Requesting Help: It Matters That I Do

RequestingI found myself chatting today about the flow of money energy. Requesting what you require from the Universe often revolves around resources and finances. Much of life does.

I often think how much time I’ve spent in my life trying to make sure I have the resources I need. Requesting more abundance as my finances swing up and down. But often feeling that enough money hasn’t found it’s way to me. Yet whenever I needed to pay for something somehow I, or the Universe, made sure the funds were there. Throughout my spiritual journey of the last eleven years I have come back round to this point time and again. If I trust enough in abundance I have enough. If I wobble I struggle to have enough resources. Money and I have had a love/hate/love sort of relationship. Because it’s something I can’t quite do without.

Yet I’m also hampered by all sorts of social conditions around requesting money. You see, asking for money appears to be classed as begging. Or as some sort of statement that I can’t manage financially. Whereas requesting help is much more acceptable. So long as I let people give me the help they want to. Even if it turns out to be the wrong kind of help. And abundance seems as far away as ever. It’s interesting. So I’ve had many a conversation with my Guides about the energy of money, what ‘help’ actually is and the ways in which I hide from dealing with money as a form of energy. What I’ve learned is perhaps obvious when I’m detached from events that are happening. But easy to forget when abundance seems a long way away according to my Ego Mind.

Requesting any help at all is the first big hurdle. I had lots of values around being independent, working to pay my way and dealing with life’s earthquakes on my own instilled in me.

I feel that I am expected to cope. Many of our social systems are set up to penalise those who have the misfortune to be stranded by a turn of life’s tide. Because the emphasis is on being self sufficient. Especially around money and finances. My Guides have reminded me many times that until our world values every person according to their contribution to the community, rather than as a resource to be used, the power of money will persist. What they mean is that I should look at what I offer to my community as the valuable thing. Not what my community pays me. Hard to swap to when the requirement for money is so entrenched.

Yet they also remind me that when I work at what I’m passionate about I am always rewarded. And if I am doing the things I am best at I will always have all of the help I could possibly need. So long as I’m requesting that help. That’s where those values turn around and bite me. If I don’t ask I don’t get. It took me a long time to ask the Universe, my Guides, my loved ones in Spirit, my family and my friends for help. It didn’t feel right. Or easy. So I soldiered on. Until I couldn’t go on any more. Once I hit that point I did start to ask. Slowly at first. Hesitating to find the words. How many times had I said to people ‘I’m here to help’ and wondered why they didn’t ask? They were stuck for the words. Just like me.

Requesting help was a starting point. But I had a lot more to learn. Especially about the way I asked.

Often my voice got lost. Or I asked when people weren’t listening. Even when I asked directly I would fluff the words. Or pretend it didn’t really matter. And I asked in a confusing way so that the other person didn’t really understand. Or was unaware how much help I might need. Then I would refuse the help that was being offered. Or decide it wasn’t what I  really wanted. No wonder the Universe had a full on challenge sending me what I requested. Until my Guides started to sort me out. They got me thinking about my reluctance to accept help, money, support, positivity or anything else.

And they got me to deal with all the limitations I had placed on myself. Last month, for the first time in my life, I asked clearly and loudly for help. Help with all sorts of things. I asked my family, my friends, my financial people, my Guides, my loved one’s in Spirit and anyone else I could. Help came pouring in. Abundance became my new middle name. I didn’t suddenly win the lottery. But I ended my month feeling like I had done. Requesting all sorts of things moved me forward way beyond what I expected. I do love the way my Guides like to make a point. That wonderful flow of resources has continued. It followed me into this month too.

I’m determined to keep requesting help. The conversation today was a reminder to trust that I will always be given what I require and desire. And that everyone in my community will benefit if I share my abilities in order to help others recieve what they are requesting too. Never mind the energy of money. How can I help?

Day 693 of my blogging challenge