this point I stepped away from what is written. One ‘voice in the wilderness’ hasn’t worked so far. It’s a worn out plan. That’s why I love to reason this out with my Guides. They were the ones who explained about the secret messiahs. It’s time for a new way of helping everyone to move forward on their spiritual journey. So this time around there are lots & lots & lots of people bring out the message that all you need is love. It’s the in all of the books I mentioned earlier. It’s going to be moving to the front soon. People will be talking, writing, painting & making the music of love to awaken everyone. Enlightenment can’t fail when inside everyone we recognise their Divine spark, their Divine love, their mission as a secret messiah.

If you have been wondering what your spiritual mission is, why you are here and what you are supposed to be doing start to think about a world full of secret messiahs. People who inspire one other person through the love they give them. Or can inspire more by living a life full of loving example. Each person inspired can go on to inspire one or more too. How quickly we could save ourselves if that wave of loving inspiration sped across the world. Start your wave of love right now. See the Divine Love within yourself, help yourself to grow that love and send it outward to the people around you. What a wonderful gift you can give to humanity ?

Day 95 of my blogging challenge.