Puzzle It Out! Dreaming Messages Again

puzzleWhat a dream filled night! And day! Yes, I’ve been getting messages through my vivid dreams again. But, as usual, I’ve been left to puzzle the messages out. If only my Guides could make it super simple for me.

I love the way my guide team want to let me know what is happening. However they often have to work their way around my Ego Mind. It doesn’t like to let go of the control it thinks I have over my life. So sometimes I get a string of vivid dreams to get a message across to me. Yet I can also be left with a puzzle. Today I started a thread on my Facebook page because of last night’s dreams. It was interesting to see how many of us had the same themes popping up. It got me thinking about the Divine Feminine energy I have been receiving. And the task we all have to make a great change in the way this world operates.

The dreams had lots of vehicles in them. Houses and rooms. People who hadn’t been around for many years. Or who were already on the higher side. Even a baby or two. Healing and rebalancing also featured. I got a very clear feeling that a wave of justice was on it’s way in. That I would be helping people get turned around and stepping into their own spiritual mission once they had realigned themselves. Perhaps it was an example of our mass dream taking place on the Spirit side of life. Something the indigenous people of Australia talk about. I wondered if all of my ‘tribe’ were dreaming about these big themes because we had to work together to puzzle it out.

Certainly the dreams send a message of movement, or getting moving, new beginnings and a recognition of the Guides who are with us. Of the ties we make across time and outside of time. Because there are many layers to any dream I will, no doubt, keep returning to the puzzle I’ve been left. Or even dream more dreams with other bits of the whole. Is it time to go to sleep yet?

Day 789 of my blogging challenge